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azoomm 06-11-2008 08:22 PM


Mrs. Colleen 06-11-2008 08:27 PM

I don't see the appeal. :idk:

m0n1 06-11-2008 08:34 PM

looks like a way for a squid who was able to do it in a controlled environment, go out and kill himself/someone else. :td:

OneSickPsycho 06-11-2008 09:00 PM

That's pretty gay.

NONE_too_SOFT 06-11-2008 09:04 PM

pretty cool, besides the fact that anything wheelie related we are supposed to automatically dismiss on this forum.

wanna see him loop it though, wonder if it'd go upside down.

rider76 06-11-2008 09:04 PM

I think its for squids.... very gay... note the clown had on shorts and a t shirt... thats proably his "riding gear"

azoomm 06-11-2008 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by NONE_too_SOFT (Post 50276)
pretty cool, besides the fact that anything wheelie related we are supposed to automatically dismiss on this forum.

wanna see him loop it though, wonder if it'd go upside down.

I understand. And, I'm not one for stunting either. See, this weekend in Austin we are going to be taken over by Harleys. About 100,000 of the buggers are being trailered in as we type. It's the ROT (Republic of Texas) rally... or as we call it Ride on Trailer weekend. I refuse to ride this weekend as we are over-run by those that don't know how to go up and down hills. Let's just forget the ones that might maybe possibly know how to turn.

But, I was asked my opinion on buying one of these contraptions to have at the rally. My answer was:


I think it would encourage bad behavior, but then I'm not one for stunting. I know quite a few professional stunters that frown upon stunting for kicks and grins. So, I might not be the one to ask for the investment factor. I also don't know how many others will be showing up that already have an associated business in the market.
I thought it was a fair answer :idk:

Dnyce 06-12-2008 12:24 AM

na, thats sorta like a wheelie skool thing. i remember seeing one a few years ago when they first came out. you pay a couple bucks or something, and you get to learn how to find the balance point, work the torque curve, clutch/throttle control etc etc. without wreckin your bike, wearin it out, or fear of getting hurt. its got a tether on the front, once it goes past a certain point it hits the tether and kills the ignition.

Vettezilla (Impala Balko) 06-12-2008 12:11 PM

I think its cool as hell. It is a safe controlled area to practice wheeling without putting anyone in danger. Its almost like an amusement ride... and what is with this wheelie shit=squid. I thought a squid was an unsafe rider that rides wrecklessly and makes poor decisions on gear while doing so. Since when is all forms of wheeling squid like behavior. Some of you guys need to grow up. If it was a machine that allowed you guys to learn better form for dragging knee you would all have boners over it.

m0n1 06-12-2008 12:11 PM

would be nice to see them loop one, but theres a safety chain on the front end. one of the other vids shows the guy over rev'ing, bring up the front end and the chain saves his ass.

fnfalman 06-12-2008 12:17 PM

It'll teach you clutch-up technique and throttle management without you having to worry about busting your head or busting your forks.

the chi 06-12-2008 12:37 PM

i think it was a very fair answer Zoom, I have seen these things, and while I dont ever plan on actually stunting my bike, it does look like controled fun, doing something you know deep down you are curious about but in a manner it wont hurt you, your bike, or anyone else...unlike asswads who wheelie and burn out in crowds of people!!

rider76 06-12-2008 01:39 PM

There are some deserted backroads about 30 minutes from my house.. I see a car every 45 minutes or so, these are the roads I wheelie on.. Nobody around, no crowds, just me and my bike. I dont do it to impress anyone or to show farmer Brown that I am a badass. I wear my gear and maybe go 5mph over the speedlimit.. harmless...I do it cause its fun. Isnt that the reason we ride, cause its fun?

Vettezilla (Impala Balko) 06-12-2008 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by rider76 (Post 50391)
There are some deserted backroads about 30 minutes from my house.. I see a car every 45 minutes or so, these are the roads I wheelie on.. Nobody around, no crowds, just me and my bike. I dont do it to impress anyone or to show farmer Brown that I am a badass. I wear my gear and maybe go 5mph over the speedlimit.. harmless...I do it cause its fun. Isnt that the reason we ride, cause its fun?

well said I agree with you 100%

m0n1 06-12-2008 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by rider76 (Post 50391)
There are some deserted backroads about 30 minutes from my house.. I see a car every 45 minutes or so, these are the roads I wheelie on.. Nobody around, no crowds, just me and my bike. I dont do it to impress anyone or to show farmer Brown that I am a badass. I wear my gear and maybe go 5mph over the speedlimit.. harmless...I do it cause its fun. Isnt that the reason we ride, cause its fun?

I have no problem with what you’re doing. Seems to be a pretty safe place for you and I am glad you’re doing it for your enjoyment. I have no problems with backroad fun. Hell, if I could find a good, deserted road, I’d probably stunt too.

This is the problem I have:

I leave work, hop on my bike get on the free way and get into the carpool lane. Cool two bikes in front of me. Suzuki’s , helmet, tshirt pants and tennis shoes, whatever your skin not mine. In front of them maybe a cars length away is a moving truck. Now here is where it starts 1. I feel they are following too close. 2 its medium to high traffic at this time of day. 3. They are not staggered and 4. (my fav) they start trying to pull wheelies.

As soon as I see the first one try, I let up on the throttle, tap the rear brakes. And keep way way back.

DLIT 06-12-2008 03:17 PM

It's a nice way to overheat your engine very fast.

itgirl 06-12-2008 04:19 PM

i think it looks like fun. i'd throw down some cash to try it. but then again, i liked the 1-wheeled motorcycle as well. :idk:

rider76 06-12-2008 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by m0n1 (Post 50403)
I have no problem with what you’re doing. Seems to be a pretty safe place for you and I am glad you’re doing it for your enjoyment. I have no problems with backroad fun. Hell, if I could find a good, deserted road, I’d probably stunt too.

This is the problem I have:

I leave work, hop on my bike get on the free way and get into the carpool lane. Cool two bikes in front of me. Suzuki’s , helmet, tshirt pants and tennis shoes, whatever your skin not mine. In front of them maybe a cars length away is a moving truck. Now here is where it starts 1. I feel they are following too close. 2 its medium to high traffic at this time of day. 3. They are not staggered and 4. (my fav) they start trying to pull wheelies.

As soon as I see the first one try, I let up on the throttle, tap the rear brakes. And keep way way back.

Those guys are squids... I cant count how many times cagers tell me they hate ALL MOTORCYCLIST because some losers in jean shorts and tennis shoes (no shirt) acted like that on busy freeways

PiZdETS 06-18-2008 12:29 AM

Good way to do it safely but it would definately encourage people in attendance of a rally to do stunts.
I hate on stunters because I've never seen one doing it safely or in a controlled environment. It's almost always in heavy traffic without signalling or care around the cars. When they start doing it in empty parking lots or not on the freeway then I'll respect them.

When they come out with a stunting videogame I'm selling my gsxr.:panic:

t-homo 06-18-2008 12:31 AM

I didn't realize that you use your own bike for it. I'd give it a try at least.

Dnyce 06-18-2008 01:46 AM

u dont use your own bike, atleast not on the ones i've seen. and theres a big fan setup in front of it, similar to a dyno. nothin bad about this at all.

stunters not wearing gear doesnt bother me anymore than anybody else not wearing gear. sure ill poke fun, but its their skin, not mine. idgaf.

i see more stunters in parking lots, vacant streets than traffic. i see an occasional wheelie on the freeway, but to call that stuntin is like saying if you're speeding, you're racing.

Gixxer1k 07-26-2008 01:36 AM


I personally think flight simulators are gay too. Flying should only clearly be done in a controlled safe enviornment, and what the hell is the point of a simulator? To show encourage young squid pilots?

I know thats a lil extreme but thats how gay this thread sounded to me. Its a simple rig that some one thought of and is making a lot of cash on it. It gives 300+lbs fat guys and 115lbs chicks who will never learn to wheely the chance to give it a shot, thats all. Its fun, like a simulator. Its like 10 bucks for 3 wheelies, most of the time, its NEVER your own bike. Oh well, thats my over tired and grumpy rant for the night. Now Ill sit back and wait for the grammar corrections.

Dave 07-26-2008 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Gixxer1k (Post 58182)

I personally think flight simulators are gay too. Flying should only clearly be done in a controlled safe enviornment, and what the hell is the point of a simulator? To show encourage young squid pilots?

I know thats a lil extreme but thats how gay this thread sounded to me. Its a simple rig that some one thought of and is making a lot of cash on it. It gives 300+lbs fat guys and 115lbs chicks who will never learn to wheely the chance to give it a shot, thats all. Its fun, like a simulator. Its like 10 bucks for 3 wheelies, most of the time, its NEVER your own bike. Oh well, thats my over tired and grumpy rant for the night. Now Ill sit back and wait for the grammar corrections.

how did i KNOW i was gonna find you in here? lol

Gixxer1k 07-28-2008 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 58186)
how did i KNOW i was gonna find you in here? lol

Dude, wheelie machines are cool, lol. Forgive me tho I was grumpy when I posted that. It was that time of the month.

Dave 07-28-2008 10:30 PM

quit bleeding on my boards lol

t-homo 07-28-2008 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dave (Post 58678)
quit bleeding on my boards lol

that is disgusting.

Sixxxxer 07-29-2008 05:39 PM

Tom Jones is just mad because He cant wheelie is Gixxer...Lol


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