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CasterTroy 01-26-2011 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445177)

Man, it must be nice to paint the entire world with just black and white.

The only issue seems to be AL and which side he chooses to be on that day :idk:

Trip 01-26-2011 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 445180)
The only issue seems to be AL and which side he chooses to be on that day :idk:

The only issue is everyone. People do shitty things even when they fall into your so called "good category" and the bad eggs can do very nice things as well. The world isn't defined by your simplistic view of the matter.

CasterTroy 01-26-2011 07:49 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445182)
The world isn't defined by your simplistic view of the matter.

Whether or not YOU like how I see the world is YOUR problem to deal with :nee:

Trip 01-26-2011 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 445184)
Whether or not YOU like how I see the world is YOUR problem to deal with.

LOL, point proven thanks. This is a DISCUSSION board, if you do not feel like DISCUSSING the OPINION you raised, don't post it. People are going to disagree with your views, get use to it.

CasterTroy 01-26-2011 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445185)
This is a DISCUSSION board, if you do not feel like DISCUSSING the OPINION you raised, don't post it.

:lol: suffer bitch!

OK I'll bite. Where did I say there was a "Good" and "Bad" in that?

And when did I ever say I DIDN'T park so close to that camaro that if he hit his remote unlock button we'd swap paint, JUST because he decided to strattle the line up close to the door?

I said that I've found that there are generally 2 types of people I've seemed to enounter (should have said when it comes to cars etc....but still) then I said there's the assholes

Never said I wasn't one of the assholes :idk:

Nor did I say one type of person was BETTER than the other


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445185)
People are going to disagree with your views, get use to it.

Damn don't admin two of the biggest motorcycle forums and NOT get use to THAT :lol:

Paul takes three trains and 2 cabs to go out of his way to disagree with me sometimes

wildchild 01-26-2011 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by MILK (Post 445023)
I delight in parking my 8 yr old Camry right on top of these jerks! :lol: the closer the better, just did it to a guy at my dads church a few weeks ago. It's even more fun when I get to see them getting in their car! :).

this is funny to me. i brought my truck into the city for a party. parking is at a premium and some turd with a camary had tried to make the spot in front of him too small for all but a smart car. he was pulling his hair out as I parallel parked the truck between him and another car. he was the one who "infringed" on the spot ahead of him so he was the one I left the truck nearest to. I gave him at least 2 inches from my trailer hitch.

Trip 01-26-2011 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 445187)
:lol: suffer bitch!

OK I'll bite. Where did I say there was a "Good" and "Bad" in that?

And when did I ever say I DIDN'T park so close to that camaro that if he hit his remote unlock button we'd swap paint, JUST because he decided to strattle the line up close to the door?

I said that I've found that there are generally 2 types of people I've seemed to enounter (should have said when it comes to cars etc....but still) then I said there's the assholes

Simplifying instead of saying people who care about stuff vs people who shit on stuff. Some people here believe that how you treat material objects represents what type of person you are, maybe you aren't one of those, I don't know.

I just disagreed with your view that there are only those 3 types of people. I think there is a lot more to people than that even when it comes to this.


Damn don't admin two of the biggest motorcycle forums and NOT get use to THAT :lol:

Paul takes three trains and 2 cabs to go out of his way to disagree with me sometimes
Well then why blast me about dealing with your opinion, I was simply just discussing and disagreeing.

CasterTroy 01-26-2011 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445190)

Was all I was doing. Had nothing to do with animal abuse, how someone viewed whether Clinton inhailed, etc....Simply talking about one subject (parking of cars/respect for other peoples cars in a parking lot) as if we were all standing in a parking lot watching how everyone else reacts and how they act in this ONE situation.


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445190)
I just disagreed with your view that there are only those 3 types of people.

Again....being specific....about this particular subject. Wasn't trying to paint the whole WORLD in 3 colors...again, we're all standing in a virtual parking lot looking at cars and how people parked them


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445190)
Well then why blast me about dealing with your opinion, I was simply just discussing and disagreeing.

Didn't realize I was blasting :idk: but after re-reading it I really shoulda put :nee: behind that statement.

Generally I don't take myself, or anyone ELSE too seriously. Damn I USE too :td: Use to get 3 degree's of bent outta shape and torqued up about shit people'd say on the internet. But then once I got into my 30's I realized I was just being an immature pussy about most of the stuff.

I may throw out an opinion every once and while that makes people think "WTF"? :skep: but it's more or less a passing thought I happened to just jot down without too much real "thought"

But typically, you're not gonna SEE me "blast" anyone. I apologize if it came across like that or if I came across as all high and mighty. I'm not that at all.

Trip 01-26-2011 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 445194)
But typically, you're not gonna SEE me "blast" anyone. I apologize if it came across like that or if I came across as all high and mighty. I'm not that at all.

Don't worry about it.

Let's get back to cars in parking lots.

Who leaves their shopping carts in the parking lot and who puts them in the return?

I always put mine in the return, more for the benefit of the guy who has to come out and bring them back in, than for the people in the lot.

the chi 01-26-2011 08:48 AM

I put them in the return. I always feel guilty if I even think about leaving it on the curb or just sitting out. Seems so unclassy and rude to fellow shoppers and the employees. Even at Walmart. :lol:

CasterTroy 01-26-2011 09:05 AM

In my college years I would have found a curb or an island. But the older I get the less lazy I seem to be. Even if I have to walk all the way back to the store I'll walk it back.

Not saying I think less of the people who DO it...but I don't feel like I personally need to be doing that to others or the poor guys having to play rodeo round-up for these suckers in the rain and cold.

defector 01-26-2011 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445196)
Don't worry about it.

Let's get back to cars in parking lots.

Who leaves their shopping carts in the parking lot and who puts them in the return?

I always put mine in the return, more for the benefit of the guy who has to come out and bring them back in, than for the people in the lot.

I park my bike in the cart return. Fuck your carts. They need to be on the lot damaging hoity toity fancy ass cars.

pauldun170 01-26-2011 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445196)
Don't worry about it.

Let's get back to cars in parking lots.

Who leaves their shopping carts in the parking lot and who puts them in the return?

I always put mine in the return, more for the benefit of the guy who has to come out and bring them back in, than for the people in the lot.

I ALWAYS return the cart. If a store has no place in the lot, I'll walk the cart back to where they keep em normally.

Trip 01-26-2011 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by defector (Post 445214)
I park my bike in the cart return. Fuck your carts. They need to be on the lot damaging hoity toity fancy ass cars.


Homeslice 01-26-2011 11:01 AM

I put carts in the little island so they don't roll towards someone's car, but why should I walk them all the way back to the store? Stores have employees who do that. And they're hourly, not salaried, so what do they care?

Trip 01-26-2011 11:04 AM

I love the creativity of tags on this board. LOL

Tmall 01-26-2011 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 445172)
Low self esteem is my guess...possibly brought on by a small dick.:lol: He's the type that has his dog shit on the neighbors lawn that takes extra care of his yard. How dare someone have nice things and want to keep them nice. The nerve!:wink:

Low self esteem? From the 50 year old man who lives like a teenager, always shows pictures of his new toys and upgrades on the internet, always posting half nude pics of his gf. The guy who got ragged on for over a year because he turned every thread on TWF into a story about him.. I could go on. I wouldn't be the one to cast the first stone if I lived in such a shiny glass domicile.

Edited to remove a touch of douchiness.

RedRider2k2 01-26-2011 12:23 PM

The last three cars I bought were hit in a parking lot within a year of owning them. The latest one within a month. These cars are far from fancy but it's infuriating that some dumb ass will damage it and then run off, No matter what the car is worth. This summer I was actually in the car when it got hit. The damage was borderline invisible but since the stupid bitch and her loser Boy Friend were complete assholes about it, I was sure to get a new rear bumper installed and painted on their dime.

Since then I sometimes park farther out than I have to. I dont take up 2 spaces or any of the other shit that everyone got into in this thread. Repairing that shit is expensive. With all the salt around here a simple paint chip can turn into a lot more in a hurry. I figure not wandering around the lot for a close parking spot is rewarding enough to justify parking a little further out anyway.

I can still see the humor in parking next to someone in the back of the lot though. Most people who would do that are not that likely to be the ones who accidentally ram their door into yours etc. I would probably just laugh:lol:

Particle Man 01-26-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445266)
Low self esteem? From the 50 year old man who lives like a teenager, always shows pictures of his new toys and upgrades on the internet, always posting half nude pics of his gf. The guy who got ragged on for over a year because he turned every thread on TWF into a story about him.. I could go on. I wouldn't be the one to cast the first stone if I lived in such a shiny glass apartment..

you should go check out the "Rent vs Buy" thread...


Rangerscott 01-26-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445249)
I put carts in the little island so they don't roll towards someone's car, but why should I walk them all the way back to the store? Stores have employees who do that. And they're hourly, not salaried, so what do they care?

Im lazy, but not that lazy.

pauldun170 01-26-2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445249)
I put carts in the little island so they don't roll towards someone's car, but why should I walk them all the way back to the store? Stores have employees who do that. And they're hourly, not salaried, so what do they care?

I really do it so I can stroke a superiority complex over people who don't return the carts.

Amber Lamps 01-26-2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 445182)
The only issue is everyone. People do shitty things even when they fall into your so called "good category" and the bad eggs can do very nice things as well. The world isn't defined by your simplistic view of the matter.

Uh no, "what kind of person you are" does not factor in to my view. If Mother Theresa did what you guys are describing, for that moment, she would be a bitch. What she does for the rest of her life will never erase that moment. I "judge" on a case by case basis. :lol: Today you rescue a puppy= nice guy, tomorrow you rape and murder three teenage girls=piece of crap, yesterday doesn't matter.:wink:

Amber Lamps 01-26-2011 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445266)
Low self esteem? From the 50 year old man who lives like a teenager, always shows pictures of his new toys and upgrades on the internet, always posting half nude pics of his gf. The guy who got ragged on for over a year because he turned every thread on TWF into a story about him.. I could go on. I wouldn't be the one to cast the first stone if I lived in such a shiny glass domicile.

Edited to remove a touch of douchiness.

Um no, I have WAY TOO MUCH esteem!:lol: In fact, I'm so great that I think that everyone should share in my uber-greatness.:wink: It's funny but I have posted my bike related stuff on this site and I know that a bunch of people, especially CF people, found this deplorable...:idk: What ya' gonna do?:wink:

BTW I'm curious, Dave was the one that made the initial comment about your penis AND he posts pics of his stuff AND he has a younger GF than I do that has several "half naked pics on this forum... Why no hatred for him?:lol

Homeslice 01-26-2011 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rangerscott (Post 445311)
Im lazy, but not that lazy.

It's only lazy if it hurts someone/something. It doesn't --- It gives the workers more work to do, thus they earn more money. And personally if I worked at a grocery store I would rather go out and herd carts than work the register dealing with stupid people.

tommymac 01-26-2011 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 445316)
I really do it so I can stroke a superiority complex over people who don't return the carts.

You live on LI so thats not much of a reach with all the suburban soccer moms and the sense of entitlement here ;)

Tmall 01-26-2011 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 445335)
Um no, I have WAY TOO MUCH esteem!:lol: In fact, I'm so great that I think that everyone should share in my uber-greatness.:wink: It's funny but I have posted my bike related stuff on this site and I know that a bunch of people, especially CF people, found this deplorable...:idk: What ya' gonna do?:wink:

BTW I'm curious, Dave was the one that made the initial comment about your penis AND he posts pics of his stuff AND he has a younger GF than I do that has several "half naked pics on this forum... Why no hatred for him?:lol

Dave is no fun to argue with.

Dave 01-26-2011 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445363)
Dave is no fun to argue with.

Damn straight

Amber Lamps 01-26-2011 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445363)
Dave is no fun to argue with.

pauldun170 01-26-2011 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 445357)
You live on LI so thats not much of a reach with all the suburban soccer moms and the sense of entitlement here ;)


101lifts2 01-26-2011 09:05 PM

First off....why would some of you care where people park their cars? So you can sit back and judge thinking you're God's gift to the earth?

How about people park their cars in the back so people won't ding the doors or carts won't hit the paint.

Homeslice 01-26-2011 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 445391)
How about people park their cars in the back so people won't ding the doors or carts won't hit the paint.

Or cuz they're some skinny white boy who wants to show off the new body kit on their Civic. Can't do that very well unless it's parked by itself.

Dave 01-26-2011 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 445376)

im really more like mr horse.

101lifts2 01-26-2011 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445392)
Or cuz they're some skinny white boy who wants to show off the new body kit on their Civic. Can't do that very well unless it's parked by itself.

You are talking about maybe 1%...and then unless it is doubled parked, who the fuck cares?

Amber Lamps 01-26-2011 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 445403)
You are talking about maybe 1%...and then unless it is doubled parked, who the fuck cares?

Exactly! I can see MAYBE, wasting a thought for people parked way out, possibly thinking, "what a douche" or something but to go out of your way to park next to them?

Dave 01-26-2011 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 445405)
Exactly! I can see MAYBE, wasting a thought for people parked way out, possibly thinking, "what a douche" or something but to go out of your way to park next to them?

it doubles the douche. these folks are why we have such retarded ass laws

Rangerscott 01-26-2011 11:06 PM

I smear chinchilla shit on their windows.

Dnyce 01-26-2011 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445392)
Or cuz they're some skinny white boy who wants to show off the new body kit on their Civic. Can't do that very well unless it's parked by itself.

what do u have against skinny white boys that put body kits on their civics? :lol

Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 445403)
You are talking about maybe 1%...and then unless it is doubled parked, who the fuck cares?

homeslice apparently lol

i park 7-8 spots away from other cars, not necessarily way the fuck in the back, but a good buffer zone for sure. i dont drive a $100k, but its mine and paid for, and i keep it clean and dent free. i dont want fatass soccermoms and their careless kids scratching it up as they squeeze thru, i dont want govt workers leaned up against it with their huge fucking beltloop keychains as they get tools outta their side toolboxes, and to top it off, i dont want my door swinging open and hitting someone elses car(even if its a piece of shit), nor do i want to squeeze into my own car. i respect their property just as much as i respect my own, even if i dont think too highly of them for driving that dirty pos around.

ill walk alil extra for that convienance. however, i put carts away just so i can ride em thru the parking lot and then crash em into the rest of the carts :boobs:

z06boy 01-27-2011 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445122)
Who ever said anything about damaging their vehicle or inconveniencing them? You guys just make shit up as you go?

I just think it's hilarious if somebody is so anal they intentionally park as far as possible away from the common folk. So, I park in the spot next to them so they effectively wasted their time...

Nope...I haven't wasted anything as long as you don't ding my car. It's the people that don't really care where I park or where they park and don't care about cars in general that I worry about so I choose to park away from the masses. :idk:

Kaneman 01-27-2011 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 445455)
Nope...I haven't wasted anything as long as you don't ding my car. It's the people that don't really care where I park or where they park and don't care about cars in general that I worry about so I choose to park away from the masses. :idk:

Exactly. The point isn't to showcase your car so everyone can see it, it is simply to lessen the risk of getting door dings from people with their heads in their ass.

Homeslice 01-27-2011 12:27 PM

The point WAS showcasing your car to several people I knew when I was younger. Always had to show off their latest mods, or park together as a "team". There was this one "crew" who did that at both high school and the movies and anywhere they went.......It became a joke because sometimes a few of us who weren't part of their "crew" would park a totally unrelated vehicle right next to them (like a beat-up F150), taking up 2 spaces just like each of them did, wheels cocked in the same direction, just to fuck with them :lol:

z06boy 01-27-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445534)
The point WAS showcasing your car to several people I knew when I was younger. Always had to show off their latest mods, or park together as a "team". There was this one "crew" who did that at both high school and the movies and anywhere they went.......It became a joke because sometimes people in totally unrelated vehicles (like an F150) would park next to them, wheels turned in the same direction and everything, just to fuck with them :lol:

Now that is funny. :lol:

I remember back when I was in Japan in the service I bought a Mazda with a Rotory engine and hopped it up a little and did some cosmetic changes to make it look good and when I started dating a Japanese girl I hung out with some Japanese people and on Friday and Saturday night when we pulled in to the A & W Drive In...yep that's right :rofl:...the Toyota's would be in one section...Nissan's in another and Mazda's in another. It was pretty cool and fun but it always surprised a few to see my white azz in there with the locals. We were "Fast And Furious" before it ever came out in the States. :rofl: I laughed my azz off when those movies started coming was a trip living over there...surprised I made it back alive to be honest.

CasterTroy 01-27-2011 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 445541)
it always surprised a few to see my white azz in there with the locals.

Bet you were a giant there weren't you :lol:

z06boy 01-27-2011 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 445561)
Bet you were a giant there weren't you :lol:

If you were 6 ft. or over yep pretty much !! :rofl:

Tmall 01-27-2011 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 445524)
Exactly. The point isn't to showcase your car so everyone can see it, it is simply to lessen the risk of getting door dings from people with their heads in their ass.

I've never had a door ding or dinged anyone's door. How often do you think it happens? Do you not park if you can't park without anybody in an adjacent space? Wouldn't you like to have cars on either side to protect from errant carts?

Particle Man 01-27-2011 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445611)
I've never had a door ding or dinged anyone's door. How often do you think it happens? Do you not park if you can't park without anybody in an adjacent space? Wouldn't you like to have cars on either side to protect from errant carts?

My doors are all fucked up from careless bastards who don't give a shit about other people's things. It isn't fancy but it's mine and it's paid off and the fact that people are inconsiderate pricks just pisses me off.

Dave 01-27-2011 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 445561)
Bet you were a giant there weren't you :lol:

Bet the first time he whipped it out the japanese girlfriend screamed godzilla

Tmall 01-27-2011 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 445631)
My doors are all fucked up from careless bastards who don't give a shit about other people's things. It isn't fancy but it's mine and it's paid off and the fact that people are inconsiderate pricks just pisses me off.

Both of our cars (gf and myself) don't have a single one..

Homeslice 01-27-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 445642)
Bet the first time he whipped it out the japanese girlfriend screamed godzilla

You fantasizing about z06boy's package?

Dave 01-27-2011 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445660)
You fantasizing about z06boy's package?

nope. not concerned where other folks park their cars or spend their money either. wonder if those things are connected?....:lol

Homeslice 01-27-2011 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 445663)
nope. not concerned where other folks park their cars or spend their money either. wonder if those things are connected?....:lol

you mean like owning skinny j-spec scrubs who park together in a "crew" is positively correlated with dick size? check

Amber Lamps 01-27-2011 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445667)
you mean like owning skinny j-spec scrubs who park together in a "crew" is positively correlated with dick size? check

I think that he's saying that being so overwhelmingly concerned with what the "crew" is doing, to the point of actually going out of your way to annoy them, is correlated to dick size...:lol:

Tmall actually listed a number of things about me that he apparently considers to be "faults" that should keep me penned up in my "glass domicile"... Again, everything I do, I do for me without harming others in any way. In fact, it never occurs to me to even consider anyone else when I buy a helmet or bike accessory. On the other hand, you are so bothered by these guys and their cars that you would stop whatever you are doing just to park by them. In a perverse attempt to prevent them from having a good time in their own way...

I don't know about you but me and my friends in Michigan used to meet up at Krispy Kreme on Sat, park way off in the corner, shoot the shit for hours and go for rides. It would really suck if some pissant would have found some way to mess that up for us. Oh wait, someone did... Someone complained to KK and they forbade us from hanging out there, even though we had never done anything wrong on their lot. I honestly hate people that have nothing better to do than try and break up someone else's fun for spite. Fucking weak!

askmrjesus 01-27-2011 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 445688)

I don't know about you but me and my friends in Michigan used to meet up at Krispy Kreme on Sat, park way off in the corner, shoot the shit for hours and go for rides.

So, you were a cop?


Trip 01-27-2011 10:06 PM

The tags are more entertaining than the thread

"i park my cock far away" is my favorite.

Dave 01-27-2011 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 445688)
I think that he's saying that being so overwhelmingly concerned with what the "crew" is doing, to the point of actually going out of your way to annoy them, is correlated to dick size...:lol:

Tmall actually listed a number of things about me that he apparently considers to be "faults" that should keep me penned up in my "glass domicile"... Again, everything I do, I do for me without harming others in any way. In fact, it never occurs to me to even consider anyone else when I buy a helmet or bike accessory. On the other hand, you are so bothered by these guys and their cars that you would stop whatever you are doing just to park by them. In a perverse attempt to prevent them from having a good time in their own way...

I don't know about you but me and my friends in Michigan used to meet up at Krispy Kreme on Sat, park way off in the corner, shoot the shit for hours and go for rides. It would really suck if some pissant would have found some way to mess that up for us. Oh wait, someone did... Someone complained to KK and they forbade us from hanging out there, even though we had never done anything wrong on their lot. I honestly hate people that have nothing better to do than try and break up someone else's fun for spite. Fucking weak!

Yep. Im including slice in the never satisfied a woman sexually category. Probably gets jealous of a tube of lipstick

Amber Lamps 01-28-2011 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 445724)
Yep. Im including slice in the never satisfied a woman sexually category. Probably gets jealous of a tube of lipstick

:lol: I don't know about all that but I'll never understand why someone would try and ruin some other guys' get together regardless if they approve of what the group does.:idk:

Homeslice 01-28-2011 02:26 AM

How is parking next to someone "ruining" anything or preventing anyone from having a good time?

Damn, you guys need to lighten up. Like you never pulled pranks on anyone. Hell, what I'm describing doesn't even qualify as a prank IMO. :idk: Prank = physically harming or inconveniencing someone, like slapping them upside the head, or setting up a cup of water to fall on someone when they open their locker. I'm quite sure all of you pulled that kind of thing and worse.

Tmall 01-28-2011 06:21 AM

Tigger you're a riot. I never said you had any faults. I swear it's like debating a pms'ing teenager.

If you would have taken a second to think about what I wrote instead of having a menstrual session, you'd have noticed I was pointing out that the things you do on here could very well stem from low self esteem. Yet, you're more than willing to attack my character because of how I entertain myself.

Papa_Complex 01-28-2011 06:29 AM

In my day we filled lockers with foam peanuts and shaving cream.

Amber Lamps 01-28-2011 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 445770)
How is parking next to someone "ruining" anything or preventing anyone from having a good time?

Damn, you guys need to lighten up. Like you never pulled pranks on anyone. Hell, what I'm describing doesn't even qualify as a prank IMO. :idk: Prank = physically harming or inconveniencing someone, like slapping them upside the head, or setting up a cup of water to fall on someone when they open their locker. I'm quite sure all of you pulled that kind of thing and worse.

Dude, you stated that you do it just to mess with them. You intended to "break up" their look at me session for no reason other than malice. You wanted to prevent them from having the perfect line up they were after. Again, motivation.

z06boy 01-28-2011 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 445642)
Bet the first time he whipped it out the japanese girlfriend screamed godzilla

:rofl: The land of girls with small hands !!


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 445631)
My doors are all fucked up from careless bastards who don't give a shit about other people's things. It isn't fancy but it's mine and it's paid off and the fact that people are inconsiderate pricks just pisses me off.

Yep and that's what I try to avoid...hate when people don't give a fvck about other people's stuff. I also mentioned parking my 99 Jeep away from other cars because of may have been old but it was mine and I like to keep it nice too. :cheers:

As mentioned by Amberlamps...parking in the end slot next to the landscaping has it's advantages too.


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445611)
I've never had a door ding or dinged anyone's door. How often do you think it happens? Do you not park if you can't park without anybody in an adjacent space? Wouldn't you like to have cars on either side to protect from errant carts?

Unfortunately around here it happens alot. They keep making the spaces smaller and smaller so they can cram more cars in smaller lots so I choose to park a bit out from everyone for this very reason. Again...I don't take up two spaces or anything...just park a little further out than the masses usually. I usually look to see which way the carts may roll too. :rofl:

Papa_Complex 01-28-2011 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 445816)
As mentioned by Amberlamps...parking in the end slot next to the landscaping has it's advantages too.

Yup; grass clippings and weed whacker marks.

z06boy 01-28-2011 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 445836)
Yup; grass clippings and weed whacker marks.

Well for me it's usually nights and weekends so they aren't doing that stuff.

During the week I park in a parking deck at work and have a nice car on each side and not mom and her 4 crumb snatchers that just sling the doors open in the stationwagon with the missing hubcap or three. :lol:

karl_1052 01-28-2011 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 445611)
I've never had a door ding or dinged anyone's door. How often do you think it happens? Do you not park if you can't park without anybody in an adjacent space? Wouldn't you like to have cars on either side to protect from errant carts?

I have door dings on both sides of my winter beater. they were there before I got the car.

I went to NY state before christmas, and those people know how to eat, but they can't park for shit. The mall parking lot looked like an example of the chaos theory.

Particle Man 01-28-2011 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 445860)
I went to NY state before christmas, and those people know how to eat, but they can't park for shit. The mall parking lot looked like an example of the chaos theory.

QFT - I avoid malls and shit around here for that reason.

askmrjesus 01-28-2011 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 445880)
QFT - I avoid malls and shit around here for that reason.

I avoid malls so I don't run into Homeslice.


Particle Man 01-29-2011 09:31 AM


G-Rex 01-29-2011 09:37 AM

I just don't want my car dinged up. It's that damn simple.

I'm glad I don't live near some of y'all.

Tmall 01-29-2011 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by G-Rex (Post 446063)
I just don't want my car dinged up. It's that damn simple.

I'm glad I don't live near some of y'all.

And this right here is why I do it.. :lol

Amber Lamps 01-29-2011 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 446066)
And this right here is why I do it.. :lol

Main Entry: malĀ·ice
Pronunciation: \ˈma-ləs\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin malitia, from malus bad
Date: 14th century
1 : desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another
2 : intent to commit an unlawful act or cause harm without legal justification or excuse
synonyms malice, malevolence, ill will, spite, malignity, spleen, grudge mean the desire to see another experience pain, injury, or distress. malice implies a deep-seated often unexplainable desire to see another suffer <felt no malice toward their former enemies>. malevolence suggests a bitter persistent hatred that is likely to be expressed in malicious conduct <a look of dark malevolence>. ill will implies a feeling of antipathy of limited duration <ill will provoked by a careless remark>. spite implies petty feelings of envy and resentment that are often expressed in small harassments <petty insults inspired by spite>. malignity implies deep passion and relentlessness <a life consumed by motiveless malignity>. spleen suggests the wrathful release of latent spite or persistent malice <venting his spleen against politicians>. grudge implies a harbored feeling of resentment or ill will that seeks satisfaction <never one to harbor a grudge>.

Tmall 01-29-2011 12:38 PM

2. butt hurt

A display of bruised feelings; usually over something lame.

Buffy got all butt hurt when Tyler held a seat for Brittney.

3. butt hurt

easily offended when one takes something too personally

jenny tries to hide her low self-esteem by being cocky. when joe tells her she's ugly, jenny gets BUTT HURT

Homeslice 01-29-2011 01:26 PM

Someone would have to be pretty weak-minded if they felt "maliced" or "anguished" because Tmall parked next to them in the back of the lot. He isn't going to be the type of person who would ding their door.

"Yeah, let's go way out to the back of the lot and ding this guy's door, and then better yet, let's remain here so that he knows who did it".........Yeah that makes sense.

So what is there to be afraid of? It's just a joke. Or is there something else other than your car that you're trying to protect?

azoomm 01-29-2011 01:56 PM

I'm now going to park out farther just to make malicious people walk farther than before. :lol:

tommymac 01-29-2011 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 446107)
I'm now going to park out farther just to make malicious people walk farther than before. :lol:

Now whos showing mallice :lol:

Amber Lamps 01-29-2011 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 446101)
Someone would have to be pretty weak-minded if they felt "maliced" or "anguished" because Tmall parked next to them in the back of the lot. He isn't going to be the type of person who would ding their door.

"Yeah, let's go way out to the back of the lot and ding this guy's door, and then better yet, let's remain here so that he knows who did it".........Yeah that makes sense.

So what is there to be afraid of? It's just a joke. Or is there something else other than your car that you're trying to protect?

Uhuh...A "joke" is rarely funny to the victim. Look, the actual outcome is not the point, it is his admitted intent to do "harm" that defines it as a malicious act. Let me "dumb this down" for you. If you do something with the intent of causing a negative reaction, however slight, it is malice. Pure and simple. Hoe the other person reacts isn't Germain to the discussion. You all can justify this any way you wish but the bottom line is that you are doing it with malicious intent.

Apparently, there are two types of people om this forum, those that care about their vehicles, worked hard for them and would like to keep them nice and those that don't care about their vehicles, scorn those that do and endeavor to prevent them from fully enjoying their vehicles. Quite frankly, I don't see what harm "skinny white boys" are doing to you by lining up their cars and showing them off. I see that kind of thing around here all the time. Except it crosses all age, gender and race boundaries here. There were a bunch of older white guys with older American cars parked on the lot last Summer. Good thing you weren't around to ruin it for them.

Amber Lamps 01-29-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 446096)
2. butt hurt

A display of bruised feelings; usually over something lame.

Buffy got all butt hurt when Tyler held a seat for Brittney.

3. butt hurt

easily offended when one takes something too personally

jenny tries to hide her low self-esteem by being cocky. when joe tells her she's ugly, jenny gets BUTT HURT

Whatever, I'm not the one that's upset that people don't want to park next to my piece of shit car.


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 446107)
I'm now going to park out farther just to make malicious people walk farther than before. :lol:


Amber Lamps 01-29-2011 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 446108)
Now whos showing mallice :lol:

Yea, she's going to force these assholes to dip into their crack fund to buy shoes from walking farther.:lol:

tommymac 01-29-2011 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 446112)
Yea, she's going to force these assholes to dip into their crack fund to buy shoes from walking farther.:lol:

Well at least theyre at the mall already so they can buy new shoes :lol:

Amber Lamps 01-29-2011 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 446115)
Well at least theyre at the mall already so they can buy new shoes :lol:


Maybe I'm too damn lazy but I can't even imagine making myself walk farther to get into the Mall just to annoy some random stranger? This is get a life at it's finest!:lol:

Homeslice 01-29-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 446109)
Uhuh...A "joke" is rarely funny to the victim. Look, the actual outcome is not the point, it is his admitted intent to do "harm" that defines it as a malicious act. Let me "dumb this down" for you. If you do something with the intent of causing a negative reaction, however slight, it is malice. Pure and simple. Hoe the other person reacts isn't Germain to the discussion. You all can justify this any way you wish but the bottom line is that you are doing it with malicious intent.

The actual outcome isn't important? So, the fact that nobody's car got dinged isn't important? :lol:

If I owned a Porsche or something and parked it way out there, and then later after I came out the store I saw a beater parked next to me, I would (or should) think it's funny. If for some reason I got offended, maybe it's a sign that I should lighten up.

If nobody were allowed to "commit malice" or whatever you want to call it, then nobody would learn any life lessons. For example, when other kids made fun of you in school, it taught you to either A) grow a pair and retaliate, or B) grow a pair and stop taking shit personally. Either choice requires growing a pair and getting some self-esteem.

When people feel offended, 90% of the time it's their own doing and their own choice.

Amber Lamps 01-29-2011 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 446127)
The actual outcome isn't important? So, the fact that nobody's car got dinged isn't important? :lol:

If I owned a Porsche or something and parked it way out there, and then later after I came out the store I saw a beater parked next to me, I would (or should) think it's funny. If for some reason I got offended, maybe it's a sign that I should lighten up.

If nobody were allowed to "commit malice" or whatever you want to call it, then nobody would learn any life lessons. For example, when other kids made fun of you in school, it taught you to either A) grow a pair and retaliate, or B) grow a pair and stop taking shit personally. Either choice requires growing a pair and getting some self-esteem.

When people feel offended, 90% of the time it's their own doing and their own choice.

No, no, no little one the outcome is irrelevant because it is your intent to do harm that defines the term. If I take a gun, point it at you and fire, I am committing a malicious act whether or not I actually hit you. Your stated purpose was to cause these "skinny, white boys" emotional duress, it doesn't matter whether they laugh, cry or kick your ass. YOUR intent remains the same.

BTW as far as "learning life lessons" go, I'm not sure why you and your ilk have taken it upon yourselves to go out of your way to teach the rest of us character lessons but you can go ahead and take me out of your class roster.

Tmall 01-29-2011 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 446133)
No, no, no little one the outcome is irrelevant because it is your intent to do harm that defines the term. If I take a gun, point it at you and fire, I am committing a malicious act whether or not I actually hit you. Your stated purpose was to cause these "skinny, white boys emotional duress, it doesn't matter whether they laugh, cry or kick your ass. YOUR intent remains the same.

You've past arguing for arguing sake and are now starting to sound like an idiot.

Amber Lamps 01-29-2011 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 446134)
You've past arguing for arguing sake and are now starting to sound like an idiot.

Yes I know... I'm the one that goes around fucking with random people for no apparent reason.... What an idiot I am.:lol:

101lifts2 01-30-2011 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 446127)
The actual outcome isn't important? So, the fact that nobody's car got dinged isn't important? :lol:

If I owned a Porsche or something and parked it way out there, and then later after I came out the store I saw a beater parked next to me, I would (or should) think it's funny. If for some reason I got offended, maybe it's a sign that I should lighten up....

Still funny if your Porsche had a door ding that you couldn't prove was the done by the car next to you?


...If nobody were allowed to "commit malice" or whatever you want to call it, then nobody would learn any life lessons. For example, when other kids made fun of you in school, it taught you to either A) grow a pair and retaliate, or B) grow a pair and stop taking shit personally. Either choice requires growing a pair and getting some self-esteem.

When people feel offended, 90% of the time it's their own doing and their own choice.
I believe the whole point to Amber's stance is such that why one would care where others park unless they have self esteem, anger or jealously issues.

Amber Lamps 01-30-2011 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 446189)
Still funny if your Porsche had a door ding that you couldn't prove was the done by the car next to you?

I believe the whole point to Amber's stance is such that why one would care where others park unless they have self esteem, anger or jealously issues.

Yea he'd smile until he got home and found that ding....

Exactly my point, who's the asshole, the guy parking his vehicle out in the back to protect it or the guys going out of their way to fuck with them? The original tone of this thread suggested that it was the former.

Homeslice 01-30-2011 04:27 AM

Like I said 3-4 times already, a guy like Tmall who goes and parks next to you isn't going to ding you. It's common sense. Why would he stay there after dinging you?

Yeah, like he's going to ding you and then leave his car there, allowing you to retaliate or beat his ass. Yeah ok. :rolleyes:

Amber Lamps 01-30-2011 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 446195)
Like I said 3-4 times already, a guy like Tmall who goes and parks next to you isn't going to ding you. It's common sense. Why would he stay there after dinging you?

Yeah, like he's going to ding you and then leave his car there, so that you can take down his plate number or wait for him and beat his ass. Yeah ok. :rolleyes:

Hahahaha ! The "dinging" isn't the point man, its the motivation behind him parking there to begin with. What is so hard to understand about that? He wants the guy to come out of the business and be anxious about his car because there's some piece of shit parked next to it. You want to ruin the "skinny white boys" presentation. I personally believe that there is something wrong with anyone that would go out of their way to cause harm to another human being. Period.

askmrjesus 01-30-2011 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Amber Lamps (Post 446198)
I personally believe that there is something wrong with anyone that would go out of their way to cause harm to another human being. Period.

Every time you post it makes my head hurt, yet you continue to do it.

Clearly, there is something wrong with you.


Amorok 01-30-2011 09:53 AM

Alls I know is this: If I need a parking space and you are taking up two, I'm gonna key your car. One of the idiots in my dorm at the forks would take up two spaces for his stupid four year old F150. There were 30 spaces for a dorm with over 200 guys in it! Fuck that, you're getting your shit keyed. Put a car cover on if it's that big a deal.

Tmall 01-30-2011 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by Amorok (Post 446207)
Alls I know is this: If I need a parking space and you are taking up two, I'm gonna key your car. One of the idiots in my dorm at the forks would take up two spaces for his stupid four year old F150. There were 30 spaces for a dorm with over 200 guys in it! Fuck that, you're getting your shit keyed. Put a car cover on if it's that big a deal.

That's cool. Just don't park next to em... :lol

askmrjesus 01-30-2011 10:30 AM

Lance: Still got your Malibu?
Vincent: Aw, man. You know what some fucker did the other day?
Lance: What?
Vincent: Fucking keyed it.
Lance: Oh, man, that's fucked up.
Vincent: Tell me about it. I had it in storage for three years, it was out for five days and some dickless piece of shit fucked with it.
Lance: They should be fucking killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.
Vincent: Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it.
Lance: What a fucker!
Vincent: What's more chickenshit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't fuck with another man's vehicle.
Lance: You don't do it.
Vincent: It's just against the rules


Amorok 01-30-2011 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 446212)
That's cool. Just don't park next to em... :lol

When there aren't any other parking places there aren't any options, and that's when I go all wolverine on that shit.

tommymac 01-30-2011 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 446215)
Lance: Still got your Malibu?
Vincent: Aw, man. You know what some fucker did the other day?
Lance: What?
Vincent: Fucking keyed it.
Lance: Oh, man, that's fucked up.
Vincent: Tell me about it. I had it in storage for three years, it was out for five days and some dickless piece of shit fucked with it.
Lance: They should be fucking killed. No trial, no jury, straight to execution.
Vincent: Boy, I wish I could've caught him doing it. I'd have given anything to catch that asshole doing it. It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it.
Lance: What a fucker!
Vincent: What's more chickenshit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't fuck with another man's vehicle.
Lance: You don't do it.
Vincent: It's just against the rules


Well played :lol:

101lifts2 01-30-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 446195)
Like I said 3-4 times already, a guy like Tmall who goes and parks next to you isn't going to ding you. It's common sense. Why would he stay there after dinging you?

Yeah, like he's going to ding you and then leave his car there, allowing you to retaliate or beat his ass. Yeah ok. :rolleyes:

The question still remains....why would you do it in the first place? You aren't in high school anymore homie. If that isn't the reason, then the next best guess is some personal issues.

Tmall 01-30-2011 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 446233)
The question still remains....why would you do it in the first place? You aren't in high school anymore homie. If that isn't the reason, then the next best guess is some personal issues.

The more important question is, why would it bother you? Are you that entitled? You realize you don't own the park spot. You're borrowing it.

101lifts2 01-30-2011 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 446234)
The more important question is, why would it bother you? Are you that entitled? You realize you don't own the park spot. You're borrowing it.

Don't answer a question with a question. I asked why you would even consider it in the first place?

askmrjesus 01-30-2011 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 446235)
Don't answer a question with a question.

Why not?


tommymac 01-30-2011 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 446240)
Why not?


Why ask why?

Tmall 01-30-2011 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 446235)
Don't answer a question with a question. I asked why you would even consider it in the first place?

Did I hit a sore spot with the entitlement question? Why shouldn't I park next to that car?


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 446241)
Why ask why?


tommymac 01-30-2011 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 446244)
Did I hit a sore spot with the entitlement question? Why shouldn't I park next to that car?


I was making a failed joke at the old bud dry commercials

Amber Lamps 01-30-2011 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by 101lifts2 (Post 446235)
Don't answer a question with a question. I asked why you would even consider it in the first place?

Malice and jealousy... They keep using terms like "entitled", "showing off" and "away from us common folks". They see something that someone else has that they'll never attain so they have devised a passive/aggressive method to garner some small sense of self satisfaction. Seriously pathetic IMHO.

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