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t-homo 02-25-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 342190)
I don't know if you're referencing my post but a lot of those horror stories have alot of truth behind them.

Both of my sisters used to be waitresses and I've dated many waitresses plus my father ran hotels/motels/ and restaurants his whole life so I know for a fact that a lot of the stories ARE true.

I'm not sure what "at leave" means from your post.

it means "at least" but I can't type and think all at once.

Apoc, I think most all guys tip the same way as far as how good the girl looks. I think that looks and service have an inverse relationship though. The hot girls know they don't have to work as hard to make a good tip, but the uglies know they are going to have to give great service to get a good tip.

Apoc 02-25-2010 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by t-homo (Post 342199)
it means "at least" but I can't type and think all at once.

Apoc, I think most all guys tip the same way as far as how good the girl looks. I think that looks and service have an inverse relationship though. The hot girls know they don't have to work as hard to make a good tip, but the uglies know they are going to have to give great service to get a good tip.

Ya, the only way i've ever seen an ugly stripper make any money is blowjobs :lol:

t-homo 02-25-2010 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Apoc (Post 342201)
Ya, the only way i've ever seen an ugly stripper make any money is blowjobs :lol:

lmao. I have a few friends who have been strippers at one time. All gorgeous girls. They loved it, but got out of it because they hated all of the sleezy old dudes all of the time.

Kaneman 02-25-2010 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by z06boy (Post 342196)
Yep...that's why people from Canada and the US don't see eye to eye I guess.

Minimum wage doesn't exactly mean the same thing to both. In the US minimum wage is different for the service least food servers anyways. :idk:

Right, I think it's like $2.18 an hour...or something like that. Your survival as a server is literally dependant on tips.

So people say, "Well, if you don't want to make 2 an hour then don't be a server" Fine, but then who's going to bring my fucking Taco plate with a smile, a Sam Adams and some fresh motherfucking salsa?

I want clean, well-spoken, attentive and competent servers. IN ORDER for people of that quality to be in the service industry there has to be money for it. That means, IF you enjoy eating out, then YES tips are mandatory. The beauty is that you control the response to the service. Shitty service = shitty tip. The system itself works great, keeps food prices down (restaurant profit margins are thing guys, nature of the business) and allows for a more enjoyable environment.

Why can't people just be thankful there are decent people willing to do the job instead of judging them and making excuses to screw them over? Meh, I don't get it.

Note: In this situation "Mandatory" does not refer to a legal status, but to a standard that must be maintained for quality of life reasons.

OTB 02-25-2010 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 342172)
Or maybe, just maybe, we should get back to a situation in which we actually have professional servers, who earn that "gratuity"?

Main Entry: gra·tu·ity
Pronunciation: \grə-ˈtü-ə-tē, -ˈtyü-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural gra·tu·ities
Date: 1540

: something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service; especially : tip

Actually, we do have "professional" servers; people who have gone to school for service, done legnthy apprenticeships for little money, worked their way up through better and better establishments, so perhaps, depending on the [places you frequent, you may come across one.

By the same token, I was GM of a 3 star place a few years back; most of the staff were VERY talented. But every barrel always has a bad apple or two. I had one waiter that scooped up a smaller (10%) tip off a table, scoot up to the front of the restaurant and hand it back to the customer with the remark...."Here, you must need this more than I do".........

Fired on the spot.......

t-homo 02-25-2010 10:59 AM

Not saying this pointed in any person's direction here, but kaneman's post made me think of it.

It is amazing how many people don't understand business and that the owners have to make money to support their families too.

z06boy 02-25-2010 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 342205)
Right, I think it's like $2.18 an hour...or something like that. Your survival as a server is literally dependant on tips.

So people say, "Well, if you don't want to make 2 an hour then don't be a server" Fine, but then who's going to bring my fucking Taco plate with a smile, a Sam Adams and some fresh motherfucking salsa?

I want clean, well-spoken, attentive and competent servers. IN ORDER for people of that quality to be in the service industry there has to be money for it. That means, IF you enjoy eating out, then YES tips are mandatory. The beauty is that you control the response to the service. Shitty service = shitty tip. The system itself works great, keeps food prices down (restaurant profit margins are thing guys, nature of the business) and allows for a more enjoyable environment.

Why can't people just be thankful there are decent people willing to do the job instead of judging them and making excuses to screw them over? Meh, I don't get it.

Note: In this situation "Mandatory" does not refer to a legal status, but to a standard that must be maintained for quality of life reasons.

Good post. :cheers:

Apoc 02-25-2010 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by t-homo (Post 342204)
They loved it, but got out of it because they hated all of the sleezy old dudes all of the time.

Bullshit. They had self esteem issues and loved the attention, or they tried it once or twice, stumbled around in hooker boots, and thought they loved everything but the sleazy men, because they had no idea what the business is really like.

Before long they would have been drug addicted whores, conning 'sleazy old dudes' and screwing strip joint staff while the jockeyed for the lead of the 'Idiot strippers club'

I met three that had been in the business and werent fucked up. One had a huge home in ottawa and a mercedes( and the club payed a fortune to get her to dance), the other two were actually really intelligent studendts.

The other 500 or so i've probably met at the bar (a constant cycle/stripper circuit, youve got a few 'locals', and the rest kinda travel around), have all been fucked up, retarded whores.

Unfortunately the smart ones I met, were the ones too smart to let me have my way with them... :(

Kaneman 02-25-2010 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by t-homo (Post 342214)
It is amazing how many people don't understand business and that the owners have to make money to support their families too.

Which they wouldn't be able to without the tip system, or you paying a shitload more for your food.

z06boy 02-25-2010 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Apoc (Post 342217)
Bullshit. They had self esteem issues and loved the attention, or they tried it once or twice, stumbled around in hooker boots, and thought they loved everything but the sleazy men, because they had no idea what the business is really like.

Before long they would have been drug addicted whores, conning 'sleazy old dudes' and screwing strip joint staff while the jockeyed for the lead of the 'Idiot strippers club'

I met three that had been in the business and werent fucked up. One had a huge home in ottawa and a mercedes( and the club payed a fortune to get her to dance), the other two were actually really intelligent studendts.

The other 500 or so i've probably met at the bar (a constant cycle/stripper circuit, youve got a few 'locals', and the rest kinda travel around), have all been fucked up, retarded whores.

Unfortunately the smart ones I met, were the ones too smart to let me have my way with them... :(

:lol: I can see you being a trip to hang out with...well at least when I was younger and single. I may not agree with everything you say but sometimes you hit the nail on the head and this post has a lot of truth in it and your description had me rolling. :rofl:

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