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Homeslice 05-05-2010 01:20 PM

Some of the dude's questions are legit. Most sportbikers I know are pretty similar --- They're all economically conservative yet socially liberal, and enjoy guns, cars, martial arts, and video games. And they usually have technical or engineering type jobs.

Particle Man 05-05-2010 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 369606)
I'll be your Huckleberry

1. Your age, location and profession.

38; Ottawa, Canada; IT professional

3. Thoughts about working for a car share although you prefer riding bikes.

Working for a car share? I wouldn't want to be part of a car share. I make enough money to afford my own car, and I don't care about the environment enough to share a vehicle. Car shares are a step in the direction of communisim.

4. Your current bike's make and model. Describe how it looks, sounds, feels.

2007 Suzuki Hayabusa. It looks good(to me. Others, not so much). It sounds like every other I4 bike in the world, and it feels like a rocket propelled Killer Whale covered in KY about to jump the Grand Canyon in a speedo.

5. Your first bike and how you got it.

1982 Yamaha RD350. I bought it.

6. Your ideal bike.

No such thing.

7. Do you fit the personality most often associated with whichever category of bike you have? Do the personalities of others you know fit their bikes' categories?

This is the gayest question I have ever read. Stereotype much? Do you ask african americans if they stole something today? Do you ask asians if they like the taste of Cats? Do you ask gingers what it is like to live without a soul?

8. What does a bike say about its owner?

That the owner liked that bike enough to part with cash for it.
Another moronic question, BTW.

You appear to be in the minority in knowing what the f**k a Carshare is. Care to share this knowledge oh great one?

karl_1052 05-05-2010 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Particle Man (Post 369619)
You appear to be in the minority in knowing what the f**k a Carshare is. Care to share this knowledge oh great one?

If it is what I think it is, there are companies setup in cities that own a fleet of small cars. You pay a monthly fee, and then you find out where the car is(by GPS), go to it with a swipe card and use it for as long as you want. Of course there are tons of rules, and I don't think I would want to get a car after some ass munch drove his buddies home from the bar, and 3 of them puked all over the interior at 3am. Now at 10am, you go and get the car, and the puke hasn't been cleaned up, and it has been baking in the sun for the last 4 hours.

No thanks.

Tsunami 05-05-2010 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 369644)
If it is what I think it is, there are companies setup in cities that own a fleet of small cars. You pay a monthly fee, and then you find out where the car is(by GPS), go to it with a swipe card and use it for as long as you want. Of course there are tons of rules, and I don't think I would want to get a car after some ass munch drove his buddies home from the bar, and 3 of them puked all over the interior at 3am. Now at 10am, you go and get the car, and the puke hasn't been cleaned up, and it has been baking in the sun for the last 4 hours.

No thanks.

If that is what you are talking about the only place I have ever seen it is in San Francisco. Yeah no thanks, I rather drive my own beater around with my own filth.

Homeslice 05-05-2010 06:10 PM

One of the services is called zipcar, and it's to their best interest to check on the cars periodically to make sure they're clean. The odds that someone will have puked in the car right before you get it are, shall we say, rather slim.

Particle Man 05-05-2010 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 369644)
If it is what I think it is, there are companies setup in cities that own a fleet of small cars. You pay a monthly fee, and then you find out where the car is(by GPS), go to it with a swipe card and use it for as long as you want. Of course there are tons of rules, and I don't think I would want to get a car after some ass munch drove his buddies home from the bar, and 3 of them puked all over the interior at 3am. Now at 10am, you go and get the car, and the puke hasn't been cleaned up, and it has been baking in the sun for the last 4 hours.

No thanks.

'round here that's hilarious :lol: - you'd need a car just to get to the freakin' car :lol:

Dave 05-06-2010 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by karl_1052 (Post 369644)
If it is what I think it is, there are companies setup in cities that own a fleet of small cars. You pay a monthly fee, and then you find out where the car is(by GPS), go to it with a swipe card and use it for as long as you want. Of course there are tons of rules, and I don't think I would want to get a car after some ass munch drove his buddies home from the bar, and 3 of them puked all over the interior at 3am. Now at 10am, you go and get the car, and the puke hasn't been cleaned up, and it has been baking in the sun for the last 4 hours.

No thanks.

Yeah that's pretty accurate


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 369682)
One of the services is called zipcar, and it's to their best interest to check on the cars periodically to make sure they're clean. The odds that someone will have puked in the car right before you get it are, shall we say, rather slim.

Zipcar is the devil :lol:

pauldun170 05-06-2010 10:53 AM

Friend of mine signed up for one.
she lives in NYC and it makes perfect sense for her.

She uses public transportation to get to work. She can walk to get her groceries and do laundry. She's lived in the states for 12 years and never had a car. She just got her drivers license a few months ago. To buy a car and insure it is not worth the monet in her case as she has no real need for a car on a daily basis. However there are a few time a year when she likes the convenience such as coming out to visit us and not worry about train schedules, or when she wants to do some hardcore shopping. She signed up for zip (or whatever service it is) car.
Beats pissing away money on car insurance and car payments for something that she doesn't really need.

Homeslice 05-06-2010 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 369850)
Friend of mine signed up for one.
she lives in NYC and it makes perfect sense for her.

She uses public transportation to get to work. She can walk to get her groceries and do laundry. She's lived in the states for 12 years and never had a car. She just got her drivers license a few months ago. To buy a car and insure it is not worth the monet in her case as she has no real need for a car on a daily basis. However there are a few time a year when she likes the convenience such as coming out to visit us and not worry about train schedules, or when she wants to do some hardcore shopping. She signed up for zip (or whatever service it is) car.
Beats pissing away money on car insurance and car payments for something that she doesn't really need.

100% truth. And this isn't limited to poor people......There are a few people at my company who pull down some decent money yet don't own a car. Even if you have a nice "secure" parking structure where you live, shit gets stolen out of those all the time. It's not worth having a nice car, especially if you're only going to put 3-4K miles a year on it.

Tsunami 05-06-2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 369907)
100% truth. And this isn't limited to poor people......There are a few people at my company who pull down some decent money yet don't own a car. Even if you have a nice "secure" parking structure where you live, shit gets stolen out of those all the time. It's not worth having a nice car, especially if you're only going to put 3-4K miles a year on it.

True esp when you live in the city and there is no parking anyway. Or to park you are paying $500 for a space 3-4 blocks from your home. Which is a reason why I lived in the boroughs, I like driving and parking my car outside my door.

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