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pauldun170 03-08-2013 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by LeeNetworX (Post 527213)
I think the "DROOOOIDDD!!!!" is the worst....especially when its full-volume.

I've picked up some odd habits on the corporate crapper in that I won't start dropping until my reading material is ready so I get my phone ready.
I ALWAYS have my phone on vibrate.
Well, yesterday I had the phone off all morning because my battery was low and I forgot my charger. It just so happens that I had a crap mate in the stall next door. Extremely rare nowadays since they are relocating everyone to other buildings and my team of 6 is one of the last few folks on the floor. We went from hundreds of people to maybe 15 people across 3 departments in huge space. You would never know that any of the other teams are there.
It is dead silent. So quiet that you end up whispering for no reason.

So I turn on my phone with Mr. Mystery of unknown department who shall be known as shiny black shoes and "DROOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID!!!!"
Fortunately he didn't have to worry about shitting his pants since...well you know.

True Story

LeeNetworX 03-08-2013 02:04 PM

pauldun170 03-08-2013 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by LeeNetworX (Post 527223)

That gives me an idea....

LeeNetworX 03-08-2013 02:07 PM

Oh no......

pauldun170 03-08-2013 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by LeeNetworX (Post 527225)
Oh no......

Just need some silver spray paint, two empty tissue boxes and some old tube socks....

Particle Man 03-08-2013 07:51 PM

Those are usually the same ones who post happy heart bullshit whenever their kid farts and post a zillion links to organic baby food and shit.

Archren 03-11-2013 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 527205)
Since I am childless, I don't like to put up with little bastard kids in adult locations, I can tolerate kids being there, but if the little dipshit is going beserk and you continue doing what you are doing like nothing is wrong, that will drive me a bit crazy. I understand some things you fully won't understand til you have to put up with the little bastards 24/7 though, but common courtesy is something we all should understand.

I have two kids, and I absolutely agree with you on this. Common courtesy is, unfortunately, not that common anymore. I don't mind if an infant/baby is crying as long as I can see the parent making a concerted effort to soothe the child or remove them from the situation. I know in some instances a parent's ability to do either is limited (on a plane, for instance.. can't get up and move around like we used to), but if I see them making an effort I might be a little bothered, but I probably won't say anything because I know sometimes that is outside of their control.

The ignoring the problem and letting a child run amok/throw a tantrum without making much or any effort? Or bringing a child that isn't old enough/behaved enough to a setting that requires proper behavior? That makes me want to choke a bitch. My kids are 7 and 5, they know "the look", and generally they are pretty well behaved in a public setting. Granted they're old enough and socialized enough now to know better than to act a fool in public, but sadly I have seen kids their age that are little fucking demons.

tommymac 03-11-2013 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 527205)
Well some of them on facebook don't do this, I am more afraid of upsetting some good friends/family that aren't doing this, than upsetting the dickbag ones. I have had a lot of friends and family that recently had children, my facebook page was filled with baby pics til I started ignoring a large portion of them.

As far as childless people, it depends on what they are ranting and raving about. Since I am childless, I don't like to put up with little bastard kids in adult locations, I can tolerate kids being there, but if the little dipshit is going beserk and you continue doing what you are doing like nothing is wrong, that will drive me a bit crazy. I understand some things you fully won't understand til you have to put up with the little bastards 24/7 though, but common courtesy is something we all should understand.

I def agree with that. Since I have 2 small crumbsuckers now I know we cannot or should not go to certain places, mostly restaurants, so were relegated to places like bennigans, fridays etc....

We went out sat night, turns out it was an insane wait and thomas was getting antsy, we wound up leaving before we even got a table. We know we have a narrow window of opportunity withthe kids and try to make the most of it. They are usualy prety good and we never had to get up and leave because of a tantrum. Sometimes I have to let thomas wander around but I am right behind him so hes not going up to other tables and bothering people.

Rangerscott 03-11-2013 02:26 PM

If I had a kid and it was throwing a fit, Id just leave .em. Find a spot to hide and watch them freak out. Thatll teach the little shit not to throw a fit. High five.

LeeNetworX 03-11-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rangerscott (Post 527288)
If I had a kid and it was throwing a fit, Id just leave .em. Find a spot to hide and watch them freak out. Thatll teach the little shit not to throw a fit. High five.

Your mastery of child development and psychology is obviously advanced, as you've figured it all out. You should have many children, should you ever find a wife or male partner who is willing to adopt with you.

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