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Kaneman 09-11-2009 09:43 AM

Vicious Pit Bulls and Kitties don't mix...
Please support breed restriction and legislation in your local city. We need to eradicate the country of these vile beasts posing as family pets. Just waiting to kill shit.

I see your Schwartz is as big as mine...

You shall perish Canine!

ARRRRGG...I have no defense for your tiny teeth.

Fuck it...I'll eat my own foot.


Well if Dad won't let me eat the cat I'll just have to take it out on this guy.

You know you can't stay mad at this face...

shmike 09-11-2009 09:46 AM

Cute Pics!

buzzcutt2 09-11-2009 09:57 AM

Why would anyone own a pit and a cat? :lmao:

MILK 09-11-2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by buzzcutt2 (Post 264244)
Why would anyone own a cat? :lmao:

Fixed it!! :lmao:

I am an animal lover of all animals, just prefer dogs.

Trip 09-11-2009 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by MILK (Post 264247)
Fixed it!! :lmao:

I am an animal lover of all animals, just prefer dogs.


I wish death on all cats.

MILK 09-11-2009 10:04 AM


Kaneman 09-11-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 264252)

I wish death on all cats.

Can't say I blame you....but it's pretty much the only thing my wife has asked me for since we got married. At least its self sufficient so I don't have to mess with it.

AquaPython 09-11-2009 10:05 AM


azoomm 09-11-2009 10:09 AM

Violence begets violence


Kaneman 09-11-2009 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by buzzcutt2 (Post 264244)
Why would anyone own a pit and a cat? :lmao:

The Pit is the smallest of the cat's worries..

z06boy 09-11-2009 10:29 AM

Funny pics !!

I've got some old 35mm shots of a couple of Pits I owned playing with a couple different kittens...funny stuff.

buzzcutt2 09-11-2009 10:36 AM

My pit mix took a swat from a family member's cat before...the claw got stuck in the side of her face, she didn't know what to do - it was quite comical. Never did attack the cat.

z06boy 09-11-2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by buzzcutt2 (Post 264285)
My pit mix took a swat from a family member's cat before...the claw got stuck in the side of her face, she didn't know what to do - it was quite comical. Never did attack the cat.

:lol: :lol:

Apoc 09-11-2009 11:05 AM

how dare you! I demand you have that vile creature put down immediately!!! WTF are you thinking, dont you know thats an evil, violent breed? Just look how mean he is!

Krypt Keeper 09-11-2009 01:24 PM

Looks like my house. While I no longer have my pit, I have a German Shepherd and Malamute mix. I have seen her round up kittens and give them baths, wife had to save some bunnies and she did the same to them.

Wife got a cat last yr only 8 weeks old, hissed and nearly made my dog shit herself. My dog basically ran from the cat for 6 months.

Got lots of pics of them now playing, and like yours my dog is the one being attacked. I have to actually tell my dog to go kick the cats ass and stop running from him. She will take a paw and knock over the cat over, put his head into her mouth and jump back waiting for him to leap like the ninga tiger he is.

tached1000rr 09-11-2009 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by buzzcutt2 (Post 264244)
Why would anyone own a pit and a cat? :lmao:

I have a pit and the rest of my family owns 2 cats(I don't claim the cats). I can post of pics of the pit in my avatar sleeping beside the cat in the bed.

Ninjakel 09-11-2009 03:02 PM

Jaxx looks great Josh!!! ( But I am biased...i love APBT's)

Trip 09-11-2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264255)
Can't say I blame you....but it's pretty much the only thing my wife has asked me for since we got married. At least its self sufficient so I don't have to mess with it.

yeah, I understand pleasing the ball and chain. Thank god mine hates pretty much pets in general, though I wouldn't mind having a dog. I wouldn't go around skinning cats or putting them on microwaves or hurting them in anyway, but when people tell me to see their cat because it is different and cool, I just want to pimp slap them. All cats are the same, exactly the fucking same, annoying stupid animals.

Kerry_129 09-11-2009 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Trip (Post 264440)
All cats are the same, exactly the fucking same, annoying stupid animals.

:lol Sorry man, you're just wrong about the 'same' part. We have a herd of 4, and they all have extremely different & distinct personalities. Annoying and stupid is a component that's present sometimes, as well as cool/funny, very personable, and low-maintenance most of the time. Your statement is similar to saying 'all dogs are smelly & obnoxiously dependent'. :shrug:

As for pit bulls, I know they're a great breed that can be excellent pets/companions - but I also know a guy personally who had his face ripped open to the tune of 70+ stitches by his pit, a docile long-time family pet without any prior aggression problems.
I know it's not at all common (with a properly trained/treated animal), and I think pits are a very unfairly singled-out breed - but there's not much denying that in rare instances pits & other 'dangerous' breeds are quite capable of lashing out without warning or undue provocation. Not saying it makes any of the breeds 'bad', or justifies 'banning' (except for fookin chihuahuas!) - but it does happen occasionally.

Cute pics though!

MILK 09-11-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kerry_129 (Post 264472)
:lol but there's not much denying that in rare instances ANY DOG is quite capable of lashing out without warning or undue provocation.

No really - it's any dog. ;)

Speaking of cats and biting though.. My husband was put on antibotics when a cat bit through his wrist. Cat mouths have really really nasty bacteria..

Kaneman 09-11-2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Kerry_129 (Post 264472)
As for pit bulls, I know they're a great breed that can be excellent pets/companions - but I also know a guy personally who had his face ripped open to the tune of 70+ stitches by his pit, a docile long-time family pet without any prior aggression problems.
I know it's not at all common (with a properly trained/treated animal), and I think pits are a very unfairly singled-out breed - but there's not much denying that in rare instances pits & other 'dangerous' breeds are quite capable of lashing out without warning or undue provocation. Not saying it makes any of the breeds 'bad', or justifies 'banning' (except for fookin chihuahuas!) - but it does happen occasionally.

Cute pics though!

I hear lots of third hand stories like this, and I mean lots...but I have yet to talk to someone who's "family" pet turned on them. I wonder why that is? That being said, based on my experience with dogs these people are doing something terribly wrong to have their dogs bite them. Anyway, until I actually see it first hand or have an in depth conversation with someone its happened to I'm going to deny that "pits and other 'dangerous' breeds are quite capable of lashing out without warning or undue provocation"

Scientific temperament testing shows Pit Bulls to be among the most stable of all dog breeds, even surpassing Great Danes. I've been working with a lot of "dangerous" aggressive dogs lately and have found in every single case (that I've personally worked on) the behavior was a direct response to human influence. That could be from sustained abuse or owners who are neglectful (don't exercise their dog, maintain pack order, etc.) None of the dogs I've worked with, yet, have been Pit Bulls though.

I think the truth of the matter is likely that a lot of people want big working or hunting type dogs without being willing to do the work required to ensure a lifetime of stability.

MILK 09-11-2009 04:36 PM

My family dog bit me several times as a child. He was a poodle and it was always because I was either annoying the shit out of him or there was a thunderstorm and I was annoying the shit out of him...

Kerry_129 09-11-2009 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264479)
I've been working with a lot of "dangerous" aggressive dogs lately and have found in every single case (that I've personally worked on) the behavior was a direct response to human influence.
I think the truth of the matter is likely that a lot of people want big working or hunting type dogs without being willing to do the work required to ensure a lifetime of stability.

I can definitely believe & agree with that - and there lies the rub. Playing devils' advocate (not arguing for 'bans') - many owners are simply not going to treat/train/discipline a dog properly, and those dogs are typically the ones with the capacity to be 'dangerous', regardless of breed (though obviously size/musculature can make a big difference). There are good responsible owners such as yourself who raise/train dogs properly, but there are also plenty who to some degree are neglectful/abusive or simply not knowledgeable enough to properly train a potentially dangerous animal. What then? Where's the balance between personal rights to keep & train/not train animals as one sees fit (barring outright neglect/abuse), vs. the rights of society to not have themselves or their kids exposed to potentially dangerous improperly trained/restrained animals?

(disclaimer: I know in the scope of things, dog attacks are one of the last things I'd worry about if I had kids, especially since I would make sure my kids knew not to be little brats & provoke a dog - just internet debatin' )

Kaneman 09-11-2009 05:34 PM

Hell Kerry, when's the last time you heard of a Pit Bull carrying two handguns onto a University campus and shooting every last student in sight? How about two Rottweilers teaming up and mowing down their high school classmates with shotguns and pistols?

Bad parenting sucks, doesn't matter if its with dogs or humans. I'm all for PARENT bans...just not breed bans.

Smittie61984 09-11-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264506)
Bad parenting sucks, doesn't matter if its with dogs or humans. I'm all for PARENT bans...just not breed bans.

I wouldn't agree with breed bans either. But with that said I do not see why anyone really would want to own a pitbull unless they plan to fight them or use them as a penis extension. Just about all of my friends own them and they seem like useless pets (not as useless as a bulldog though). You have to worry about them getting outside and running off, they like to crawl all over you and your guests, they can't fetch, you can't take them to dog parks without them fighting, nor do they seem too bright.

Maybe it's the owners but if so then there are a lot of shitty ass pit bull owners which is why I'm very skeptical of someone owning a pitbull.

Kaneman 09-11-2009 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Smittie61984 (Post 264511)
I wouldn't agree with breed bans either. But with that said I do not see why anyone really would want to own a pitbull unless they plan to fight them or use them as a penis extension. Just about all of my friends own them and they seem like useless pets (not as useless as a bulldog though). You have to worry about them getting outside and running off, they like to crawl all over you and your guests, they can't fetch, you can't take them to dog parks without them fighting, nor do they seem too bright.

Maybe it's the owners but if so then there are a lot of shitty ass pit bull owners which is why I'm very skeptical of someone owning a pitbull.

There are a lot of shitty ass Pit Bull owners, yes. This breed has been selected to be the current tough guy dog by every thug in all the hoods from NY to CA. Before them it was the Rottweiler and before them it was the Doberman.

All the problems you describe, running off, crawling on guests, not fetching etc and not going to the dog part are all 100% issues caused by people. They are a very intelligent breed, loyal, great with children, powerful, determined, decent olfactory equipment, robust and healthy (few genetic issues) and have amusing fun loving personalities. They can do search and rescue work, run agility, or just serve as a good exercise partner.

I rescued my Pit from the shelter at 3 months old. He does not jump on people, ever. He goes to the dog park 3-4 times a week and despite being jumped a couple of times has never been in a fight. He fetches in and out of the water, runs miles upon end by my side (while I'm a bicycle), and is learning to run agility and frisbee. He also learns new commands much, much faster than my Lab does and is EXTREMELY receptive to training. In fact, training is its own reward with him. He has learned all this and is only 6 months old now.

All of your friends need to pick up a book and learn something about dogs before they find themselves in trouble.

shmike 09-11-2009 06:11 PM

Pit bull owners are like Ducati owners, there are two types:

1. The posers who need it to look badass, wealthy, cool, fast, whatever.

2. The true aficionados who refuse to admit that there are other breeds/brands that will do the same job/task/etc. with less money, effort and risk.

Ninjakel 09-11-2009 06:12 PM

I'm a number 2

and Loki says Hi :)

shmike 09-11-2009 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 264521)
I'm a number 2

and Loki says Hi :)

His eyes scare me.


Ninjakel 09-11-2009 06:15 PM


when and where??? Call Leon and let us know

tached1000rr 09-11-2009 07:17 PM

Kaneman, my daughter is doing a school project on stereo types of APBTs, would you mind emailing me copy of the pics with the kitty attacking the pup?

Kaneman 09-11-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by tached1000rr (Post 264536)
Kaneman, my daughter is doing a school project on stereo types of APBTs, would you mind emailing me copy of the pics with the kitty attacking the pup?

Not at all, if helpful I have some other pics of my old APBT being friendly as well. PM me your email.

Adeptus_Minor 09-11-2009 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264514)
There are a lot of shitty ass Pit Bull owners, yes. This breed has been selected to be the current tough guy dog by every thug in all the hoods from NY to CA. Before them it was the Rottweiler and before them it was the Doberman.

All the problems you describe, running off, crawling on guests, not fetching etc and not going to the dog part are all 100% issues caused by people. They are a very intelligent breed, loyal, great with children, powerful, determined, decent olfactory equipment, robust and healthy (few genetic issues) and have amusing fun loving personalities. They can do search and rescue work, run agility, or just serve as a good exercise partner.


All of your friends need to pick up a book and learn something about dogs before they find themselves in trouble.

Yet another factor I've found in my rather drawn out research process (yes, I'm still looking at the possibility of owning a dog) is the concept of dogs that are not for inexperienced or lazy owners.
It seems like a lot of the cases where people have aggressive or badly behaved dogs can be linked to those owners' failure to understand the special needs of the breed or lacking the skills to manage them.

...but you've kind of already said all that. :lol:

Kaneman 09-11-2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Adeptus_Minor (Post 264551)
Yet another factor I've found in my rather drawn out research process (yes, I'm still looking at the possibility of owning a dog) is the concept of dogs that are not for inexperienced or lazy owners.
It seems like a lot of the cases where people have aggressive or badly behaved dogs can be linked to those owners' failure to understand the special needs of the breed or lacking the skills to manage them.

...but you've kind of already said all that. :lol:

You can effectively lead a Bulldog without too much exercise, so that's not a bad dog for lazy people. Still very important to strive to be the leader and make sure your dog knows...but still, not as much exercise involved with these guys.

Smittie61984 09-11-2009 09:25 PM

Kaneman. I see your point but I think genetically pitbulls are aggresive animals. I think there is no way to compare the gentleness of a say a labrador vs a pitbull. Labs could muck a human up just as easily as a pit bull but you rarely hear of lab attacks.

Maybe the breed should be regulated. If you use the phrase "Gixxer" and own an Affliction T-shirt then you should not be allowed to own a pitbull.

Though I must retract an earlier statement about how there should be no dog breed bans. I think the Bulldog should be banned.

Kaneman 09-11-2009 09:28 PM

Real shame that people feel that way Smittie, but little can be done to change people's pre-conceived notions.

Dnyce 09-11-2009 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264558)
Real shame that people feel that way Smittie, but little can be done to change people's pre-conceived notions.

hell thats true about everything in the world

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by shmike (Post 264520)
Pit bull owners are like Ducati owners, there are two types:

1. The posers who need it to look badass, wealthy, cool, fast, whatever.

2. The true aficionados who refuse to admit that there are other breeds/brands that will do the same job/task/etc. with less money, effort and risk.

Nope pitbulls are the GSXRs of the dog world! They are owned mostly by jackasses that have no clue how to properly utilize them, thus making all the legitimate owners jackasses by association. No offense but I also agree that "most" pitbulls I've ever seen were fucking stupid, stubborn and aggressive towards other dogs. I guarantee that my old Australian Shepherd/Border Collie mix would run circles around any Pitbull in any type of intelligence test. My new dog the Rhodesian Ridge back... not so much...:lol: Although, he is very social and easily trained, there's not much going on behind those eyes. Since he's a lazy breed, he's perfect for my lazy ass and that's why I got him.

101lifts2 09-12-2009 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264592)
..... My new dog the Rhodesian Ridge back... .

Pics or he doesn't exist.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 04:43 AM

Posted before...

z06boy 09-12-2009 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264514)
There are a lot of shitty ass Pit Bull owners, yes. This breed has been selected to be the current tough guy dog by every thug in all the hoods from NY to CA. Before them it was the Rottweiler and before them it was the Doberman.

All the problems you describe, running off, crawling on guests, not fetching etc and not going to the dog part are all 100% issues caused by people. They are a very intelligent breed, loyal, great with children, powerful, determined, decent olfactory equipment, robust and healthy (few genetic issues) and have amusing fun loving personalities. They can do search and rescue work, run agility, or just serve as a good exercise partner.

I rescued my Pit from the shelter at 3 months old. He does not jump on people, ever. He goes to the dog park 3-4 times a week and despite being jumped a couple of times has never been in a fight. He fetches in and out of the water, runs miles upon end by my side (while I'm a bicycle), and is learning to run agility and frisbee. He also learns new commands much, much faster than my Lab does and is EXTREMELY receptive to training. In fact, training is its own reward with him. He has learned all this and is only 6 months old now.

All of your friends need to pick up a book and learn something about dogs before they find themselves in trouble.

Very good post. :cheers:

I agree with some other post here as well like the Pit being the GSXR of the dog world :lol: but this one is spot on.

I'll have to scan/post some of my pics. I have not owned a Pit in years so all of my pics are old.

Smittie61984 09-12-2009 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264558)
Real shame that people feel that way Smittie, but little can be done to change people's pre-conceived notions.

People have taken grizzly bears and made them pets or they can make them ride a tricycle. But they are people who understand them very well and know how to properly raise them better than many people can raise a dog. Just like you and how you know how to properly raise a pitbull. Just because some people can raise a bear to be friendly doens't mean it'd make a great pet if "owners just knew how to raise them".

But most poeple don't have that knowledge and I think you can take the same shitty owner and give them a pitbull and a black lab and the black lab is more likely to not be aggresive.

My pre-conceived notion is that one dog breed is genetically different than another dog breed. If not then we'd only have one kind of dog out there. I think you can make a pitbull a great pet but it takes a lot of knowledge and skill to raise them that way. It doesn't take that much knowledge or skill to raise a non-aggresive labrador.

Ninjakel 09-12-2009 11:06 AM

Food for thought.

I've owned ABPT's my entire life, since I was a child. We also had Labs and other dogs too.

Guess what I got bitten by?? My nice gentle labrador. ( 18 stitches.)
Never once been bitten my a pit, either mine or any others.

My training of my pits is the same as Josh's.

Kaneman 09-12-2009 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Smittie61984 (Post 264630)
People have taken grizzly bears and made them pets or they can make them ride a tricycle. But they are people who understand them very well and know how to properly raise them better than many people can raise a dog. Just like you and how you know how to properly raise a pitbull. Just because some people can raise a bear to be friendly doens't mean it'd make a great pet if "owners just knew how to raise them".

But most poeple don't have that knowledge and I think you can take the same shitty owner and give them a pitbull and a black lab and the black lab is more likely to not be aggresive.

My pre-conceived notion is that one dog breed is genetically different than another dog breed. If not then we'd only have one kind of dog out there. I think you can make a pitbull a great pet but it takes a lot of knowledge and skill to raise them that way. It doesn't take that much knowledge or skill to raise a non-aggresive labrador.

I'm not denying that dogs have different genetic makeup, we made them that way. However, it does not take any special training to raise a Pit Bull. There is no mystery system to subdue a Pit Bull's "aggressive nature" and keep them from attacking humans. I raise my Pit just as I raise my San Miguel Dog and my Labrador Retriever.

Strong minded, independent thinking dogs like Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Dobermans, Boxers and so on have certain requirements that need to be filled or they will start going crazy. This does not show a genetic predisposition to attacking humans, it shows a higher level of intelligence and a strong work ethic. Yes, you need to know what you're doing to own a Pit Bull...but the exact same is true of all working breeds.

Pit Bulls are one of the least likely breeds to bite a human. Why? Because we genetically engineered them to never bite people under any circumstance. In the fighting ring dogs that turned on their handler who was breaking up a fight were culled or euthanized. In fact, they are not even the best guard dog out there because of their usual unwillingness to bite people. Now you will think to yourself, but I see on the news all the time about people getting mauled by Pit Bulls.

True, the news covers every Pit Bull attack they can find. Pit Bull is a scary name and it makes for good headlines. In the hands of the family that raised the dogs that make the news any other breed would've met a similar fate. Furthermore, many of the dogs the media calls Pit Bulls are mutts or Boxers.

The worse part about it all is extreme over breeding. I take my dogs walking every day, and without fail someone will stop me and ask if I want to breed my Pit Bull. They never ask about my other two dogs because Pit Bulls are money right now. With more dogs comes more incidents, and it is true that scum are attracted to the Pit Bull breed. Seriously, I can't stand most Pit Bull owners.

Last point. Out of my three dogs, without question, the most likely to bite a human is my female Chocolate Lab.

Ninjakel 09-12-2009 11:26 AM

I get people asking me to stud Loki out. :lol:

Um, I neutered BOTH my dogs at 7 months old. :lol:

Out of both my boys, my Boxer I think would actually be more agressive. My Pit is a total submissive.

But they both get along with other dogs. My Pit ignores strange dogs.

and Tig, your Rhodesian is gorgeous :)

Tmall 09-12-2009 12:13 PM

We used to have a lab living with us.

She was definitely more aggressive than my boxer.

If you ignorantly said you disliked black ppl, everybody would jump down your throat. Yet, they're always on the news. La riots? Lotsa black ppl. Do you dislike black ppl too because they're genetically different? Sounds a bit retarded doesn't it?

Smittie61984 09-12-2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tmall (Post 264649)
If you ignorantly said you disliked black ppl, everybody would jump down your throat. Yet, they're always on the news. La riots? Lotsa black ppl. Do you dislike black ppl too because they're genetically different? Sounds a bit retarded doesn't it?

That's different. They are being kept down by "The Man" and can't help it.
But from what I am gathering if we renamed the pitbull from Pitbull to Fluffy Sunshine and rainbows they'd be in the news less?

Kaneman 09-12-2009 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Smittie61984 (Post 264657)
That's different. They are being kept down by "The Man" and can't help it.
But from what I am gathering if we renamed the pitbull from Pitbull to Fluffy Sunshine and rainbows they'd be in the news less?

Not exactly. You'd also have to make them less attractive to scum and put an end to the rampant over breeding.

Actually...the new name might just work.

MILK 09-12-2009 02:14 PM

Um I have had labs come after me, but never a pit. Choc lab down the street came after me and my rottie several times. It all boils down to personal experience.

Ninjakel 09-12-2009 02:51 PM

All the guys on the south florida forum will tell you that my Pit just wants to have his belly scratched :lol:

Josh was with us down here when he picked up Loki as a 6 week old pup.

Kaneman 09-12-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 264685)
Josh was with us down here when he picked up Loki as a 6 week old pup.

And I still think "Kanedog" would've had a nice ring to it!! lol

Ninjakel 09-12-2009 02:59 PM

Hahahahahahahahaha :lol:

Ya know, it was our old Boxer, Raja who LOVED you :lol:

Kaneman 09-12-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 264689)
Hahahahahahahahaha :lol:

Ya know, it was our old Boxer, Raja who LOVED you :lol:

That's one of the coolest dogs I've ever been around. Damn dog used to wake me up every night to hang out.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 264632)
Food for thought.

I've owned ABPT's my entire life, since I was a child. We also had Labs and other dogs too.

Guess what I got bitten by?? My nice gentle labrador. ( 18 stitches.)
Never once been bitten my a pit, either mine or any others.

My training of my pits is the same as Josh's.

See honey, that's the problem. In one sentence pit owners say, "you can't judge an entire breed based on isolated incidences" and in another they give their one dog as an indication of the entire breed's temperament. The thing is your or Kaneman's couple good dog stories are no more important or compelling than any two vicious dog stories. Besides, I can tell a story about a Chihuahua that bit me when I was 12, show me a story where one killed a 3 year old child or got out and viciously attacked and killed a neighbor's pair of poodles. My opinion is that Labradors can be raised mean and Pit Bulls can be raised nice but in both cases, effort has to be made.

Besides, I'm sure you all will deny this but I find it hard to believe when people try and tell me they get dogs with vicious reputations NOT because they are "bad ass" but because they are "cute, gentle and wonderful family pets". That's like me trying to say that I didn't buy my Busa or GSXRs because of their performance reputation. I mean if that's why, then why clip the ears and tail to give them that mean, aggressive look? When my dog goes out, I have zero concern that he'll attack any people or other dogs. Can all of you pit owners honestly say the same? Remember that's ZERO concern.

Kaneman 09-12-2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264695)
When my dog goes out, I have zero concern that he'll attack any people or other dogs. Can all of you pit owners honestly say the same? Remember that's ZERO concern.

Yes, I can say I honestly have zero concern that my Pit will ever bite a human (that isn't breaking into my house anyway). No effort has to be made to make a Pit Bull "nice", that is their natural temperament.

I hate getting dragged into the classic Pit Bull argument. I should've given this thread a different title I suppose.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 03:39 PM

How many Golden Retrievers get these kind of headlines? This was a pit puppy btw.

There's another story where the family dog attacked a 5 year old but I can't find it. I'm not saying that Pitbulls are inherently evil or anything BUT I do honestly believe that they are much more aggressive than say a Labrador on average. I don't understand why some of you are trying to deny that.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264698)
Yes, I can say I honestly have zero concern that my Pit will ever bite a human (that isn't breaking into my house anyway). No effort has to be made to make a Pit Bull "nice", that is their natural temperament.

I hate getting dragged into the classic Pit Bull argument. I should've given this thread a different title I suppose.

Yea, let's drop it. There's no real point to this debate. I've grown up around pits and I think that for the most part, they are a decent dog but no one can deny that they were specifically bred to be aggressive. I won't call you a liar but I've never gone into a house with a Pitbull in 13 years in the service industry where the customer wasn't concerned that the dog might bite me.:idk:

Kaneman 09-12-2009 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264700)
How many Golden Retrievers get these kind of headlines? This was a pit puppy btw.

There's another story where the family dog attacked a 5 year old but I can't find it. I'm not saying that Pitbulls are inherently evil or anything BUT I do honestly believe that they are much more aggressive than say a Labrador on average. I don't understand why some of you are trying to deny that.

Because you're being misled. As I stated, my female choc lab is much more likely to bite a human than my other two dogs.

"Family dog" is subjective and often refers to a dog who's lived its life in the back yard chained or otherwise without any formal training or structure. Also as previously stated, Pit Bulls attract scum. If you read the story you linked to you'll notice that the person in possession of the dog at the time of the incident was a friend of the owner....he was watching the dog because the owner was in jail. Puppies chew things, they should never be left alone with babies.

Golden Retrievers don't get those kind of headlines because the media isn't interested for the most part. But Goldens also have the luxury of having owners who tend to care more for their dogs than Pit Bull owners. Yes, Golden Retrievers bite people. However, just to prove the point:

Ninjakel 09-12-2009 03:50 PM

FYI, my Pits ears are NOT cropped, nor is his tail.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 264703)
FYI, my Pits ears are NOT cropped, nor is his tail.

Yea I know, trust me, when people start bashing on GSXRs I have just as hard of a time not taking it personally!:lol: BTW I like the way your dog looks, I think the cropping make the dogs look evil.

Ninjakel 09-12-2009 03:58 PM

hey, I know all about the Gsxr bashing.....there is currently 3 Gsxrs in our garage :lol:

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264702)
Because you're being misled. As I stated, my female choc lab is much more likely to bite a human than my other two dogs.

"Family dog" is subjective and often refers to a dog who's lived its life in the back yard chained or otherwise without any formal training or structure. Also as previously stated, Pit Bulls attract scum. If you read the story you linked to you'll notice that the person in possession of the dog at the time of the incident was a friend of the owner....he was watching the dog because the owner was in jail. Puppies chew things, they should never be left alone with babies.

Golden Retrievers don't get those kind of headlines because the media isn't interested for the most part. But Goldens also have the luxury of having owners who tend to care more for their dogs than Pit Bull owners. Yes, Golden Retrievers bite people. However, just to prove the point:

Wow that's terrible! Of course, you know I'm going to say that the child was probably provoking the dog. Anyway, do you really want to get into a news story battle? If you think that you can find more GR attacks child than I can PB stories....and that's really nice, calling these people "scum" just because the guy got into trouble with the law. You don't know what he did. Besides, this was a puppy and it chewed a child's foot partially off. This wasn't some fucking shoe, bro. I doubt you're gonna find a story about a GR puppy chewing a baby's foot off!

The other thing I meant to mention about ZERO concern includes new people coming into to your house or a service worker or delivery man stepping into your yard. Zero concern? I have it. FYI we had a vicious dog when I was a kid and he bit at least 10 people that I remember. He also attacked a few dogs as well. I swore that I'd never own a dog that I had to worry about it biting anyone/anywhere. It always blows my mind when people have to put the dog away when I come to their house, why would you want to live like that?:idk:

quackPOT 09-12-2009 04:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Loved the kitty attacking the dog pics, those were great! I think it is a shame that pits get such a bad rap. I love my dog.

Kaneman 09-12-2009 04:10 PM

I wouldn't get into that battle. Part of my pont was that the media covers APBT news more than other breeds. I expect my dogs to bite or intimidate any intruders who enter my home. I never leave them in the back yard. Therefore I have zero concern.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 264706)
hey, I know all about the Gsxr bashing.....there is currently 3 Gsxrs in our garage :lol:

Yep! Besides, I'm not saying YOUR dog is bad but come on are you guys really trying to say that a Pit is not more likely to be a vicious dog than average?:idk:

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264711)
I wouldn't get into that battle. Part of my pont was that the media covers APBT news more than other breeds. I expect my dogs to bite or intimidate any intruders who enter my home. I never leave them in the back yard. Therefore I have zero concern.

That's cool. So if I come over, I don't have to worry that your dog might bite me, right? I'm allowed to make "sudden moves" and get up and walk around the room at my leisure, right? I'm not trying to pick on you, I guess I've just had bad experiences with "vicious breeds" that causes me to be leery of them.:idk:

Ninjakel 09-12-2009 04:36 PM

Once you've walked into my house with us, its all good. My dogs aren't threatened by our friends. But you better believe they will bark their asses off and possibly bite to defend our home and me if someone breaks in.

MILK 09-12-2009 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264711)
I wouldn't get into that battle. Part of my pont was that the media covers APBT news more than other breeds. I expect my dogs to bite or intimidate any intruders who enter my home. I never leave them in the back yard. Therefore I have zero concern.

Something else that hasn't been pointed out yet is the media's tendency to label EVERY short haired dog a pit bull. That has become so common. They don't know what the dog is, and use 'pit bull' because it makes headlines.

Same with saying it's a pit mix. A mix is just a mix - and speculating on what breeds are involved (unless known) is ridiculous!! I've had so many people TELL me - not ask - what is mixed in my mix breed. It is infuriating. I don't even know what's in her, I rescued her when she was abandoned at 9 weeks.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 264717)
Once you've walked into my house with us, its all good. My dogs aren't threatened by our friends. But you better believe they will bark their asses off and possibly bite to defend our home and me if someone breaks in.

I understand that, it's just that these dogs seem to have a hard time differentiating between "friends" and "intruders". Also, I've walked out of the room and come back and have suddenly become an intruder.:lol:

Kaneman 09-12-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264712)
Yep! Besides, I'm not saying YOUR dog is bad but come on are you guys really trying to say that a Pit is not more likely to be a vicious dog than average?:idk:

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. In fact, according to the American Temperament Testing Society a Pit Bull is less likely to be vicious than an average dog. My personal experience with the breed backs that up. They are scored even higher than the Rhodesian Ridgeback.


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264715)
That's cool. So if I come over, I don't have to worry that your dog might bite me, right? I'm allowed to make "sudden moves" and get up and walk around the room at my leisure, right? I'm not trying to pick on you, I guess I've just had bad experiences with "vicious breeds" that causes me to be leery of them.:idk:

That is completely absurd, and it is unfortunate you know people with dogs so edgy you can't make fast moves...this is 100% bad ownership. Yes, you can come into my house when invited and do anything without fear of being bitten. You can get down on your hands and knees and put your face in my Pit's food bowl while he eats. You can slap him in the face, you can grab his tail you can run from him and have no fear at all of being bitten.


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264725)
I understand that, it's just that these dogs seem to have a hard time differentiating between "friends" and "intruders". Also, I've walked out of the room and come back and have suddenly become an intruder.:lol:

Not sure where you're getting your info from but Pits are smart dogs who are very much in tune with their owner's emotional state. If you are in someone's home is is fearful or leary of you then yes, the dog will likely share the same apprehension. Fearfulness in a canine can result in a bite. This is not breed specific. This is a matter of socialization and training...and if you don't do that with ALL working dogs you are likely to have problems.

To address another myth you threw out there earlier, Pit Bulls were not bred for aggression in order to win fights. They were bred for "gameness" and determination, which in turn made them better fighters. Determination CAN be focused into fighting prowess and it is true that when a fight starts a Pit Bull is more likely to win due to the same determination.

This trait is also what allows them to be such excellent pulling or search and rescue dogs. Basically you train them to do the job for you and they will go until they are physically unable. They are capable of pulling more weight per pound than any other breed not because they are the most powerful dog breed...but because they have determination.

As MILF said, any short haired dog that attacks a human automatically becomes a Pit Bull once it hits your local news so to the average viewer it seems that only Pit Bulls attack people.

Dude, look at Cesar Milan's Pit Bulls. He has an entire pack of these dogs, many with violent pasts, that live, eat and asleep together. Thankfully they are not aware of their own stereotypes because they manage to do this without killing each other. Look at his older Pit "Daddy". This dog is completely submissive to dogs and humans yet is personal protection trained. Yes, Daddy will fuck you up if you try to hurt Cesar...yet in all the years Cesar has been doing the show and all the homes Daddy has been taken in to he has never falsely identified a threat and bit anyone.

Your image of the Pit Bull is false. Simple as that.

zuuk750 09-12-2009 09:46 PM

I could not help but to chime in here. I have two pitbulls (see avatar). I also have a miniature pinscher, and two cats. the cats F the pits up on a daily basis, not intentionally, they're playing but the dogs play back very gently, thus ending up in a losing battle lol. the miniature pinscher also plays with the dogs, literally she hangs from their lips- WITH HER TEETH! what do they do? walk around, maybe roll around a bit. the other animals make them yelp.

If I put them (the pit bulls) out in the yard together, all they do is sprint around and tackle eachother, its how they play. in fact I have one on either side of me in bed right now. Now on the other hand, on the other side of the fence is a black lab and a yellow lab. when these F'in dogs see my pinscher, they start drooling, snarling, snapping at the fence, and digging. The one pit runs up to the fence and immediately lays on her back in a submissive state. I'm pretty sure I have covered every stereotype mentioned in this thread! I can even get pics/video to prove it lol. and lastly, none of my dogs have cropped ears, pits have their tails, the pinscher doesnt because the breeder did it before we got her. btw both pits are rescues.

Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 09:51 PM

That's great you guys but I'll never own one.:panic:

Kaneman 09-12-2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264790)
That's great you guys but I'll never own one.:panic:

Not everyone is man enough to own a serious dog, that's why we invented Shih Tzus. :lol:

I keed, I keed.

zuuk750 09-12-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264808)
Not everyone is man enough to own a serious dog, that's why we invented Shih Tzus. :lol:

I keed, I keed.


Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264808)
Not everyone is man enough to own a serious dog, that's why we invented Shih Tzus. :lol:

I keed, I keed.

So you admit that your dog is a penis extension?:lol: That you only got that type of dog to be more "manly". Come to think of it, most people I see with Pits ARE scrawny white trash types.... Always walking them with huge chains wearing a baggy jeans and a wife beater.

zuuk750 09-12-2009 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264820)
So you admit that your dog is a penis extension?:lol: That you only got that type of dog to be more "manly". Come to think of it, most people I see with Pits ARE scrawny white trash types.... Always walking them with huge chains wearing a baggy jeans and a wife beater.

#1 dont call me scrawny, because I am not lol. :lol
and #2 that is again a stereotype, funny- nontheless stereotypical.
#3, my dogs have camo collars and leashes, ask sixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxer.


Amber Lamps 09-12-2009 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by zuuk750 (Post 264822)
#1 dont call me scrawny, because I am not lol. :lol
and #2 that is again a stereotype, funny- nontheless stereotypical.
#3, my dogs have camo collars and leashes, ask sixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxer.


Who are you and why are you taking offense to something that doesn't involve you?:idk:

Kaneman 09-12-2009 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264820)
So you admit that your dog is a penis extension?:lol: That you only got that type of dog to be more "manly". Come to think of it, most people I see with Pits ARE scrawny white trash types.... Always walking them with huge chains wearing a baggy jeans and a wife beater.

Yes you're right, that's the problem with the breed. Not the breed itself but the type of owner attracted to the tough image. Its not white trash specific, in my neighborhood all the Mexicans with gang tattoos on their necks have Pit Bulls. In other parts of Dallas all the black bangers have Pit Bulls and out in the sticks where my wife's family live all the white trash guys have Pits.

I rescued my Pit Bull because I knew what great dogs they were and I felt like it might be my last chance to own one. Jax (my Pittie) won't even be a half as "tough" looking or intimidating as my San Miguel Dog, Jethro. Nor will he be half the guard dog that Jethro is. I don't really think Pits are all that tough looking personally...especially not next to Jethro.

ANY Molosser type dog requires a dominant owner and you need to know what you're doing to own one, or in my case, two males. However, it takes little more than exercise, work and a strong pack to ensure good behavior. And though I was poking fun at you, it is true that not everyone has the desire to assume that role over their pet and would prefer a more naturally submissive dog.

I enjoy and prefer it and find that by being a strong leader my dogs reward me daily. A large dog's ability to intimidate IS part of the reason I like them, to be honest. Though I could safely walk my dogs through a carnival or the mall without fear of incident I know I can rely on them for protection if necessary...though with 100lb of teeth and muscle at your side you are not likely to targeted as a victim. My wife walks the dogs alone at night with complete confidence.

Homeslice 09-12-2009 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264820)
So you admit that your dog is a penis extension?:lol: That you only got that type of dog to be more "manly". Come to think of it, most people I see with Pits ARE scrawny white trash types.... Always walking them with huge chains wearing a baggy jeans and a wife beater.


zuuk750 09-12-2009 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264824)
Who are you and why are you taking offense to something that doesn't involve you?:idk:

eh, took offense cuz I own two of them!

and kaneman, that dog is beautiful.

Captain Morgan 09-13-2009 12:18 PM

See the lower portion of my sig regarding cats.

Adeptus_Minor 09-13-2009 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Kaneman (Post 264827)
Though I could safely walk my dogs through a carnival or the mall without fear of incident I know I can rely on them for protection if necessary...though with 100lb of teeth and muscle at your side you are not likely to targeted as a victim. My wife walks the dogs alone at night with complete confidence.

Autonomous Mobile Sword. :dthumb:

HokieDNA01 09-13-2009 08:57 PM

This is a picture of a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. My parents have one that looks just like this. She is the SWEETEST dog with people but has sent numorous dogs to the vet for stitches due to her aggression toward all other dogs. I always joke with my mom that she would make the ultimate "sleeper" dog in a fighting ring because she is so dog aggressive. My parents have spent tons of money on socialization classes and obedience training and it has done no good. She now has to be carried past every dog she walks by and when I dog sit her and take her to the park, she wears a muzzle. Now you tell me if you think she looks like a dangerous dog? ALL dogs have the ability to be dangerous....cropped ears or not.

My cousin also got her face bit BADLY by a boxer as a child. She came to a house for
halloween and the boxer didn't like her mask and attacked. Had never shown signs of aggression before that. ALL dogs should be watched closely and you should be able to read their temperment in any situation.

Kaneman 09-13-2009 09:03 PM

Think you could outrun him?

Amber Lamps 09-13-2009 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by HokieDNA01 (Post 264967)
This is a picture of a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. My parents have one that looks just like this. She is the SWEETEST dog with people but has sent numorous dogs to the vet for stitches due to her aggression toward all other dogs. I always joke with my mom that she would make the ultimate "sleeper" dog in a fighting ring because she is so dog aggressive. My parents have spent tons of money on socialization classes and obedience training and it has done no good. She now has to be carried past every dog she walks by and when I dog sit her and take her to the park, she wears a muzzle. Now you tell me if you think she looks like a dangerous dog? ALL dogs have the ability to be dangerous....cropped ears or not.

My cousin also got her face bit BADLY by a boxer as a child. She came to a house for
halloween and the boxer didn't like her mask and attacked. Had never shown signs of aggression before that. ALL dogs should be watched closely and you should be able to read their temperment in any situation.

Of course you realize that this means that your parents are horrible dog owners and a weak pack leaders! Every dog that has been injured is the direct responsibility of your parents and they shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. *See previous posts that claim that a dog's aggression has nothing to do with the dog but is the fault of the owners!*:lol:

Better call Cesar!!!

You must realize that I am kidding. Some people think that there is no such thing as a bad dog. I disagree. Did you all know that Pits and Rots account for 67% of all fatal dog attacks? That isn't "media bias" it's a fact pulled from a govt database.:idk:

Anyway, man I had a great ride today and my gf has worn away her chicken strips completely!!!:rockwoot: We put on almost 300 miles in 6 hours of riding including lunch.

azoomm 09-13-2009 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 264998)
You must realize that I am kidding. Some people think that there is no such thing as a bad dog. I disagree. Did you all know that Pits and Rots account for 67% of all fatal dog attacks? That isn't "media bias" it's a fact pulled from a govt database.:idk:

And, everyone knows breeds :skep: my dog was called a pit. She's a BLACK LAB. She was attacked by a terrier - the guy from animal control saw her for about 30 seconds then told someone in a statement she was pit.

Hokie, no offense meant - but terriers have serious little dog syndrome of strike first mentality. I'm not a fan.

Amber Lamps 09-14-2009 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by azoomm (Post 265020)
And, everyone knows breeds :skep: my dog was called a pit. She's a BLACK LAB. She was attacked by a terrier - the guy from animal control saw her for about 30 seconds then told someone in a statement she was pit.

Hokie, no offense meant - but terriers have serious little dog syndrome of strike first mentality. I'm not a fan.

Okay, so every attack the animal control is called to, the ANIMAL CONTROL officers get the breed wrong? Right...I pulled that number from their database. No I'm not saying they are perfect but how often would you think that they are wrong? 50%? So ONLY a third(33%) of fatal attacks involve just 2 breeds? Oh yea that's much better.

Yea, I'm way over little dogs! Terriers are breed to be aggressive as well, aren't they?:lol: I don't know, I'm just fucking with y'all now! Shit, the most vicious dogs I've ever seen were a Chihuahua and a Pomeranian!!!:lol: In my experience, little dogs are assholes most of the time!:wink:

HokieDNA01 09-14-2009 08:06 AM

Oh I know Terriers are aggressive..they were bred for one kill.

And not all terriers are small so the "small dog syndrome" doesn't really apply. She is about the size of a pitbull. Not as muscular....but as tall or taller. My mom wanted her because she is "hypoallergenic". She is a good dog, just needs extra care in handling. I wouldn't call her a bad dog. Just proving the point that "mean" pits are not the only aggressive dogs out there. Sometimes the cute ones are too.

the chi 09-14-2009 09:51 AM

Wow. this thread has REALLY kept going.

I gotta say, I am in agreement with both sides. I do think that PB's have a bad rap, but also for a good reason in most cases. Poor owners are to blame for many of the actions dogs take, simply because the owner isnt "Alpha", hasnt learned the warning signs, or failed to nip things in the bud before they became an issue.

At one time I had 6 dogs, Shepard, Collie, Lab Mix, Jack Russell and 2 Papillons. My Jack was by far the most aggressive, but would never harm a person, but my shepard would eat you alive if you appeared to threaten me or the home, but at a single command from me she would heel and refrain from doing anything. I was the alpha member of the pack and every one of my dogs knew it. I rarely had to discipline or punish, my voice was more than enough to keep them in line. But I spent extensive time training them.

Now, 16 yr old "Bobby" with the beautiful red pit and her fancy spiked collar who is alternately yelled at, then petted and praised and always confused about her status, well, who can blame her for her poor training when she hasnt even learned acceptable behavior. Or the idiots who think its "cute" to sic their dogs on other animals or toys that resemble babies, puppies, kittens, etc.

shmike 09-14-2009 09:58 AM

What does APBT stand for?

Ninjakel 09-14-2009 10:10 AM

american pit bull terrier

shmike 09-14-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 265202)
american pit bull terrier

Terriers are the devil and are bred to kill!

Ninjakel 09-14-2009 10:16 AM

:lol: :lol: Its a good thing I like you Sean!

the chi 09-14-2009 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by shmike (Post 265207)
Terriers are the devil and are bred to kill!

:lol: Stereotyper!!

Hey Kel, you ever hear anyone refer to their Pit as a Staffordshire Terrier?

Ninjakel 09-14-2009 10:24 AM

Staffie's are very very similar, but a different breed. They tend to be a bit smaller. Their heads are a bit different too.

askmrjesus 09-14-2009 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by Ninjakel (Post 265214)
Staffie's are very very similar, but a different breed. They tend to be a bit smaller. Their heads are a bit different too.

Is that because they don't have peoples arms hanging out of them? :lol:


Ninjakel 09-14-2009 10:29 AM

:lol: :lol:

HokieDNA01 09-14-2009 10:34 AM

It can be very hard to tell. Only one of these is an American Pit Bull Terrier. Can you find it?

Ninjakel 09-14-2009 10:36 AM

1) a dogo argentino?
2) An AmBully
3) a Staffordshire terrier
4) some sort of mastiff
5) APBT :)
6) American bulldog

the chi 09-14-2009 10:37 AM

:lol: Great post Hokie...I had a friend that had a Staffordshire...other than being on the small side, she was a dead ringer for a brindle pit.

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