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tallywacker 10-24-2010 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 419771)
I am with Bonesaw on this one. It's pretty clear he knew he had no game in MMA, he even said he was too old at the end of the interview. He was just doing the WWE bullshit. MMA/WWE, they are both gay, so it doesn't really matter either way to me.


derf 10-24-2010 11:49 PM

I had higher hopes for lesnar, was expecting much more from him. The undertaker was awesome though

z06boy 10-25-2010 01:50 PM

One of those "if looks could kill" moments. :lol:

I thought Brock would have handled Cain as well.

Homeslice 10-25-2010 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by TYEster (Post 419712)
BTW if you're older and still wearing a bandanna, we know you're going bald.


OneSickPsycho 10-25-2010 02:59 PM

Shit's exploding all over the internet about the fight, the Undertaker thing, and Lesnar's future...

First off, hat's off to Cain Velasquez... the guy just keeps getting better and he looked incredible Saturday night.

As for Brock, he needs to go back to square one. I fully beleive he's got the potential to be a first class fighter... as long as he can get used to getting hit in the face. Although, that was only his 2nd big problem...

Lesnar's game plan was a complete departure from his last couple fights... maybe his camp feared Velasquez's striking that much, or maybe they underestimated his wrestling that much... or maybe they thought Lesnar was too big, too strong, and too quick for anything Velasquez had to offer... who knows... Either way, the Lesnar bum rush that got him caught by Mir is what ended this fight so quickly... combine that with an adrenaline rush and energy dump...

No excuses, Brock folded under the pressure of Velasquez's strikes. Once he got hit a couple of times, he lost his composure and probably wasn't seeing very straight either. Duck and fold is NOT a competent fighter's strategy.

So does Lesnar have a chin... I think so... is he afraid of getting hit in the face... maybe... does he have some of the worst strike defense of anyone in the UFC - absofuckinglutely. His hands fall quickly and he doesn't counter... in a match against a guy who can handle Lesnar's size, match his speed, neutralize his wrestling, and has excellent striking technique... the inevitable happened.

Personally, I hope Lesnar comes back. I hope he stops trying to lead his own camp and humbles himself to grunt it out at another, more established camp. He needs to learn to better defend against strikes, counter, and establish (stick with) a good game plan. He is an amazing athlete who's just scratched the surface of his potential... However Mike Tyson said it best, "everyone has a game plan until they get punched in the mouth" or something like that.

A couple of things I noticed other than Lesnar getting whipped... 1) He's WAY smaller than he used to be... less roiding given the current climate in the UFC? focusing on leaning out to gain speed? Not sure, but he's definitely smaller. 2) His bag of tricks keeps getting deeper. Despite the ass-whipping, did anyone notice that flying knee? Actually looked pretty decent... man, that's a scary prospect... Muy Thai knees from a fucking mammoth animal like Lesnar.

As far as the Undertaker thing... I really, REALLY hope it wasn't some sort of WWE shtick... If so, that's about as low as it gets... Dude just got devestated and there you are on camera trying to bait him into a WWE match... If Lesnar was in on it, it's even worse... but for different reasons.

Other things about the whole event...

I am now a Jake Sheilds fan. Despite it not being an exciting fight, his technical prowess was INCREDIBLE. Dropping from 190 to 170 in a single day to make weight is fucking moronic and he looked dead tired a minute or so into the fight... however, sheer talent carried him through the remainder of the fight and Kampmann's ground game is no joke. The guy allowed himself to be put into the guillotine choke a couple of times just to get the fight back to the ground - and Kampmann's finished two people by guillotine and submitted others. That's fucking skills. GSP will breeze through Koscheck and Sheilds will come back in amazing condition... GSP - Sheilds all of a sudden became VERY interesting to me...

Diego Sanchez is BACK! He's an entertaining fighter and I'm really glad to see him pull out a W. Very entertaining fight... I'm not sure he'll ever be a top 10 guy again, but he's fun to watch.

Brandon Shaub really impressed me as well... Gonzaga isn't what he used to be and the heavyweight division has been evolving, but Shaub looked really good. Mir-Shaub is possible, or at least Shaub wants it... That would be a very interesting fight.

Homeslice 10-25-2010 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 419931)
Dropping from 190 to 170 in a single day to make weight

Erm, is that possible?

Porkchop 10-25-2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 419931)
Diego Sanchez is BACK! He's an entertaining fighter and I'm really glad to see him pull out a W. Very entertaining fight... I'm not sure he'll ever be a top 10 guy again, but he's fun to watch.

Brandon Shaub really impressed me as well... Gonzaga isn't what he used to be and the heavyweight division has been evolving, but Shaub looked really good. Mir-Shaub is possible, or at least Shaub wants it... That would be a very interesting fight.

Diego looked like a monster. We all thought that was the best fight of the night. Gonzaga looked odd. He looked a little timid, even in the late 3rd round when he should have been in despiration mode. He just didnt look into it...

OneSickPsycho 10-25-2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 419950)
Erm, is that possible?

Your body is 70% water...

He may be inflating the drop, but it was obvious he dropped a TON of weight to make the cut... He looked drawn out and lacked stamina... ANY stamina. This is the same guy who goes 5 rounds and looks like he could go 5 more... Dropping weight like that is certainly possible, but it's bad, bad coaching/planning. Next time he comes in at 170, he'll look way better...

OneSickPsycho 10-25-2010 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Porkchop (Post 419954)
Diego looked like a monster. We all thought that was the best fight of the night. Gonzaga looked odd. He looked a little timid, even in the late 3rd round when he should have been in despiration mode. He just didnt look into it...

Sanchez - Again, I'm glad to see him back...

Gonzaga - If you lost 4 of your previous 7 fights by getting the fuck knocked out of you, you may be a bit timid... especially after getting destroyed by Carwin and having the snot kicked out of him by Dos Santos...

Homeslice 10-25-2010 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 419958)
Your body is 70% water...

He may be inflating the drop, but it was obvious he dropped a TON of weight to make the cut... He looked drawn out and lacked stamina... ANY stamina. This is the same guy who goes 5 rounds and looks like he could go 5 more... Dropping weight like that is certainly possible, but it's bad, bad coaching/planning. Next time he comes in at 170, he'll look way better...

I agree, your body is mostly water.......But 20 lbs out of someone who is only 190 lbs to begin with (that's more than a 10% loss), in just one day.......You can only force yourself to piss, sweat or burn so much in 24 hrs........A week maybe....

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