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CrazyKell 04-29-2010 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by KSGregman (Post 367512)
Agreed....the only point I was trying to make was that there are A LOT of opportunities to make choices PRIOR to pregnancy too.

And when it fails? And you just don't want the kid? Step up and be "responsible" and give some kid a terrible childhood because you didn't want them?


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 367544)
Who gives a flying fuck why the woman got pregnant, whether it was her fault or not? It does not benefit society to have unwanted babies that will in turn produce more unwanted babies.

Yes. this. this a thousand times over THIS!

Trip 04-29-2010 11:27 AM

I still think we need an abortion option for men. It's a woman's body and she gets the choice, that's all fine and dandy. If you want to keep it and the man doesn't, it's your body, so you get to raise it and keep it yourself without any financial or any other responsibility from the man.

Choice for everyone!

z06boy 04-29-2010 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 367549)
I still think we need an abortion option for men. It's a woman's body and she gets the choice, that's all fine and dandy. If you want to keep it and the man doesn't, it's your body, so you get to raise it and keep it yourself without any financial or any other responsibility from the man.

Choice for everyone!

100% AGREED !!!! I've always thought this. Why should the guy have to just stand on the sideline and wait for her to make the decision ? Before you jump in and say "but it's her body"...then fine...if you want it and he doesn't...then YOU pay. Funny how people like to throw out "well it takes two to tango"...but funny how "two don't have say so in the matter".

I mean looking from the other side what if the guy wants the baby and she doesn't...feck choice BUT if she decides to...boy you gots to pay !! I've always thought this was BS.

Homeslice 04-29-2010 02:37 PM

100% truth. Women are given so much slack in this country it's ridiculous. "Oh we must protect women and their feelings!!! They are the fairer sex, so whatever they ask for should be granted" :bs:

the chi 04-29-2010 02:42 PM

I sincerely hope you are being funny. If so, you fail, but surely you arent suggesting that women havent had to fight tooth and nail to even be CONSIDERED possibly an equal to man. And in still arent.

Come back and make that argument when women are getting equal pay for the same jobs, the opportunity for certain jobs and much more in the way of equal rights. You should have been born in the 1800's with that retarded viewpoint, at least hen you're woman wouldnt talk back and couldnt vote you off the island.

How ridiculous.

Trip 04-29-2010 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 367615)
I sincerely hope you are being funny. If so, you fail, but surely you arent suggesting that women havent had to fight tooth and nail to even be CONSIDERED possibly an equal to man. And in still arent.

Come back and make that argument when women are getting equal pay for the same jobs, the opportunity for certain jobs and much more in the way of equal rights. You should have been born in the 1800's with that retarded viewpoint, at least hen you're woman wouldnt talk back and couldnt vote you off the island.

How ridiculous.

You can't honestly think that abortion isn't a one sided opinion. Either it's your body or it's a two person decision. Make up ya'll fucking minds.

pauldun170 04-29-2010 02:56 PM

The act of sex is a consent form stating that you agree to be held responsible for the product. If you sign the dotted line (spooge being the ink and the dotted line being located up her whoo-ha), you agree.

The State feels that it is in everyone's best interest to hold both parents accountable when it comes to caring for a minor. Traditionally it is assumed that the women is best suited as primary caregiver. If you want to eliminate favoritism towards woemn in family court. Start proving that men are equal at raiing young-ins (which they are).

I can't wait until the last bastion of pay BS dissapears in this country because 99% of the time I hear some women complaining about pay bullshit, it is totally unsupported nonsense spouted only because they "heard about it". I understand that historically it occured and in certain regions\professions sexist bs sprouts up but in the vast majority testimony I have heard it has been total bs.

Trip 04-29-2010 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 367618)
The act of sex is a consent form stating that you agree to be held responsible for the product. If you sign the dotted line (spooge being the ink and the dotted line being located up her whoo-ha), you agree.

It's a one sided contract that she can opt out of signing. It's completely retarded. I like tigger's approach to be honest, but I understand not everyone wants to snip their nuts.

Papa_Complex 04-29-2010 03:00 PM

It may be a contract, but it's an unequal one when it comes to real responsibility and risk. The person who takes the most risk and bears the brunt of the responsibility is the one with the biggest say. That's how it is. That's how it should be.

Trip 04-29-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 367620)
It may be a contract, but it's an unequal one when it comes to real responsibility and risk. The person who takes the most risk and bears the brunt of the responsibility is the one with the biggest say. That's how it is. That's how it should be.

If she decides to see it through term, she takes on that responsibility on her own. Birth control and Plan B are both low risk options and abortion isn't anywhere near the risk of a pregnancy. That doesn't hold water.

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