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fatbuckRTO 04-18-2012 09:36 AM

"Don't shoot my dog!"

Austin 911 received a call about a domestic dispute, but the caller gave the wrong address. Cop shows up and immediately shoots the dog at the address given.

The video shows the dashboard cam of the event. The cop drew his weapon as he was approaching the house. About 5 seconds later you hear the shot. The owner had no idea what was going on and never even had a chance to protect his pet.

Trip 04-18-2012 09:37 AM

sucks, hope they buy him a new dog and fire the stupid cop. Well firing may be going too far, depends on if the dog went after the cop. If he just responded to the address provided and the dog came after him, don't really see the need to fire him. He went where he was told, the fuck up is on the caller giving the wrong address. Still sucks for the owner and dog, they shouldn't of been involved.

Papa_Complex 04-18-2012 10:08 AM

The one thing I haven't heard about this case, was if the dog was in an enclosed back yard or if it was running free.

pauldun170 04-18-2012 10:20 AM

I'm a cop responding to a call.
Dog comes at me.
Since I do not speak dog I have no idea if dog is barking "RUB MY BUTT!!! RUB MY BUTT!! RUB MY BUTT! i LICK PEANUT BUTTER BALLS:
or if dog is barking
"Come at me brah!"

If my weapon is drawn and dog comes running, I'm shooting. Then I will politely ask for a knife and access to a freezer and a barbecue because I eat what I kill and I kill what I eat. After preparing the dog, putting most away ion the freezer and seasoning some tasty parts for the grill I'd then announce that I am a police officer responding to a call.

I'm sure they would be upset about the loss of the dog so the least I can do is to offer them dinner (after securing the scene). Once I'm off shift I'd come back and cook since it not really appropriate to cook on the job.

Trip 04-18-2012 10:21 AM


fatbuckRTO 04-18-2012 10:48 AM

I sure don't envy any cop called out to a domestic disturbance. If the cop was following procedure, then it's the procedures (and probably the procedure writers) that need to be changed. But it did seem pretty early for him to draw his weapon, before he even crossed the fence line.

It also seems to be SOP these days. Raid a house, shoot the dogs. No question, no hesitation, if the house has dogs they're getting shot. I understand that the bad guys use dogs and dogs can really mess up your world. What bothers me is that it seems more and more likely that I could do nothing wrong and my dogs might still be gunned down. And if I tried to stop it, I would be "in the wrong."

azoomm 04-18-2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 510746)
The one thing I haven't heard about this case, was if the dog was in an enclosed back yard or if it was running free.

He was in Michael's driveway.

They were in the back yard. Michael walked into the driveway to get something out of his truck. Policeman running into driveway with gun drawn tells Michael to get his hands up. Dog runs from back yard barking at officer. Officer shoots dog. Then, officer yells at Michael why he didn't get his dog.

This is a bummer of an event.

I'm curious why he was running into the driveway with the gun drawn for a domestic dispute. And, Michael didn't fit the description of the person involved in the domestic.

Seriously... bummer.

EpyonXero 04-18-2012 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by fatbuckRTO (Post 510751)
I sure don't envy any cop called out to a domestic disturbance. If the cop was following procedure, then it's the procedures (and probably the procedure writers) that need to be changed. But it did seem pretty early for him to draw his weapon, before he even crossed the fence line.

It also seems to be SOP these days. Raid a house, shoot the dogs. No question, no hesitation, if the house has dogs they're getting shot. I understand that the bad guys use dogs and dogs can really mess up your world. What bothers me is that it seems more and more likely that I could do nothing wrong and my dogs might still be gunned down. And if I tried to stop it, I would be "in the wrong."

I think that cops are generally trigger happy and will take any chance they can get to legally fire their weapons. This is probably why dogs always seem to get shot in these situations and why when theres a shootout the perp usually ends up with dozens of gun shot wounds. With a dog, theres no consequences is the cop says he felt threatened and with a shootout once they have permission to open fire, every cop in the area emptys their magazine.

Also, Im betting this is why tazings and pepper spraying is so common these days. The burden of proof as to why it was necessary is a lot lower.

shmike 04-18-2012 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 510753)
I'm curious why he was running into the driveway with the gun drawn for a domestic dispute.

This should be question #1.

udman 04-18-2012 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by shmike (Post 510759)
This should be question #1.

As I understand it, the original call to 911 said a man was fighting and choking a woman in the driveway. So yea, I'd be all Rambo up in there.

Sean 04-18-2012 01:32 PM

As someone who spends time in the hood, I can say that after a while you pretty much expect that any dog running towards you wants to rip your nuts off. It only takes one angry pit bull for you to get reaaaaal jumpy.

That being said he shouldn't have had his gun drawn right away, right? Or is that how they just do things in Texas?

RACER X 04-18-2012 02:02 PM

from an austin radio listener


Originally Posted by budoist (Post 3092431)
Neither defending the officer nor the owner, but this piece - while well written - conflicts with the events as described by the owner when he called into a local radio show yesterday. According to him the dog wasn't just barking but had charged at the officer and had made it all the way to his feet before being shot. The owner also stated that he was going to get something out of his truck so the officer, already believing that he was at the site of a domestic dispute, may have thought that he was going for a weapon. It should also be noted, and was not mentioned in the article, that the officer was at the correct house - the house he was dispatched to and the house reported for the disturbance. The person who called in the disturbance, however got the house wrong when they were requesting assistance.

nearly got banned (again) on my local site. becuase many people and many poeple in charge of the local site know mike and of course are only hearing 1 side.....and thats it. similar to the zimmerman case, IMO

appearantly, an Austin LEO was killed a few weeks ago, on duty and anotehr one shot recently.

RACER X 04-18-2012 02:06 PM

and this is Mikeys roomate/girlfriend??? i dunno


"I am usually not one to get into the politics of people’s opinions of law enforcement. I know there are good and bad people in every walk of life, but I always try to give the benefit of the doubt to those that are in a position to “protect and serve”. But yesterday, a harsh reality was “served” when I received a phone call from a very near and dear person to me. The words I heard coming through my phone were nothing I would have expected in a million years—a very distraught voice saying, “The cops just shot and killed Cisco! They killed my best friend!” In shock, I asked what had happened. At the time, I only got a very brief description, as Michael Paxton was in shock and traumatized over the horrific loss of his dog. I immediately drove to his place (which is about 30 minutes away). When I arrived, I found him clutching Cisco’s body, crying and trying to understand what had just transpired.

Apparently, unbeknown to Mike, there was a domestic disturbance between a male and a female in his neighborhood, and the Austin Police Dept was called in. Unfortunately (seems like such an understatement), Mike found out quickly about the call when he walked into his driveway from his back yard where he and Cisco, his Australian Cattle Dog (Blue Healer), had been playing frisbee. Police officer T. Griffin, Badge #6778, was standing behind Mike’s vehicle, in his driveway. Before Mike even realized Officer Griffin was there, the officer had pulled his gun on Mike, yelling at him to freeze and put his hands up. In a panic, Mike stated to the officer that he lives there, and asked what and why this was happening.

Hearing the commotion, Cisco came from the back yard and into the driveway, barking at the officer, as any dog would do. Mike’s hands in the air, a gun pointed at him, he was afraid for his life, and therefore could not move or attempt to quiet or restrain Cisco. He told the officer that Cisco would not bite him, to please not shoot his dog. Almost immediately, a bullet was put into Cisco’s chest, killing him instantly. Mike still leaned against his truck, unable to move, was not allowed to even hold his best friend as he took the last breath of his abruptly-shortened life.

As was realized after this horrific event had transpired, THE COP WAS AT THE WRONG ADDRESS!!! An innocent man was traumatized by not only having a gun pulled on him by someone that is supposed to be there “to protect and to serve”, but his best friend of seven-and-a-half years was wrongly shot and killed. FOR WHAT?! Because Officer Griffin did not confirm where he was supposed to be before these events transpired!

Nothing will likely happen to Officer Griffin for any of this, as his supervisor arrived after everything took place, and she defended his actions. Mike was given the officers’ information, as well as a phone number to call, if desired. No apologies, no sympathy. Nothing. The officer even told Mike that Cisco should have been on a leash! IN HIS OWN YARD?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

We ended up taking Cisco’s body to be buried at a friend’s house, out in the country. Four of us spent two hours digging and breaking through limestone-filled ground, to make a hole large enough to lay to rest this man’s best friend and companion.
There are so many things wrong with this situation, that I just can’t even express it in words. My heart aches for you Mike. I know how much you love Cisco, and how much Cisco loved you. Although I am not sure what justice can or will be served in this case, your story will not go unheard. Along with many of your friends, in an effort to gain some sort of justice for you and Cisco, I am tagging all of our local news media here to get the word out.

This type of excessive force has GOT to be stopped. There needs to be consequences for behaviors such as this. There needs to be a system of “checks and balances” used, to be certain this type of thing doesn’t happen anymore—none of this would have occurred, had the officer just VERIFIED THE CORRECT ADDRESS before pulling a gun on Mike and his dog. I urge anyone and everyone that reads this, to please share this story, and let it be known that these happenings aren’t just things we read about going on in some “other city”, but right here, seriously affecting people we know and love.

If you want further information, please feel free to contact Mike directly. He is looking for any help he can get in seeking justice for his dog’s unwarranted killing. "

Trip 04-18-2012 02:16 PM

So was he at the correct address or not? The girl makes it sound like the cop went to the wrong address when the other story says he was at the right address that was turned in, but the address that was turned in was wrong.

RACER X 04-18-2012 02:19 PM

"It should also be noted, and was not mentioned in the article, that the officer was at the correct house - the house he was dispatched to and the house reported for the disturbance. The person who called in the disturbance, however got the house wrong when they were requesting assistance. "

only the call record knows the truth.....

OneSickPsycho 04-18-2012 02:39 PM

Honestly, this situation sucks but I see both sides of it... just a shitty situation that didn't need to happen, but aside from the idiot reporting or conveying the wrong address, no real negligence or fault.

That said, this is the sort of thing that could happen to me and send me right the fuck over the edge.

azoomm 04-18-2012 04:18 PM

Ed stop.

YouTube... it's your friend. Michael is a local of mine - racer/rider and good guy. Through the video you can hear him in shock.

The FULL length dash cam video. It tells the story.

Homeslice 04-18-2012 04:46 PM

Typical police attitude......"If there is any conceivable way I could be in danger, no matter how little the odds, I can use deadly force"

Why not just get back into your car, beat off the dog with your baton, or fire a warning shot first.

RACER X 04-18-2012 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 510774)
Ed stop.

YouTube... it's your friend. Michael is a local of mine - racer/rider and good guy. Through the video you can hear him in shock.

The FULL length dash cam video. It tells the story.

and i'm sure Mike is a good guy cuz thats what everybody says, and no reason to doubt it.

but being his friend changes your perspective on things.

if the austin radio guy wrote what mike actually said, then it becomes more clear.

i'm sad your friend lost a good friend in that dog.

but i don't believe that either party is entirely faultless.

RACER X 04-18-2012 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 510776)
Why not just get back into your car, beat off the dog with your baton, or fire a warning shot first.

while the lady is inside the house bleeding to death.......winner winner! a warning shot.....yee of little gun knowledge.....


pauldun170 04-18-2012 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 510776)

Why not just get back into your car, beat off the dog with your baton

No can do
Bestiality is illegal in Texas.
I checked

azoomm 04-18-2012 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 510777)
and i'm sure Mike is a good guy cuz thats what everybody says, and no reason to doubt it.

but being his friend changes your perspective on things.

if the austin radio guy wrote what mike actually said, then it becomes more clear.

i'm sad your friend lost a good friend in that dog.

but i don't believe that either party is entirely faultless.

It has nothing to do with him being my friend. If you watch the video you can hear the entire conversation. You can hear the dog bark then a BANG. You can hear him plead with him.

I think it was a guy and his dog in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think it was a cop that was twichy.

I think it all sucks.

RACER X 04-18-2012 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 510780)
I think it was a GOOD guy and his GREAT dog in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think it was a cop that was twichy.

I think it all sucks.


Trip 04-18-2012 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 510780)
It has nothing to do with him being my friend. If you watch the video you can hear the entire conversation. You can hear the dog bark then a BANG. You can hear him plead with him.

I think it was a guy and his dog in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think it was a cop that was twichy.

I think it all sucks.

Just watched it, you are emotionally attached. You are a biased individual.

This is my assumptions based on the information ya'll have provided me:

1. Cop responding to a potential beating of a woman

2. Cop is at the right address he was given.

I don't have a problem with him rushing in ready for potential craziness. If it was my wife, I would want a cop rushing in there on top of any asshat beating my wife including myself.

Obviously it sucks for the dude, it's a terrible thing, but it's just a massive cluster fuck of mistakes and weird timing to make the situation.

He didn't close the fence - could of saved the dog

Cops were provided the wrong address - could of saved the dog

Coming out from behind his house at the completely wrong time - could of saved the dog

A little more hesitation by the cop - could of saved the dog

Cops should try to make it up to him and get him a new dog and see what else they can do to apologize, but the cop was trying to do their job. They really are in a lose lose occupation. If they use too much force, they get shit on; if they use too little force, they get shit on.

Sad thing, but hopefully they can try to make up for it instead of being dicks about it.

askmrjesus 04-18-2012 05:42 PM

Why are cops such fucking pussies?

Mail carriers, UPS dudes, meter readers....all of them face dogs everyday, yet somehow they manage not to shoot any dead, on private fucking property.

Seriously, a fucking Blue Healer? That's the dog this asshole was so afraid of?

Cowardly fucking cunt has the nerve to blame the dog owner for not having a leash on him? On his own property?

Fuck that, and fuck him.

What next, dude gonna shoot an outhouse cause he might get splinters?

Fuck sake.


Sean 04-18-2012 05:46 PM

Looks to me like the cop walked into his yard, gun already drawn, pointed it at the guy, yelled at him to get his hands in the air while the dog was charging him, then shot the dog. When exactly was he supposed to restrain the dog?

Having a hard time seeing the popo's view on why this was necessary.

Papa_Complex 04-18-2012 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 510777)
and i'm sure Mike is a good guy cuz thats what everybody says, and no reason to doubt it.

but being his friend changes your perspective on things.

if the austin radio guy wrote what mike actually said, then it becomes more clear.

i'm sad your friend lost a good friend in that dog.

but i don't believe that either party is entirely faultless.

Actually there is someone who is faultless; the guy who hadn't done anything to bring the police there and had his dog under control, until her had a gun pulled on him and could no longer control said dog, without risking getting shot himself.

You can hear the cop start amplifying what happened in his statements, when the other officer arrives.

azoomm 04-18-2012 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 510783)
Why are cops such fucking pussies?

Mail carriers, UPS dudes, meter readers....all of them face dogs everyday, yet somehow they manage not to shoot any dead, on private fucking property.

Seriously, a fucking Blue Healer? That's the dog this asshole was so afraid of?

Cowardly fucking cunt has the nerve to blame the dog owner for not having a leash on him? On his own property?

Fuck that, and fuck him.

What next, dude gonna shoot an outhouse cause he might get splinters?

Fuck sake.


You know what? I think you have the better point than anyone else in the scenario. It's a Blue Healer.

I applaud Michael for being a class act through all of this. He just wants the officer to be reprimanded. He thanked Acevedo for his apology...

udman 04-18-2012 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 510783)
Why are cops such fucking pussies?

Mail carriers, UPS dudes, meter readers....all of them face dogs everyday, yet somehow they manage not to shoot any dead, on private fucking property.

Seriously, a fucking Blue Healer? That's the dog this asshole was so afraid of?

Cowardly fucking cunt has the nerve to blame the dog owner for not having a leash on him? On his own property?

Fuck that, and fuck him.

What next, dude gonna shoot an outhouse cause he might get splinters?

Fuck sake.


Mail carriers don't get shot at for trying to do their jobs.

Papa_Complex 04-18-2012 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by udman (Post 510787)
Mail carriers don't get shot at for trying to do their jobs.

No, just inside workers.

udman 04-18-2012 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 510788)
No, just inside workers.

Speaking of which, don't watch the movie "Postal" unless you have a thing for Dave Foley and want to see his cock.

Homeslice 04-18-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 510778)
while the lady is inside the house bleeding to death.......winner winner! a warning shot.....yee of little gun knowledge.....


Like gun knowledge would make a difference

But OK, let's shoot the dog.........That way, assuming the husband is actually attacking his wife as you claim, he'll hear it and get a heads-up. Slick move.

EpyonXero 04-18-2012 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 510783)
Why are cops such fucking pussies?

Mail carriers, UPS dudes, meter readers....all of them face dogs everyday, yet somehow they manage not to shoot any dead, on private fucking property.

Seriously, a fucking Blue Healer? That's the dog this asshole was so afraid of?

Cowardly fucking cunt has the nerve to blame the dog owner for not having a leash on him? On his own property?

Fuck that, and fuck him.

What next, dude gonna shoot an outhouse cause he might get splinters?

Fuck sake.


Good point.

shmike 04-18-2012 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by udman (Post 510787)
Mail carriers don't get shot at for trying to do their jobs.

Jesus Christ, even the dogs in Texas have guns!?

And you guys think Florida is a free-for-all.

Captain Morgan 04-18-2012 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 510776)
Typical police attitude......"If there is any conceivable way I could be in danger, no matter how little the odds, I can use deadly force"

Why not just get back into your car, beat off the dog with your baton, or fire a warning shot first.


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 510778)
while the lady is inside the house bleeding to death.......winner winner! a warning shot.....yee of little gun knowledge.....



Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 510798)
Like gun knowledge would make a difference

But OK, let's shoot the dog.........That way, assuming the husband is actually attacking his wife as you claim, he'll hear it and get a heads-up. Slick move.

Are you assuming the dog will hear a warning shot, stop and put it's paws up?

Papa_Complex 04-19-2012 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Morgan (Post 510803)
Are you assuming the dog will hear a warning shot, stop and put it's paws up?

Fair assumption, given that the cop expected Michael to control his dog.

"Hands up!"

"Control your dog!"

"I said get your hands up!"

"Control your dog!!"

Homeslice 04-19-2012 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Morgan (Post 510803)
Are you assuming the dog will hear a warning shot, stop and put it's paws up?

If you are going to shoot it anyway if that didn't work, then what harm could it do to try?

Trip 04-19-2012 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 510806)
If you are going to shoot it anyway if that didn't work, then what harm could it do to try?

The way that whole event happened, the warning shot would of probably richocheted off something in the ground and went through the guy's heart.

Homeslice 04-19-2012 07:55 AM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 510783)
Why are cops such fucking pussies?

Mail carriers, UPS dudes, meter readers....all of them face dogs everyday, yet somehow they manage not to shoot any dead, on private fucking property.

Seriously, a fucking Blue Healer? That's the dog this asshole was so afraid of?

Cowardly fucking cunt has the nerve to blame the dog owner for not having a leash on him? On his own property?

Fuck that, and fuck him.

What next, dude gonna shoot an outhouse cause he might get splinters?

Fuck sake.


They are pussies because they are given such sweeping priviledges by their occupation

"Treat any risk, no matter how small, as a lethal threat"..........

"Anything that could potentially be a gun, including an 8 year old boy waving a squirt gun, should be destroyed". "Don't bother trying to use your own brain to determine that that woman's "gun" is in fact a cellphone". Never pause to use your brain, just follow procedure"

"Train 12 guns on 1 suspect, just in case 2 or 3 aren't sufficient" "Riddle him with 50 rounds, because there's a 1 in a million chance that he could still be a threat after the first 5 or 6."

Homeslice 04-19-2012 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 510807)
The way that whole event happened, the warning shot would of probably richocheted off something in the ground and went through the guy's heart.

As could have a round that hit the dog.

There is always a "could have"

Cops (and "Homeland Security" ) seem to operate on the principle that even 1 in a billion odd "could haves" should be treated like sure things. It gets old.

Homeslice 04-19-2012 08:03 AM

BTW, not sure what the point of the video showed absolutely nothing

Papa_Complex 04-19-2012 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 510810)
BTW, not sure what the point of the video showed absolutely nothing


RACER X 04-19-2012 09:39 AM

now the dirt comes out

Dog had history with animal control
Most recent incident reported in March

Updated: Thursday, 19 Apr 2012, 8:09 AM CDT
Published : Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012, 9:49 PM CDT

* Shannon Wolfson

AUSTIN (KXAN) - A dog shot and killed by an Austin police officer had a history with Austin Animal Control, which included two complaints of aggressive behavior, including a woman who reported the dog bit her in 2007.

Cisco, a 7-year-old blue heeler, was shot and killed Saturday in his owners' driveway. Michael Paxton said his dog barked at officer Thomas Griffin and ran toward him -- but said he would not have hurt the officer.

On March 21 a man reported Cisco and his owner in a call to 311, claiming the dog was aggressive toward him as he walked by the Paxton home.

"I almost got bitten by a dog, and I need someone to come and talk to this homeowner," William Harris told a 311 dispatcher in an audio recording obtained by KXAN News. "I'm walking on the sidewalk, and this dog comes out chasing, growling around me and stuff and he [Paxton] is hollering, 'Don't move. He won't bite you as long as I'm here."

Harris goes on to ask the dispatcher to send an animal control representative to speak to the dog's owner, who did not have him on a leash.

"He had his teeth, real aggressive right up close to my arm and stuff," Harris told the dispatcher. "He took him back. The dog had no leash or nothing on it. The dog came running out at me."

But Paxton tells a different story and said Wednesday Harris was not telling the full truth about what happened.

"Cisco like, walked towards him to sniff at him. Well he wasn't too happy about that, and he immediately just flew off the handle, 'Grab your dog,' yelling at me," said Paxton. "It escalated pretty quickly, where he was like yelling at me. And of course the dog started barking at him because he's basically being aggressive toward me."

The dog's owner said the incident with Harris was similar to the one with Griffin on Saturday.

"It's very parallel to what happened with the officer because the officer that came down the driveway was yelling at me, you know, with a gun drawn, and was -- in the dog's opinion and in mine -- aggressive behavior. And I think Mr. Harris exhibited some aggressive behavior himself," said Paxton.

Austin Animal Control took another complaint against Cisco in 2007.

A woman said the dog bit her in a parking lot when she tried to pet him. The report said her injuries were minor.

Paxton did have Cisco on a leash during that incident but said he did not see what happened.

"I know that sometimes when you're playing with him and you're scratching him and you stop, he goes to pull at your hand and nip at your hand to get you to pet him some more," said Paxton. "I suspect that's probably what happened."

Paxton said Cisco was not an aggressive dog but rather a playful, protective companion. He admits the dog did bark a lot, which some people may have perceived to be aggressive.

Despite those two incidents, Cisco was never labeled a vicious dog by Animal Control.

askmrjesus 04-19-2012 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 510813)
* Shannon Wolfson

Is obviously bias.


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 510813)
Despite those two incidents, Cisco was never labeled a vicious dog by Animal Control.

Yet, Mr. "Hey, your dog has TEETH and shit" is the guy we should believe?

That's your "dirt"?


shmike 04-19-2012 09:58 AM

Racer X, the Fox News of the interwebs.

azoomm 04-19-2012 10:15 AM

I do give this officer points for killing the dog with one shot. It took my ex 3 shots to kill a dog while it was attached to his arm. :wink:

Sean 04-19-2012 11:23 AM

I've met my share of agressive dogs, and you don't need a flippin .38 round to the head to deal with it, especially when there's a gate and a fence.


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 510816)
I do give this officer points for killing the dog with one shot. It took my ex 3 shots to kill a dog while it was attached to his arm. :wink:

That's when the shaking starts :tremble:

Homeslice 04-19-2012 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by askmrjesus (Post 510814)
Yet, Mr. "Hey, your dog has TEETH and shit" is the guy we should believe?

That's your "dirt"?


Papa_Complex 04-19-2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 510813)
now the dirt comes out

Despite those two incidents, Cisco was never labeled a vicious dog by Animal Control.

Maybe because it was determined that the 'incidents' were crap?

HokieDNA01 04-21-2012 12:49 AM

This incident is just sad on many levels.

About 6 months ago I went out of town and instead of leaving my dog Mack, with his usual dog sitter, Kim, I put him in a dog resort for the weekend because it was last minute. I find out a few days later that my dog sitter got beaten by her drunk boyfriend who then pulled a gun on some neighbors/ friends that tried to calm him down. He barricaded himself with Kim in the house. The swat team was called in with guns blazing and made their arrest. I can only imagine what could have happened if my Mack was there. If dogs are in the way or bark/interfere in that situation, they are often shot.

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