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dubbs 05-19-2008 05:08 PM

Interesting Ride..
I went riding my normal route of twisties yesterday and came upon a biker with a BMW resting on the engine's head. Every car just kept going around him, waiting 1 at a time, be very courteous to everyone but the rider who obviously needed help getting that huge bike up.

So I park the bike, walk up to the guy and ask if he needs help.. The second I got near him I was hit with the stench of beer. Ah, ok this explains this now.. The guy can barely talk.. I have NO FUCKING idea why he was on a motorcycle.. He couldn't even help ME get the bike up and I estimated the bike to being about 800lbs, Finally got the bike out of the middle of the road, threw it on the kickstand and just basically told the guy to get home right now before the you kill yourself or someone else. Told him to be careful (yeah right) and watched him go on his wobbly way..

I followed with some distance and he was right around the block from his house, so at least he made it without dumping it again, although he did end up taking the off road challenge to his block.

Don't understand how anyone could think that was a bright idea.. When I get real drunk to the point this guy was at, driving or riding never comes to mind as a great idea.

Be safe out there guys.. :chug:

Mr Lefty 05-19-2008 05:10 PM

dude... you should have just called the cops... it's what I'd have done... or walked his ass home

dubbs 05-19-2008 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 44534)
dude... you should have just called the cops... it's what I'd have done... or walked his ass home

That's pretty fucked up man, Don't know if I could have called the cops..

Figures the first time I get to help a fellow bike it turns out making me look bad..

Mr Lefty 05-19-2008 05:23 PM

well I'll help out a fellow biker anytime I can... but I won't help them put others or their self in more danger...

Drunk Driving is no fucking joke... and I sure as hell wouldn't help anyone get back on the road after going off drunk...

it's their choice to drive drunk... they should be thankfull I call the cops instead of letting them back on the road and possibly kill someone...

that's just my stand point...

dubbs 05-19-2008 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 44537)
well I'll help out a fellow biker anytime I can... but I won't help them put others or their self in more danger...

Drunk Driving is no fucking joke... and I sure as hell wouldn't help anyone get back on the road after going off drunk...

it's their choice to drive drunk... they should be thankfull I call the cops instead of letting them back on the road and possibly kill someone...

that's just my stand point...

I guess looking back on it I could have done something else.. In the moment I didn't have any place to keep my bike safely or his.. If I called the cops he woulda been gone anyway.. :idk:

nhgunnut 05-19-2008 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 44534)
dude... you should have just called the cops... it's what I'd have done... or walked his ass home

You know what I would have called the cops the moment he decided to get back on the bike.
I have my bias and not that it is a big deal to anyone but me (nor should it be) I am also a recovering alcoholic, before I put it down I 27 years ago I managed slam head on into a oncoming Van with my car costing that man his livelihood for weeks while the insurance company dicked around with him, and healed from his injuries Saddly the police officer who responded chose not to notice the booze on my breath and wrote up that I had swerved to avoid an animal in the road (in part because for a while there was some question if I would drive again), When a friend tried to approach the subject with me by saying you have to do something I said yeah I need to get a bigger car, and I did! Because there was only limited consequence I would continue to drink and be a ward of recreational chemistry for 3 more years driving countless more times (thankfully never injuring anyone again)

I will give anyone a ride who is toxic I don't judge other peoples use of Alcohol or any other recreational drug. But if someone can't be talked out of driving impaired I have no issues with diming them out.
Even just riding behind a guy who is toxic can be fatal or if the guy had hit someone you wind up tarred with the same brush.
Honda is right Stupid hurts and you know what IT SHOULD! Bet an evening in the tank would have helped this guy get his head right. it did me.
One more thing, this guy on the BMW took a 500 lb peice or precision machinery and turned it into a semi guided missle in a Neighborhood where my granddaughter could live and you can bet someones kid and grandkids lived in it and this jackass could have easily killed one.

PiZdETS 05-20-2008 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by nhgunnut (Post 44554)
You know what I would have called the cops the moment he decided to get back on the bike.
I have my bias and not that it is a big deal to anyone but me (nor should it be) I am also a recovering alcoholic, before I put it down I 27 years ago I managed slam head on into a oncoming Van with my car costing that man his livelihood for weeks while the insurance company dicked around with him, and healed from his injuries Saddly the police officer who responded chose not to notice the booze on my breath and wrote up that I had swerved to avoid an animal in the road (in part because for a while there was some question if I would drive again), When a friend tried to approach the subject with me by saying you have to do something I said yeah I need to get a bigger car, and I did! Because there was only limited consequence I would continue to drink and be a ward of recreational chemistry for 3 more years driving countless more times (thankfully never injuring anyone again)

Takes balls and honor to own up to that, kudos dude.

nhgunnut 05-20-2008 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by PiZdETS (Post 44642)
Takes balls and honor to own up to that, kudos dude.

I feel like I need to apologize for my rant here If it came off as compliment seeking.
There are three points I wanted to make

1 Drunk Drivers are incredibly Dangerous

2 You are not doing a Drunk Dirver a favor when you protect them from the consequences of their actions.

3 By givng them a pass to drive drunk You are putting others in VERY REAL Danger

Mr Lefty 05-20-2008 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by nhgunnut (Post 44647)
I feel like I need to apologize for my rant here If it came off as compliment seeking.
There are three points I wanted to make

1 Drunk Drivers are incredibly Dangerous

2 You are not doing a Drunk Dirver a favor when you protect them from the consequences of their actions.

3 By givng them a pass to drive drunk You are putting others in VERY REAL Danger

That is exactly what I meant by my first post... not trying to come down hard on Dubbs... just pointing out his error... I can't say that I've never helped a buddy get home who was drunk... or never drank and drove myself... but I'm old enough now to realize just how stupid and dangerous that was...

thanks nhgunnut

NeonspeedRT 05-20-2008 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by dubbs (Post 44536)
That's pretty fucked up man, Don't know if I could have called the cops..

Figures the first time I get to help a fellow bike it turns out making me look bad..

Dubbs, nobody is making you look bad at all. You did what you thought was right. However, I have no tolerance for drinking and riding/driving at all. You did what you thought was right. Others would handle it differently. Thats all.

Here is what I would have done in that situation. I wouldn't have called the cops. I would have gotten the bike up and off the road. Then told the guy to call a friend or family member to come pick him up. I'd even let him use my cell phone if I needed to.

I'd flat out tell the guy, he was leaving his bike there or going to have someone ride it home for him. If he decided to ride home, then i'd call the cops.

I would wait till someone showed up. Once someone showed up, then give them his bike keys and explain what the situation was. Then let them handle it from there.

Sure it may take an hour or so out of my day. But if I saved a life or helped keep an accident from happening, it was worth it.

nhgunnut 05-20-2008 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by dubbs (Post 44538)
I guess looking back on it I could have done something else.. In the moment I didn't have any place to keep my bike safely or his.. If I called the cops he woulda been gone anyway.. :idk:

Yes Dubbs please dont see what I have written as an attack on you. It is easy for us sitting in front of a monitor to make the call, your feet were on the ground and none of use can judge you.
I have been there in the past and not called the cops and I have called the cops. Experience has taught me that I feel better when I call the cops

t-homo 05-20-2008 11:37 AM

I would have had him call a friend, then as we were waiting, beat the shit out of him so there was no way he could ride it back and leave him for his friend to find. That'd be the right thing to do.

dubbs 05-20-2008 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by t-rock (Post 44742)
I would have had him call a friend, then as we were waiting, beat the shit out of him so there was no way he could ride it back and leave him for his friend to find. That'd be the right thing to do.

Sure you would have... :whistle:

No Worries 05-20-2008 12:07 PM

I've taken car keys away from drunks and stoners, but I've never seen a drunk rider before.

fnfalman 05-20-2008 12:39 PM

I would have called the cops on his ass after getting the bike off the road.

No excuse for that shit at all!!!

NONE_too_SOFT 05-20-2008 01:03 PM

i agree. call the cops. do that dumb ass a favor. hopefully you dont see him in pieces next time your paths cross.

ceo012384 05-20-2008 04:50 PM

If you tried to call the cops he would have just ridden off or gotten belligerant with you. To safely and carefully follow him home and try to ensure he didn't hurt himself or anyone else anymore was the right thing to do, IMO. After that, call the cops.

Drunk riding... Jesus... how retarded do you have to be.

NONE_too_SOFT 05-20-2008 04:53 PM

you dont fucking tell him you're calling the cops. call 911, say theres a theres a drunk rider down but everything seems to be okay, but he'll need a ride home.

Then just tell the guy its a good idea to try to sit by the road and sober up a little.

point being, i would not let this douche back on the road to kill himself or somebody else no matter how far he is from home.

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