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pauldun170 02-07-2013 01:22 PM

Watch out Cali folk...
Christopher Dorner’s Manifesto (the guy with a vengeance against the LAPD who is gunning people down)

CasterTroy 02-07-2013 01:42 PM

I've known way too many cops.....and heard WAY too much about corruption to be remotely surprised at this. In fact, I'm shocked it doesn't happen MUCH more often

OneSickPsycho 02-07-2013 01:49 PM


pauldun170 02-07-2013 03:08 PM


Don't drive a blue truck in LA today.
LAPD will shoot on site anyone driving a blue truck

EpyonXero 02-07-2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 526372)

Don't drive a blue truck in LA today.
LAPD will shoot on site anyone driving a blue truck

Wow, so now the LAPD is just shooting up anybody in a blue Nissan Titan? Maybe Dorner has the right idea.

CasterTroy 02-07-2013 04:23 PM


HIS truck is a Grey titan..that one was a blue tacoma. Wrong make...wrong model, wrong color, wrong SEX


Originally Posted by EpyonXero (Post 526380)
Maybe Dorner has the right idea.

Killing innocents is NEVER the right idea (disclaimer)

But damn if everything is true he wrote about....he's been seriously fucked over for a while!

They found what they think is HIS truck in Big Bear burned.

He has multiple .50 cal rifles and sniper training (Navy claimed he wasn't that good though) and he KNOWS the LAPD's procedures.

He's an LAPD officers worst nightmare! And now you've go nervous TRIGGER HAPPY cops on the prowl for someone hunting THEM. I bet 1/2 the force is shitting their pants. You KNOW the upper brass is 3 degrees of bent because this is an internal affairs nightmare come true

OneSickPsycho 02-07-2013 04:26 PM

I wonder if anything real will ever be exposed in the LAPD as a result of this...

fatbuckRTO 02-07-2013 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by EpyonXero (Post 526380)
Wow, so now the LAPD is just shooting up anybody in a blue Nissan Titan? Maybe Dorner has the right idea.

Best part is, even from the photo (and despite the bullet holes) I can tell that vehicle is a Toyota Tacoma. It is starting to look like there are no good guys in this scenario.

CasterTroy 02-07-2013 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 526382)
I wonder if anything real will ever be exposed in the LAPD as a result of this...

Look at PART of what he said..about the promotions after Rodney King. Those can be verified thru public record.

20-1 the smear campaign will start by the 6:00 news out there. They've got to get busy with character assassination on this guy in order to maintain control.

I bet psychological evaluations are already being put in front of the media (whether falsified or true)

I'm not Baby-G by any means.....but I'm not a fool either

pauldun170 02-07-2013 04:36 PM

David Ayer is current considering a copyright claim against Dorner.

fatbuckRTO 02-07-2013 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526385)
I'm not Baby-G by any means.....but I'm not a fool either

It's one thing to shout "the government is coming to kill us all!" because DHS bought some ammunition for their weapons. It's another thing to shout it because the government is actively pulling the trigger.

Shooting two women who are delivering newspapers out of an import truck because there's a cop-killer on the loose in an import truck? That's Iraqi death-blossom shit. Have a little goddamn trigger discipline if you're going to carry on the job, or find yourself a nice cushy desk and some doughnuts.

OneSickPsycho 02-07-2013 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by fatbuckRTO (Post 526390)
It's one thing to shout "the government is coming to kill us all!" because DHS bought some ammunition for their weapons. It's another thing to shout it because the government is actively pulling the trigger.

Shooting two women who are delivering newspapers out of an import truck because there's a cop-killer on the loose in an import truck? That's Iraqi death-blossom shit. Have a little goddamn trigger discipline if you're going to carry on the job, or find yourself a nice cushy desk and some doughnuts.

Buying some ammo is one thing, buying 1.6B rounds over the past 10 months is a bit questionable...

CasterTroy 02-07-2013 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by fatbuckRTO (Post 526390)
It's one thing to shout "the government is coming to kill us all!" because DHS bought some ammunition for their weapons. It's another thing to shout it because the government is actively pulling the trigger.


Especially when you subscribe to multiple media outlets and see whats going on outside the bubble the gobment along with CNN/MSNBC/Fox wants you to focus on.

On a related note KTLA interviews are using the word "snapped" several times. This guy didn't SNAP. He created a FB page 3 weeks ago and filled it with POSITIVE information about himself because he was preparing for the character assassination he knew would come after his death

fatbuckRTO 02-07-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 526391)
Buying some ammo is one thing, buying 1.6B rounds over the past 10 months is a bit questionable...

Questionable from a budgetary perspective, maybe.

DHS has 240,000 employees. If even only a quarter of those employees are armed, 1.6B works out to about 27K rounds per shooter. Seems like a lot at first glance. But then I remember 1000 round weeks at the range. Some jobs burn through that in a day, for training alone.

Homeslice 02-07-2013 08:33 PM


Now that I had confirmed it, I told XXXX not to use that word again. I explained that it was a well-known offensive word that should not be used by anyone. He replied, “I’ll say it when I want”. Officer XXXX, a friend of his, also stated that he would say nigger when he wanted. At that point I jumped over my front passenger seat and two other officers where I placed my hands around XXXXs’ neck and squeezed. I stated to XXXX, “Don’t fucking say that”. At that point there was pushing and shoving and we were separated by several other officers. What I should have done, was put a Winchester Ranger SXT 9mm 147 grain bullet in his skull and Officer XXXX’s skull.
oh yeah he's a sane one :rolleyes:

CasterTroy 02-08-2013 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 526400)
oh yeah he's a sane one :rolleyes:

:skep: You don't read many books do you .... that, or you're not honest about what you ACTUALLY think from time to time.

Reading his whole manifesto, (this may sound scary but shit I'll say it) I have to say I can see where he's coming from.

But having said that.......there's a HUGE difference in thinking something and SAYING it.....and then there's the HUGE leap from verbalizing terrible thoughts and actually going thru with them. So he's made two huge leaps from where most of us stand. But at some point....he's stood where a lot of us have in the past.

CasterTroy 02-08-2013 07:44 AM

Second truck attacked by mistake

Woops LAPD did it again!

Turbo Ghost 02-08-2013 07:47 AM

I saw a lot of video from Cali yesterday. All officers are now carrying their shotguns and rifles with them and they pulled all motorcycle cops into patrol cars for the duration!
As for the shooting of the women, I can see situations where it was an honest mistake. Yes, it was the wrong vehicle but, wasn't it early in low-light? I'm asking, I'm not sure but, if they were delivering papers it should have been early. Add the incredible stress and tension of the situation to the mix and you've got scared cops. If the ladies didn't respond properly to any commands from the cops or if they made a move that to them might not seem threatening (like reaching for registration in the glove-box) then I can understand how it could go crazy very quickly. I'm not saying that's what happened because I wasn't there. However, anything is possible.
As for him being "not very good" at being a sniper. That probably means he can only hit you from 500 yards consistently instead of 1,000 or more. I wouldn't want to be a cop in Cali right now!
It would be nice if he were taken alive so that things could come out but, considering all the allegations, I'm sure the order is to take him out.

Turbo Ghost 02-08-2013 07:54 AM

Ok, I just read that latest report. I can definitely see how the first incident happened. Scared cops protecting a potential target; it's dark, a dark pickup rolls up right in front with its' lights off. I can see it.

HOWEVER! The second one has no excuse! Confusing a Honda truck with ANY other truck (except maybe an Avalanche) is ridiculous. Thank God the cops aren't good shots! Otherwise, there would be three dead innocents!

CasterTroy 02-08-2013 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Turbo Ghost (Post 526416)
Thank God the cops aren't good shots! Otherwise, there would be three dead innocents!

Yep. Streaming KTLA right now....smear campaign and character assassination has begun

Interesting Anderson Cooper package

Homeslice 02-08-2013 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526412)
:skep: You don't read many books do you .... that, or you're not honest about what you ACTUALLY think from time to time.

Reading his whole manifesto, (this may sound scary but shit I'll say it) I have to say I can see where he's coming from.

But having said that.......there's a HUGE difference in thinking something and SAYING it.....and then there's the HUGE leap from verbalizing terrible thoughts and actually going thru with them. So he's made two huge leaps from where most of us stand. But at some point....he's stood where a lot of us have in the past.

He wasn't even called a nigger, he just overheard it being used! And he gets physical about it? Talk about overly sensitive. I could see doing that outside work at a bar or something, but not during work.

And then he writes about thoughts of killing someone over that, in the same letter where he's trying to get sympathy? How stupid can you be?

We all know about the Blue Line and corruption and the good ol boy network, but I'm sorry, this guy sounds like someone who didn't know how to manage perceptions by other people. He probably came across as a whiner or outcast. I've been there. :lol:

And as for the complaints he submitted, that were ignored? One thing I've learned in life is that you can't expect others to stand up for you just because you're right. The sad truth is that you have to try to fit in, and kiss ass a little, or nobody is going to do shit for you. Being correct doesn't mean shit in this world.

CasterTroy 02-08-2013 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 526418)
The sad truth is that you have to try to fit in, and kiss ass a little, or nobody is going to do shit for you.

Just remember that when the bailiff has his knee in your chest and you're on the ground gasping for air because you wouldn't stand when the judge came in the courtroom :pat:

VatorMan 02-08-2013 08:42 AM

As many times as he's referenced Rodney King, methinks a bit of racial bias has slipped in. He apparently sees Whitey as the devil trying to shove the Bible down his throat. All this A hole is trying to do is start another race riot.Which there will be as soon as the LEOs put him down.
I'll bet Jesse Jackson is on a plane there right now.

fatbuckRTO 02-08-2013 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Turbo Ghost (Post 526416)
Ok, I just read that latest report. I can definitely see how the first incident happened. Scared cops protecting a potential target; it's dark, a dark pickup rolls up right in front with its' lights off. I can see it.

I can see it. I can understand it. I can't excuse it. This is not Fallujah*, this is Torrance, CA. You do not fire until you are clearly threatened. There are any number of steps the officers could have taken besides riddling the vehicle of innocent civilians with bullets (not to mention the innocent civilians themselves). They could have had the potential target take sufficient cover. They could have shined lights on the incoming truck. The list goes on.

I realize my criticism smacks of arm-chair quarter-backing, but I don't care. It's one thing to accidentally harm civilians while actively engaging a perpetrator. It's a completely different thing to gun down civilians while trying to engage a perpetrator who isn't even present. I have a very hard time believing that those women, had they been confronted as law enforcement officers are supposed to do, would have done anything but comply with the officers' instructions.

*Shit, we've sent our own troops in Iraq to jail for less than this.

CasterTroy 02-08-2013 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by fatbuckRTO (Post 526422)

*Shit, we've sent our own troops in Iraq to jail for less than this.

If his manifesto is even 10% correct, we've got more criminals IN the LAPD than arrested BY the LAPD

Twobanger 02-08-2013 10:15 AM

Just remember kids, these are the only people in society that should be allowed to have guns.

If one trained guy can do this to one of the biggest agencies in the nation, just imagine 10, 100, 10,000 all at once nation wide.

Turbo Ghost 02-08-2013 10:23 AM

I can definitely see this being used against us.

"If trained police professionals can make terrible mistakes like this then, we can't allow regular citizens to have guns!"

That's how I'd spin it if I were on the opposition.

Twobanger 02-08-2013 10:48 AM

It'd ring hollow, I think. Unless they put their money where their mouth is and take away longarms and semiauto pistols and give them S&W revolvers. Americans like to stick their heads in the sand and live in a bubble, but we're not stupid. If anything it'd strengthen the divide between politicians and their lackeys/enforcers and the rest of us.

Have CNN, Fox, or msnbc put any focus on the innocents getting shot up by the police, or are they glossing over it while making excuses for them?

EpyonXero 02-08-2013 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 526418)
He wasn't even called a nigger, he just overheard it being used! And he gets physical about it? Talk about overly sensitive. I could see doing that outside work at a bar or something, but not during work.

And then he writes about thoughts of killing someone over that, in the same letter where he's trying to get sympathy? How stupid can you be?

We all know about the Blue Line and corruption and the good ol boy network, but I'm sorry, this guy sounds like someone who didn't know how to manage perceptions by other people. He probably came across as a whiner or outcast. I've been there. :lol:

And as for the complaints he submitted, that were ignored? One thing I've learned in life is that you can't expect others to stand up for you just because you're right. The sad truth is that you have to try to fit in, and kiss ass a little, or nobody is going to do shit for you. Being correct doesn't mean shit in this world.

He said he wasnt a bully in school and only got into fights when he was being picked on by classmates in his otherwise all white school. If thats true then I can definitely see him having some hatred of whites and joining the police force as a chance to have power over the people who tried to put him down. I dont know a ton of cops but the ones Ive met and the wannabe's Ive met seem to have that same mentality of the kid who got picked on for being small and started lifting weights to get respect.

EpyonXero 02-08-2013 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Twobanger (Post 526426)
It'd ring hollow, I think. Unless they put their money where their mouth is and take away longarms and semiauto pistols and give them S&W revolvers. Americans like to stick their heads in the sand and live in a bubble, but we're not stupid. If anything it'd strengthen the divide between politicians and their lackeys/enforcers and the rest of us.

Have CNN, Fox, or msnbc put any focus on the innocents getting shot up by the police, or are they glossing over it while making excuses for them?

Or you could say that if an army of armed and trained police officers cant defend themselves from one guy with a manifesto, whats a history teacher with a handgun going to do against a determined attacker.

shmike 02-08-2013 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526419)
Just remember that when the bailiff has his knee in your chest and you're on the ground gasping for air because you wouldn't stand when the judge came in the courtroom :pat:

Well fuckin' played, Troy! :shmike:

Homeslice 02-08-2013 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526419)
Just remember that when the bailiff has his knee in your chest and you're on the ground gasping for air because you wouldn't stand when the judge came in the courtroom :pat:

Yeah, kinda doubt they'd ever retaliate that much, unless it was some ultra-conservative hick-town

Papa_Complex 02-08-2013 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526417)
Yep. Streaming KTLA right now....smear campaign and character assassination has begun

Interesting Anderson Cooper package

And the defensive Facebook page is gone.

pauldun170 02-08-2013 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526417)
Interesting Anderson Cooper package

CasterTroy 02-08-2013 05:57 PM

Who was filming that? Micheal J Fox?

pauldun170 02-08-2013 09:16 PM


The police have shot 3 innocent people (that we know about). The "bad guy" has also shot 3 people (1 cop and 2 people directly related to cops). So both sides have shot the same number of people. I guess the big difference is the "bad guy" didn't miss.
Interesting quote from reddit

Twobanger 02-08-2013 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by EpyonXero (Post 526432)
Or you could say that if an army of armed and trained police officers cant defend themselves from one guy with a manifesto, whats a history teacher with a handgun going to do against a determined attacker.

Your bias against self defense and in this particular instance being afraid of shadows versus an active threat is out of place with reality. That's an apples and airplane comparison.

EpyonXero 02-08-2013 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Twobanger (Post 526446)
Your bias against self defense and in this particular instance being afraid of shadows versus an active threat is out of place with reality. That's an apples and airplane comparison.

Or pulling a gun can get you paralyzed.

Im not biased against self defense, I just dont believe that having a gun on my person will somehow protect me from incoming bullets.

Papa_Complex 02-08-2013 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Twobanger (Post 526446)
Your bias against self defense and in this particular instance being afraid of shadows versus an active threat is out of place with reality. That's an apples and airplane comparison.

And perhaps......

Twobanger 02-08-2013 11:59 PM

Did you watch the YouTube video? Suzanna was in that situation. Being armed isn't a guarantee of success its a chance vs no chance. That Lubys was a mile from my house before I moved to Austin. Its a Chinese buffet now.

Twobanger 02-09-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 526449)

No! That video is a farce. The "bad guy" knows who is armed in advance and where they are in the class. It's bullshit. There's a guy that was in that video that posted on arf that he traded places and was across the room from where the CHL holder was supposed to be in the skit. When the bad guy broke in he got him. That ended up on the cutting room floor.

Papa_Complex 02-09-2013 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by Twobanger (Post 526451)
No! That video is a farce. The "bad guy" knows who is armed in advance and where they are in the class. It's bullshit. There's a guy that was in that video that posted on arf that he traded places and was across the room from where the CHL holder was supposed to be in the skit. When the bad guy broke in he got him. That ended up on the cutting room floor.

Seems to me that they were chopping up random people until the "armed defender" showed him or herself.

Yeah, and the AR-15 forum is the heart and soul of impartiality :lol:

The premise of that video is sound, given all of the studies regarding armed interaction. Admittedly it was roughly 25 years ago (read it around the time that I got out of college) but a former military man and police commander did a study of police gunfights and determined that on balance they took place at something less than 20 feet, emptied the weapons, and rarely resulted in injury by gunshot. And THAT involved people who were trained for it.

Twobanger 02-09-2013 01:40 AM

An active participants testimony doesn't count now because of where he posted it?

Police in America aren't nearly as trained as you think they are. Some shoot as little as twice a year. That's why you see some of those outrageous round count to hit ratios. Shooting quickly and accurately is a quickly perishable skill.

Papa_Complex 02-09-2013 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Twobanger (Post 526453)
An active participants testimony doesn't count now because of where he posted it?

Police in America aren't nearly as trained as you think they are. Some shoot as little as twice a year. That's why you see some of those outrageous round count to hit ratios. Shooting quickly and accurately is a quickly perishable skill.

You're also assuming that he was an actual participant ;)

The point isn't that police are frequently under-trained, but that the average civilian is completely UN-trained.

RACER X 02-11-2013 05:30 PM


$1mil bounty and drone's look for his ass.....

goof2 02-11-2013 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 526493)

Funny, it would be funnier if it didn't make sense to do that.

LeeNetworX 02-12-2013 09:22 AM

OneSickPsycho 02-12-2013 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by RACER X (Post 526493)

$1mil bounty and drone's look for his ass.....

Twobanger 02-12-2013 10:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Human shield

pauldun170 02-12-2013 01:14 PM

another officer?

“My Former LAPD Officer Joe Jones MANIFESTO… I know most of you who personally who me are in disbelief of the partial story I will tell today. A story that has been suppressed for about 18 years, But lives strong everyday of my life. I without hesitation would like to send my condolences to the Victims who were lost and their families during this tragic situation. I would also like to send my condolences and well wishes to the many former and current Officers, as well as …Citizen’s and their families who lost the lives and souls of loved one’s to the injustices of Police Corruption, Scandal, Lies, Deception and Brutality.

Unlike Former Officer Dorner, I fear dying; But I also fear living in a society where Innocent people are dying for no reason. A society where pain so great can be afflicted to people who have to desire to live right and treat people right and then be punished for doing right. They say we all look alike. In very few cases this of course is true. But in most cases it is not. I feel a resemblance to Dorner, (See Photos) However several people who have no resemblance to Dorner have been shot due to the fear of what is taking place. I DO NOT WANT TO BE SHOT FOR CRIMES I DID NOT COMMIT!. Neither does anyone else. To preface my story I will say this: Just like former Officer Christopher Dorner I used to smile a lot. I loved everyone. I was voted Friendliest Senior of my Sr. Class in High School. I always believed in the system and never got into any trouble. I loved hard and gave to all I could.

After Joining the LAPD in 1989 I quickly found out that the world and society had major flaws. I had flaws as well for ever believing that our system of government was obligated to do the right thing. his is what I believed as a young Officer. Without going into major detail, I need you to first assume that I would not surface 16 years later with lies about a situation that has me with PTSD to this very day. The pain forces me to speak as I have yet to shake the Ill’s of my experience as an LAPD Officer. Of course I have moved on physically. But mentally and emotionally I still live with flaws. I can’t go into re-living the emotions of what I went through so I will say this. I had my home viciously attacked by a gunman with my family and myself inside the house. No arrests were made and my family and I Received very little support. I had my Civil Rights violated on several occasions. I was falsely arrested at gunpoint by the Sheriffs as an Officer who ID’d himself and was conspired against by both LAPD and the Sheriffs when my Civil case went to Trial.

I was falsely accused on more than one occasion and simply placed in a position that the trust was so compromised that I could no longer wear the Uniform. Also know there were many more episodes. All of these issues are well documented and I present them not to be a Whistle blower, However to hope that one would not assume that all of what is being said is Lies as presented by Dorner. I don’t know him, But I know me. I will say from my experience, If a person knows they were wrong it is easier to move on without anger. Seems that Dorner obviously could not move on… Could I just be content and move on with my life and not say anything? Yes…Then I would feel that I for once had my chance to speak on something that hurts me to this day and I did nothing to arouse thought or provoke reform.

This is what I hope comes from this whole situation: 1. Families that lost someone to this tragedy find the peace that only God can give at this terrible time. 2. Citizens of Los Angeles be mindful of this fearful time to be an Officer and comply vigorously so that you are not the victim of an Officer on high alert. 3. Government and Politicians please be diligent in the responsibility of creating Laws that protect those who could be the victim of a conspiracy. Never allow the door to be shut on the Truth. 4. Honest and Fair LAPD & All Agencies: Keep doing what you are doing to protect citizens and be safe while you are doing so. We need you and I would hope that you do not allow the Bureaucratic drama and Stress to kill your morale as I know it can. 5. Unethical LAPD & all Agencies: Whatever is was that lead you down this path, Pray to somebody’s God to forgive you and begin to remove unethical methods to your policing style.

Always think what if it were you, How would you feel?..How would you like if you were falsely accused and your life, lively-hood and career was taken from you? How would you like if someone was beating on you just because they felt they could get away with it? You are no better the criminals you took and oath to arrest when you do what you do! 6. Chistopher Dorner. The 1st thing I would say to him is, I feel your pains!…But you are going about this the wrong way. To take innocent lives could never be the answer to anything. I say this as a Man who experienced the same pain, betrayal, anger, suffering, litigation and agony that you did in many ways, Only I didn’t get Fired. I just choose to go a different route. My heart still suffered that same shock, I was still left to try and put the pieces back together. The disbelief that people could conspire and cause you to loose something you loved so dearly was still there. I lost my Career, I lost my Family, I lost my Dignity, I lost my Trust…But I am here now to hopefully one day see change…Bro, Don’t kill anymore Innocent people. Your point has been made. Clearly. They know you mean business, The whole world knows. Refrain from any further wrong doing and do what you must to salvage your Soul. Whatever that means to you. Just remember that God is a forgiving God. In conclusion I say to people who knew none of this about me that one day I will have to reflect on when was the time to speak. When I see the potential for innocent lives to be lost…The time is Now!…JJ”

fatbuckRTO 02-12-2013 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by pauldun170 (Post 526505)
another officer?

I literally do not understand what the figurative fuck I just read...

Trip 02-12-2013 02:20 PM

don't go scuba diving in California. They think they saw him with scuba tanks at a sporting goods store. LOL

CasterTroy 02-12-2013 02:39 PM

Even though he tried to steal a boat......I still think the tanks (2 small and one large) would be more for a breathing apparatus to survive tear gas and NOT to go snorkeling.

He shows clear signs of thinking ahead. I would bet he had a firemans mask and or gear to combat smoke/tear gas and that's what these are for.

Papa_Complex 02-12-2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 526507)
don't go scuba diving in California. They think they saw him with scuba tanks at a sporting goods store. LOL

Based on past performance it would also be a good idea to stay away from fire extinguishers and 3 Litre bottles of Coke.

CasterTroy 02-12-2013 04:20 PM

Spotted at the Grammys

Trip 02-12-2013 05:14 PM

He apparently was holding two people hostage in a cabin. Shootout is ongoing apparently.

Homeslice 02-12-2013 07:09 PM

Clueless......should have left the mountains a long time ago

Trip 02-12-2013 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 526517)
Clueless......should have left the mountains a long time ago

his cabin is on fire, most likely dead, I wonder if the police Wacoed him.

Turbo Ghost 02-12-2013 08:10 PM

The last report I heard said there were no hostages after all but, you know how these "as it happens" reports are.
Also, if he was the person with the scuba tanks, I bet his plan was to let them gas the place and wait to pick them off when they came in. That may still be the case. I wonder if this location is a random thing or part of a plan made long ago? If it's part of a plan, this may get ugly. I'd love to see him brought in alive but, I sincerely doubt that happening.

Trip 02-12-2013 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Turbo Ghost (Post 526520)
The last report I heard said there were no hostages after all but, you know how these "as it happens" reports are.
Also, if he was the person with the scuba tanks, I bet his plan was to let them gas the place and wait to pick them off when they came in. That may still be the case. I wonder if this location is a random thing or part of a plan made long ago? If it's part of a plan, this may get ugly. I'd love to see him brought in alive but, I sincerely doubt that happening.

cops are going to shoot his ass no matter if he surrenders or not.

Papa_Complex 02-12-2013 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 526521)
cops are going to shoot his ass no matter if he surrenders or not.

It'll be like Ned and Uncle Jimbo hunting rabbits.

shmike 02-12-2013 11:10 PM

They're saying it was him in the cabin:

Trip 02-12-2013 11:44 PM

So if you are a charred body in Cali, might want to invest in a bulletproof vest right about now. Lol

Papa_Complex 02-13-2013 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 526526)
So if you are a charred body in Cali, might want to invest in a bulletproof vest right about now. Lol

Oh, he'll be back. With a floppy fedora, a striped sweater, and finger blades.

CasterTroy 02-13-2013 09:03 AM

Updated: 02/13/2013 5:50 am EST


"We have reason to believe that it is him," San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Cynthia Bachman said.

RACER X 02-13-2013 09:16 AM

CasterTroy 02-13-2013 09:56 AM

Convenient...maybe a little too much?


Report: California driver's license naming Christopher Dorner found in burned cabin with body, @AP source says

Papa_Complex 02-13-2013 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526537)
Convenient...maybe a little too much?

"Hello Dorner. Time for judgment. < BLAM! > OK boys, burn it down."

CasterTroy 02-13-2013 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Papa_Complex (Post 526539)
"Hello Dorner. Time for judgment. < BLAM! > OK boys, burn it down."

But first....let me grab his wallet so it doesn't burn :rockwoot: We'll chuck that back into the ashes later to speed up the ID process

RACER X 02-13-2013 03:43 PM

Trip 02-13-2013 03:57 PM

Breaking news:

Chris Evans was shot by the LAPD while in his Human Torch costume from the Fantastic 4 movie.

RACER X 02-13-2013 05:36 PM

LeeNetworX 02-13-2013 06:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Homeslice 02-13-2013 07:14 PM

Wonder if they consulted with the owner before they burned it..........wishful thinking, I know

LeeNetworX 02-13-2013 07:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Twobanger 02-13-2013 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by CasterTroy (Post 526537)
Convenient...maybe a little too much?

Considering his wallet was also found at a border crossing a couple of days earlier I'd say yes it is.

EpyonXero 02-14-2013 10:52 AM

Two wallets! This guy is a genius.

Papa_Complex 02-14-2013 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by EpyonXero (Post 526591)
Two wallets! This guy is a genius.

Perhaps. Or maybe there's an empty envelope in the evidence room?

LeeNetworX 02-14-2013 07:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)

fatbuckRTO 02-15-2013 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by OneSickPsycho (Post 526391)
Buying some ammo is one thing, buying 1.6B rounds over the past 10 months is a bit questionable...

Saw this today, thought of our brief off-topic sidebar:

askmrjesus 02-16-2013 02:51 PM

Christopher Dorner has been named the new spokesperson for NicoDerm.

He quit smoking, you can too!


CasterTroy 02-18-2013 04:46 PM

LeeNetworX 02-18-2013 07:32 PM


Twobanger 03-12-2013 04:36 PM

The two newspaper delivery women who were shot at during the manhunt for Christopher Dorner will not be getting a new replacement truck as promised by the LAPD, according to their attorney Glen Jonas.

It has been more than a month since LAPD Chief Charlie Beck promised the truck to Emma Hernandez, 71, and her daughter, Margie Carranza, who had been working in Torrance, Calif. before dawn on Feb. 7.

Police said it was a "case of mistaken identity" that prompted officers to open fire on the women. Beck later apologized and promised to replace their truck, now riddled with bullet holes.

According to Jonas, LAPD and Galpin Ford wanted his clients to pose for a photo opportunity and pay income tax on the truck. The women no longer want the truck after they were told they needed to fill out a 1099 form for the donation, Jonas said Monday.

"You tried to murder the woman, now you're telling her she can't have a four-wheel drive, you're telling her she can't sell it and you've got to be taxed on it?" Jonas said. "How would anyone react to that?"

Jonas plans on filing a government claim, which is a precursor to any lawsuit filed against a government agency. He said he felt the truck was being touted as a "reward or prize" instead of a sincere gesture by the LAPD.

Galpin Ford estimates the value of the truck – a 2013 Ford 150 SuperCrew – at $32,560. The dealership had planned on paying the sales tax, vehicle registration and title on the truck, according to a dealership spokesperson.

"It's really sad for us because we want to help these women move on with their lives, and help them move forward with that, we just can't get past the 1099 issue," LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith said. "The government has to take their bite out of it, I guess."

The women's Toyota Tacoma was pierced with 102 bullet holes from the Feb. 7 shooting, according to Jonas. Emma Hernandez is still recovering from two bullet wounds to her neck, which are giving her life-threatening complications, according to Jonas, who described what his clients went through that morning.

"The grandmother, Emma, starts saying, ‘God have mercy on us,’ because she thinks for sure they're going to die," Jonas said. "She then clutches around the back seat of her daughter to protect her from the gun shots because her daughter has children."

The pair was driving a dark-colored pickup truck with its lights off when they slowly approached the home of an officer named in ex-officer Christopher Dorner’s angry manifesto. Apparently thinking Dorner was inside, police opened fire on the truck.

After the shooting, Jonas said he was shocked by the officers’ actions. He said neither the size of the women nor the blue Toyota Tundra truck they were in matched the description of Dorner's Nissan Titan.

Eight officers were involved in the shooting. They were assigned to non-field assignments "until the (police) chief decides otherwise."

LeeNetworX 03-12-2013 04:40 PM

All the more reason I say fuck California.

CasterTroy 03-12-2013 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Twobanger (Post 527337)
"The government has to take their bite out of it, I guess."

And they can take that bite from the LAPD :td:

Turbo Ghost 03-12-2013 08:49 PM

There are times when I hate. This is one of them.

Homeslice 03-13-2013 01:34 AM

You are already buying the truck, why not reimburse the tax as well. Dumb phuck cops.

Papa_Complex 03-13-2013 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by Homeslice (Post 527355)
You are already buying the truck, why not reimburse the tax as well. Dumb phuck cops.

Apparently because they would rather pay a $10M settlement, than hand over a truck free and clear.

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