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derf 03-12-2009 05:12 PM

Rally travel plans North crew
Ok since we keep hijacking other threads about travel here goes.


Originally Posted by derf (Post 178328)
I think that our tentative plan is to meet at the rest stop in Delaware 5 miles south of the NJ/Delaware bridge, Probably start from either 7 or 8 am the do the 700 mile ride down I95, to I85 to I 40. Google says that it's a 12 hour ride. With stops and speeding I think it will take the entire 12 hours.


Originally Posted by Phenix_Rider (Post 178566)
ugh...Not the route I'd choose- way too much slab. I plan to take US219 as far as I can (which is NC abouts) and then head west. But I'll definitely be leaving early. 6am-ish is likely.


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 178756)
I see one possible problem here. We may hit rush hour in the baltimore DC area around then. Not sure if you would want to leave earlier or alter the route to bypass all of that.

I think youre pretty accurate on the time though. Figure if we avg 70 most of the way thats 10 hrs and factor in 2 hrs of break time. With all of us on sportier bikes I figure were good for about 150 miles or so on a tank (i can stretch it on the hwy to about 180) so we will be stopping roughly every 2 hrs anyway.

Now I am gettin excited, got some more work done on the bike last night, all I realy need now is an oil change, wash al;l the dirt/sand off (riding to the construction sites) clean and lube the chain and throw the battery back in and were good to go.:dthumb:



Originally Posted by derf (Post 179064)
Actually what I was thinking is if maybe we might want to leave the night before. Not sure what time folks get out of work, but it might be worth it to get past DCeven if it means leaving the rest stop at 10 and getting through DC at midnight. and finding a cheap roadside motel for $30. I 95 is littered with them just south of DC, plus I know of one with a strip joint attached, but I would put the bikes in the room for that one, then lock them up inside the room too. I'm all in favor of this, just because it means that thursday will be a shorter day, and that means more shenanigans for us!

Another possible route is to hang a right on I70 in baltimore, then a left on I81 heading south until you hit I26, then local 23 to 441 to 64 to 515 to TWO. not that I put too much thought into it or anything.

Oh and DC traffic means that we are fucked starting from about 530 am until about 10 then again from 2 til 8 or 9 at night. But if you take the outer loop and just ride it out it shouldnt be bad.


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 179087)
See what sixxer wants to do. either plan works for me. I will prolly work at the jobsite that wednesday but will be home and can get on the road prety easily. Only thing is I will have ot leave here around 8 or so to meet you guys and may still get hit with some traffic on the NJ tpke and getting out of NYC. I am not familiar with the other route you mentioned and am not sure how traffic is around DC (will we be flowing with traffic or going against it in the AM) I have no prolem with leaving NY at 2 or 3 am to meet you guys or go earlier. I guess for sleeping somewhere we can see how it goes, sometimes I get that burst where I just want to get there and other times its just time to knock out for a bit. If we do several hrs in the dark I am sure the sun comming up will give us a little boost as well.



Originally Posted by derf (Post 179108)
Ive ridden through the night without realizing it before, and only stopped for a short nap. I should have my screaming meanie (the alarm clock to end all alarm clocks) so we could take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the night and be up just in time to watch a romantic sunrise!


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 179274)
If you guys want to leave in the Night to help ease the pain of traffic...I'm down, I'm a crazy fuck so Whatever works for the best Im down with...I'm the same way, sometimes I just wanna get there and I get all excited and shit other times Im like fuck it lets crash.


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 179290)
Ok so now that we know were all crazy and dont give a flyin fuck :lol: do yall want to leave wed night or go late night so that were past dc before 4 or 5am. Baltimore and Dc cant be much more than an hr or 2 at the most from that rest spot. Fred would it be faster doing 95 to 85 or going the other way.


This is where it all went south


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 179358)
How bad will it be if me derf and sixxer get there first and start drinking. we will burn the plcae down before anyone else gets there :rockwoot:



Originally Posted by Rogue (Post 179362)
It's only bad if you burn the damn place down.

Keep Derf away from fires. He's clumsy, ya know. :lol:


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 179367)
So long as the ball gag stays in his stuff untill you arrive. Sixxer and I are much larger than he is and it wouldnt end well :lol:



Originally Posted by Rogue (Post 179377)
IIRC, he was told to bring it, but that didn't mean he was going to be able to use it. :lol:

I've taken down bigger guys than him. :whistle:

Ok so the tentative plan is for the north crew listed below to roll down the night before, and most likely stop somewhere late at night and be the first to arrive on the 7th, and get drunk, play with fire and ball gags (and possibly the baby jesus butt plug, but thats a whole nother story).

Directions still need sorting.

Right now this is who is coming from the north:

Phoenix Rider (please confirm)

tommymac 03-24-2009 08:29 PM

I need to check the forums more often, instead of new posts, this one slipped by me :lol: I was about to start a similar thread covering what you mentioned and alw what everyones bringing. I was thinking along the lines of tools, tire repair kit etc....

I have a prety good first aid bag and will bring some other stuff in case we need a procedure done in the field :dthumb: I also planned to order a trie repair kit, and am bringing my tool kit, a multi tool and a flash light or 2.

So now is it confirmed were leaving wed night, and if so about what time. i will prolly be working at the construction site wed till around 4 or 5. I will have the bike prepped and ready to go beforehand but would want to get a 3 or 4 hr nap in before we hit the road. Plus I would rather lleave NY a little later since I will hit traffic getting out of NYC even later in the evening.


derf 03-24-2009 08:38 PM

I was thinking the same thing, have the bike ready to go tuesday take a quick nap right after work, then wait for you to get here, ride into the night, maybe a small nap on the road on the way down, then get there kinda early

Phenix_Rider 03-24-2009 10:20 PM

Don't think I'm riding with you folks. I much prefer to get a full night's sleep before going that far, instead of dragging ass after work. And I really do not want to ride slab all the way.

derf 03-24-2009 10:26 PM

I was thinking leaving south NJ around 9 or 10 doing 5 or 6 hours and taking a break for a few hours, hell even an iron butt motel for 2-3 hours would be great and get down there early afternoon.

tommymac 03-25-2009 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185112)
I was thinking leaving south NJ around 9 or 10 doing 5 or 6 hours and taking a break for a few hours, hell even an iron butt motel for 2-3 hours would be great and get down there early afternoon.

9 or 10 may not work, tha tmeans I have to leave NYC around 6 or 7 which means getting killed by traffic. I would be fine leavin glater so we can get a nap in before we go. Plus as were riding down the sun comming up may be that extra boost to get us all through. Obviously it will be a see how we feel sort of thing as far as if we push all the way through or stop for a nap somewhere. Either of you guys bringing a gps so we can find a place if need be. I have one but currently dont have a mount or a power source for it so I would have about 4 hrs of use off its own battery.


derf 03-25-2009 03:58 PM

Yeh I'm good with whatever time...

I also have my GPS mounted, but I havn't hooked up the power outlet yet.

tommymac 03-25-2009 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185435)
Yeh I'm good with whatever time...

I also have my GPS mounted, but I havn't hooked up the power outlet yet.

ok cool, I may have some other stuff to do/work on so ading a powerlet adapter was kinda far down on my list of stuff to do before the rally. Now how much travel time we looking at from that rest stop in delaware? With no traffic I can make it down there in about 3 hrs.


derf 03-25-2009 04:44 PM

I just checked google earth, cool shit, I put the cursor exactly on the rest stop, and it says exactly 12 hours 700 miles

tommymac 03-25-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185479)
I just checked google earth, cool shit, I put the cursor exactly on the rest stop, and it says exactly 12 hours 700 miles

so its 12 hrs from there, thats what I was nto sure of. I think its 8 something from up here. If we average 70mph while on the road with breaks and stuff 12 hrs sounds about right. Figure we stop every 150 or so miles for gas so thats every 2 hrs, then just have to factor in how long our breaks will be which I guess we will see as we go. Once one of us gets fatigued we will pack it in for a bit.


the chi 03-25-2009 05:29 PM

Dont forget, even pushing through, if it says 12 hours it usually means more like 13-14 with stops for gas, rest and food. Dont forget to drink lotsa non alcoholic fluid on the way too!

derf 03-25-2009 05:32 PM

For a long ride like this a 15-20 minute break is good, just to stop and go for a walk for a few smoke a cig or 2 and stretch again.

Haven't heard from sixxxer yet with his take on the plan.

the chi 03-25-2009 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185507)
For a long ride like this a 15-20 minute break is good, just to stop and go for a walk for a few smoke a cig or 2 and stretch again.

Haven't heard from sixxxer yet with his take on the plan.

700 miles, stopping every 150 or so for gas and rest/food at 15 minutes a pop adds apporixmately 1.25-1.50 hours additional time...just saying...ya'll taking scenic or slab?

Sixxxxer 03-25-2009 06:07 PM

Well I got word today from The Boss that Taking time off will not be an issue so Im good for leaving anytime after 3PM on wednesday....I'd prefer to leave later into the night on wednesday early thursday morning...And Im in no rush to get there so however long it takes it takes.

I gotta order a new rear tire get a tune up and get my luggage situated...Better order that now ;)

derf 03-25-2009 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 185508)
700 miles, stopping every 150 or so for gas and rest/food at 15 minutes a pop adds apporixmately 1.25-1.50 hours additional time...just saying...ya'll taking scenic or slab?

we will wind up making up that time easily by just going faster

tommymac 03-25-2009 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185549)
we will wind up making up that time easily by just going faster

easy enough there.

When I rode home from the gap I did mostly 10 to 20 minute breaks. Stretched out, had a drink, took a leak and was right back at it, and took one longer break to sit and eat lunch. I will see about getting out early on wed so I can grab a power nap and be good to go. I figure I can leave here some time after 10pm just ot be sure traffic is not a factor and that will give a few hrs to get in some sleep.


Sixxxxer 03-25-2009 06:25 PM

Yeah I'd really like to leave as late wednesday night as Possible...But Im down for whatever

derf 03-25-2009 06:29 PM

so tommy leaves at 10, I leave my house at 1130, sixxxer at midnight, and we should all get to the rest stop around the same time...

rogue 03-25-2009 06:30 PM

You guys be safe! Don't push yourselves too hard! :D

Don't make me worry. I'll expect texts for each of you periodically. :)

Sixxxxer 03-25-2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185559)
so tommy leaves at 10, I leave my house at 1130, sixxxer at midnight, and we should all get to the rest stop around the same time...

Sounds about right...Lol Although I can DEF Make Delaware in 20 Minutes Easy...Lol

derf 03-25-2009 10:36 PM

Its about an hours ride for me

the chi 03-25-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rogue (Post 185560)
You guys be safe! Don't push yourselves too hard! :D

Don't make me worry. I'll expect texts for each of you periodically. :)

AH HA!! Do i get to give up my "Mama Rae" title now?

derf 03-25-2009 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 185707)
AH HA!! Do i get to give up my "Mama Rae" title now?

are you going to threaten to spank me too if I don't text?

Sixxxxer 03-26-2009 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185684)
Its about an hours ride for me

I said I Could make it there in twenty...That's Hauling ass down the TP.

Its about 30mins from me.

Plan sounds goo so far...Im excited

the chi 03-26-2009 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 185718)
are you going to threaten to spank me too if I don't text?

I dont spank. I nag, hang, draw and quarter those who make me worry.


Sixxxxer 03-26-2009 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 185848)
I dont spank. I nag, hang, draw and quarter those who make me worry.


Well thats not Sexy or Fun :idk:

Fooey on you!!

Mr Lefty 03-26-2009 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 185848)
I dont spank. I nag, hang, draw and quarter those who make me worry.


lord does she ever... and then... when SHE'S supposed to update you... she doesn't. EVER.

the chi 03-26-2009 10:07 AM

Six, hunny, Im MAMA Rae...since when is your "mother" sexy?

ANd like you notice Ebbs, HA. Its a one way thing anyway. If I disappear off the planet, somewhere, eventually someone will find me. ANd mine is usually due to ADD..."oh look, that looks interesting, Im gonna check it i hear banjos?"

Sixxxxer 03-26-2009 10:08 AM

Rubbish...I will never in my life consider you a mother figure...Therfore you can be Sexy.

tommymac 03-28-2009 02:06 PM

ok mapquested my town to new castle delaware which seems kinda near our projected meetpoint. maplost has it taking me 2 and a half hrs to get there. Without traffic I can prolly do it in just over 2.

Now should we meet by the harley dealer or further south at the rest stop so we can all gas up and be ready to go.

How are you guys for mileage on a tank of gas? I can get 150-180 butmay be a bit less with the hard bags on acting as sails.


derf 03-28-2009 02:19 PM

150-170 is my limit. And I definately think the meet spot should be the gas station. Trying to find the harley place at night would be a bitch, i've gotten lost trying to find it in the day before.

Mr Lefty 03-28-2009 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 187001)
ok mapquested my town to new castle delaware which seems kinda near our projected meetpoint. maplost has it taking me 2 and a half hrs to get there. Without traffic I can prolly do it in just over 2.

Now should we meet by the harley dealer or further south at the rest stop so we can all gas up and be ready to go.

How are you guys for mileage on a tank of gas? I can get 150-180 butmay be a bit less with the hard bags on acting as sails.


I'd say 150 or so should be about average per tank would be a good basis... that's about when I needed a break anyhow...

tommymac 03-29-2009 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by ebbs15 (Post 187009)
I'd say 150 or so should be about average per tank would be a good basis... that's about when I needed a break anyhow...

When I rode home from the gap on my Tl thats about how it played out. it works out too figuring you run about 2 hrs then get a nice little break. figure some runs may be a little longer or shorter depending on where we can get gas.


Mr Lefty 03-29-2009 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 187303)
When I rode home from the gap on my Tl thats about how it played out. it works out too figuring you run about 2 hrs then get a nice little break. figure some runs may be a little longer or shorter depending on where we can get gas.


yeah... I had planned my trip last year on about 180ish... but due to my gearing I couldn't go that far... but for a full day of riding... I needed to stop at 150... if it was only a tank or two I could do 180... but that extra 30 miles adds up over 3-5 tanks in a day

tommymac 03-29-2009 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by ebbs15 (Post 187350)
yeah... I had planned my trip last year on about 180ish... but due to my gearing I couldn't go that far... but for a full day of riding... I needed to stop at 150... if it was only a tank or two I could do 180... but that extra 30 miles adds up over 3-5 tanks in a day

It woul dbe too much of a stretch but that extra 30 miles would knock out one fuel stop along the way, and as derf said we could always just ride faster :lol:


derf 03-29-2009 02:04 PM

Hell if you ask me I would be happy with an extra 2 minute stop at 75 miles just to get off the bike for a min, I wouldnt take the helmet off or shut the bike just stretch, smoke and hop back on.

tommymac 03-29-2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 187421)
Hell if you ask me I would be happy with an extra 2 minute stop at 75 miles just to get off the bike for a min, I wouldnt take the helmet off or shut the bike just stretch, smoke and hop back on.

We can see, that may be good as we get further into the trip just to keep us going. So long as we can signal the others if one needs a break we can pull off to the side of the road. Otherwise I say once we hit 140 or so miles have the lead rider keep an eye out for the next exit with gas. If we go 85 to 95 that wont be too far anywhere, but I dont know when we get further south.


rogue 03-29-2009 02:43 PM

I don't have to worry about how far I can go. I always have to go to the bathroom well before my fuel light comes on. Usually somewhere around 100 miles. I fill up when I stop.

I hope Amorok doesn't mind. :lol:

tommymac 03-29-2009 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rogue (Post 187441)
I don't have to worry about how far I can go. I always have to go to the bathroom well before my fuel light comes on. Usually somewhere around 100 miles. I fill up when I stop.

I hope Amorok doesn't mind. :lol:

You would hate traveling with me then.

Heres an exchange karen and I had on a trip to beaver run about an hr after a gas stop

karen: we have to stop I have to pee

me: No, we just stopped

karen: but i have to go again

me:too bad wait till the next gas stop, pee in a damn bottle or something

karen: I iwll pee on the seat if you dont stop

me: go ahead, its your car, youre sitting there and I work in the ER so the smell of urine doesnt bother me

then it spiraled into something about me being killed in my sleep or something :lol:


rogue 03-29-2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 187447)
You would hate traveling with me then.

Heres an exchange karen and I had on a trip to beaver run about an hr after a gas stop

karen: we have to stop I have to pee

me: No, we just stopped

karen: but i have to go again

me:too bad wait till the next gas stop, pee in a damn bottle or something

karen: I iwll pee on the seat if you dont stop

me: go ahead, its your car, youre sitting there and I work in the ER so the smell of urine doesnt bother me

then it spiraled into something about me being killed in my sleep or something :lol:



That sounds similar to my dad's conversations with me when I used to ride in the 18-wheeler. In fact, I had to carry something to pee in when I rode with him. He wouldn't stop. :lol:

I have no issues with stopping on the side of the road to go pee if I have to go *that* bad on the bike. Just ask Kaneman. :rofl: And if I can't get someone's attention to let them know I have to stop, I have and will make my own stop and try to catch up later. :lol:

derf 03-29-2009 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rogue (Post 187451)

That sounds similar to my dad's conversations with me when I used to ride in the 18-wheeler. In fact, I had to carry something to pee in when I rode with him. He wouldn't stop. :lol:

I have no issues with stopping on the side of the road to go pee if I have to go *that* bad on the bike. Just ask Kaneman. :rofl: And if I can't get someone's attention to let them know I have to stop, I have and will make my own stop and try to catch up later. :lol:

On really long bike trips I have a tube that runs the length of my leg that I use as a dump tube. Just don't ride behind me.

derf 03-29-2009 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 187440)
We can see, that may be good as we get further into the trip just to keep us going. So long as we can signal the others if one needs a break we can pull off to the side of the road. Otherwise I say once we hit 140 or so miles have the lead rider keep an eye out for the next exit with gas. If we go 85 to 95 that wont be too far anywhere, but I dont know when we get further south.


There are some places along 195 south of virginia that fuel stops are 20+ miles apart....

Mr Lefty 03-29-2009 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 187537)
On really long bike trips I have a tube that runs the length of my leg that I use as a dump tube. Just don't ride behind me.

:lol: hopefully you don't get too many tailgaters :lol:

derf 03-30-2009 01:31 AM

Thats why I do it....

Oh yeh and I am 99% done wiring in a cig lighter for the front of the bike (power for my GPS), and I'm gonna add in a 2nd one in the tail when I get around to it, so if you need to charge anything bring a cig adapter for it and I can charge on the go. I was out in the shed working on it until 1:30 without realizing the time. All I need to do is lengthen the power wire from the battery and hook up the ground wires, a little tidy work to clean it up and I should be done.

tommymac 03-30-2009 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 187717)
Thats why I do it....

Oh yeh and I am 99% done wiring in a cig lighter for the front of the bike (power for my GPS), and I'm gonna add in a 2nd one in the tail when I get around to it, so if you need to charge anything bring a cig adapter for it and I can charge on the go. I was out in the shed working on it until 1:30 without realizing the time. All I need to do is lengthen the power wire from the battery and hook up the ground wires, a little tidy work to clean it up and I should be done.

its a good reminder for me to bring a phone charger if nothing else. What did you run the wires off of for the lighter adapter?


derf 03-30-2009 01:47 AM

I made a whole 2nd wire harness for the cig lighters and a clock/volt/temp thingy. The whole setup runs off a switched relay that only works when the bike is on so no worries about draining the battery by accident.

I have a fuse bix under the seat, the realy is hanging off the back of it, and the wires from the fuse box to the front of the bike are in their own sleeve running alongside the stock harness all the way up to the dash from the rear of the bike. I'm gonna post some pictures of it when I'm done. I just decided to give up for the night cuz it was kinda late.

tommymac 03-30-2009 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 187725)
I made a whole 2nd wire harness for the cig lighters and a clock/volt/temp thingy. The whole setup runs off a switched relay that only works when the bike is on so no worries about draining the battery by accident.

I have a fuse bix under the seat, the realy is hanging off the back of it, and the wires from the fuse box to the front of the bike are in their own sleeve running alongside the stock harness all the way up to the dash from the rear of the bike. I'm gonna post some pictures of it when I'm done. I just decided to give up for the night cuz it was kinda late.

Nice, i will have to take a look at it at the rally.


Sixxxxer 04-04-2009 07:57 PM

Ok so while out on my 60 Mile Jaunt today...I realized a few things...A. I hope its not windy when we leave because it was Fucking balls on the highway today trying to ride in that shit. B. Are we going to this thing rain or shine?? I'm assuming yes (even though rain riding scares the SHIT out of me) If so I need to prepare rain gear (got any cheap ways to make some decent rain gear??)

And Lastly...While I do want to get there asap i want to get THERE...So i dont think we need to cannonball run this bitch its a LOOOOOONG ride and we def need to pace ourselves.

Cutty72 04-04-2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 191304)
Ok so while out on my 60 Mile Jaunt today...I realized a few things...A. I hope its not windy when we leave because it was Fucking balls on the highway today trying to ride in that shit. B. Are we going to this thing rain or shine?? I'm assuming yes (even though rain riding scares the SHIT out of me) If so I need to prepare rain gear (got any cheap ways to make some decent rain gear??)

And Lastly...While I do want to get there asap i want to get THERE...So i dont think we need to cannonball run this bitch its a LOOOOOONG ride and we def need to pace ourselves.

Cheap rain gear = garbage bags w/holes for your arms and head.

I wear frog toggs myself (and so do a few others on here) They work really well, and also block the wind a bit.
About $100 for the set IIRC.

tommymac 04-04-2009 08:17 PM

We can monitor the weather too and if its looking bad change up our departure time either earlier or later depending. I just got a pair of frog toggs. I have an older nelson rig rain jacket you could borrow I just dont have the pants.

I think pacing ourselves will be important too. I try to push through on long trips but something like this we will take breaks when needed.


Sixxxxer 04-04-2009 08:19 PM

Thanks Tommy...I appreciate that...I'm gonna order new gloves, my tail bag, new pants and possibly new riding boots since I just have Timberland knock offs now...I can get this bright yellow rain jacket from my work but it wouldnt cover my legs either so I dunno i guess we'll play the weather part by ear.

derf 04-05-2009 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 191322)
Thanks Tommy...I appreciate that...I'm gonna order new gloves, my tail bag, new pants and possibly new riding boots since I just have Timberland knock offs now...I can get this bright yellow rain jacket from my work but it wouldnt cover my legs either so I dunno i guess we'll play the weather part by ear.

go to home depot or loews they have those yellow rain suits for between 10 and 15, top an bottom. Then grab some small plastic shopping bags for your feet. If you really wanna complete the ensemble grab a pair of dish gloves from the store for a few $$$. For less than 20 you have a made to order dry suit

tommymac 04-18-2009 08:52 AM

have you guys figured out a route down there, I know maplost has it going to 78 to 81 to 77 from my house. But I know were meeting on 95, so I wasnt sure if we should head wes tot catch 81 or just do 95 to 85. Or will we follow the magic little gps :)


NONE_too_SOFT 04-18-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Phenix_Rider (Post 185107)
Don't think I'm riding with you folks. I much prefer to get a full night's sleep before going that far, instead of dragging ass after work. And I really do not want to ride slab all the way.

By the time you get down there, u will wish you would have slabb'd the first part of the trip. better to get the easy riding out of the way, being tired on tennesse roads leads to wrecks. believe me.


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 185707)
AH HA!! Do i get to give up my "Mama Rae" title now?

or course not.

Im comming from northeast ohio, last time i went down and hit up cinccinatti, adn then on to lexington KY, and down to knoxville. I'm willing to adjust my route if anybody wants to meet up.

Sixxxxer 04-19-2009 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by NONE_too_SOFT (Post 199114)
By the time you get down there, u will wish you would have slabb'd the first part of the trip. better to get the easy riding out of the way, being tired on tennesse roads leads to wrecks. believe me.

or course not.

Im comming from northeast ohio, last time i went down and hit up cinccinatti, adn then on to lexington KY, and down to knoxville. I'm willing to adjust my route if anybody wants to meet up.

Id love to meet up with you and roll in together I just dont want you to ride out of your way to meet us...Mybe we can try and meet in the middle??


tommymac 04-19-2009 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199397)
Id love to meet up with you and roll in together I just dont want you to ride out of your way to meet us...Mybe we can try and meet in the middle??


We can try to take 78 to 81, or cut over to 81 from the stop in deleware, that would be more central for us to meet up. Only thing is will he be traveling at the odd hours we will be? My schedule earlier that week before is prety light too which is good, I iwll get out of work wed around 4 or 5 so I can grab a nap untill around 10pm or so then get on the road.


marko138 04-20-2009 11:09 AM

Hit 81 where? I like a mile from 81.

Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 199428)
We can try to take 78 to 81, or cut over to 81 from the stop in deleware, that would be more central for us to meet up. Only thing is will he be traveling at the odd hours we will be? My schedule earlier that week before is prety light too which is good, I iwll get out of work wed around 4 or 5 so I can grab a nap untill around 10pm or so then get on the road.


Yeah I goggle mapped it from my house and it doesnt really have me on 95 for that long its more of a diagnal route from jersey to Suches...So we might be able to cross paths with NTS...But Your right I forgot we were leaving at the Ass Ass Crack of dawn...


rogue 04-20-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199807)

Me either! I need a fucking break!!!!!

tommymac 04-20-2009 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199807)
Yeah I goggle mapped it from my house and it doesnt really have me on 95 for that long its more of a diagnal route from jersey to Suches...So we might be able to cross paths with NTS...But Your right I forgot we were leaving at the Ass Ass Crack of dawn...


We make good enough time we could be there by the ass crack of dawn :lol:

given those routes you guys think its better if we go south via 81 or stick with 95. Also if we do decide on a different route we may have to change our meetpoint.


Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 05:36 PM

I dont care what way we long as its the quickest.

tommymac 04-20-2009 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199953)
I dont care what way we long as its the quickest.

agreed, but thats what we would need to figure out. Its easier for me to meet you guys by running down 95 and meeting in delaware, whereas if I take 78 to 81 its longer for me before I start heading south. One idea is we can take 95 south then we get over by 495 in dc, then we can take rt 66 west and that will get us to 81. We take that way when we go to vir but we take 129 south. The exit for 81 is right after that one.


Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 06:18 PM

That sounds like a solid starting point...

tommymac 04-20-2009 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199967)
That sounds like a solid starting point...

Cool this way I am only flying solo down to deleware which is about 2 to 2.5 hrs. From there I cant see it being much more than another 2 hrs to 81, then just head south and hope for the best. I will play with mapquest tonight or tomorrow to see what else we can sort out.

Last night I ordered a cramp buster, another cargo net and some little squeege sp? wipers to put on my gloves from aerostich:rockwoot: I just need to get a tire repair kit and figure out some other stuff (spare batteries etc) and should be good to go.


Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 06:25 PM

Yeah...I got my Tailbag...Should be good to hold everything I need...but as a backup just incase i can always bungee down a backpack on top of the tailbag incase i need more room...Got some suppplies to bring a little toolkit and I got my new gear...

Since we are starting at night You think ti will be to cold to ride with my Streetgloves?? I was gonna order full gaunlets to make sure my hands were warm...but wasnt sure...I rode last night and it was like 60 and my hands were fine...but i rode the other night in 50 degree weather and my hands were ice blocks...

Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 06:30 PM

Google Maps has me taking 95 to 495 to 66 to 81.

tommymac 04-20-2009 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199972)
Yeah...I got my Tailbag...Should be good to hold everything I need...but as a backup just incase i can always bungee down a backpack on top of the tailbag incase i need more room...Got some suppplies to bring a little toolkit and I got my new gear...

Since we are starting at night You think ti will be to cold to ride with my Streetgloves?? I was gonna order full gaunlets to make sure my hands were warm...but wasnt sure...I rode last night and it was like 60 and my hands were fine...but i rode the other night in 50 degree weather and my hands were ice blocks...

tough call, may be able to tell when it gets closer esp since it hasnt been that warm up here recently. I ma figuring on wearing my perfed textile jacket down there and am hoping that a sweatshirt or 2 or the raingear will be adequate. I may bring a pair of heavier gloves jsut in case but some of that may be dictated by last minute weather forecasts. If its only dipping into the 60's at night I think we will be fine. If its cooler I may rethink my gear choices.

I may also have some extra room between the tailbag and the hard bags too in case we need to stow some extra stuff. My last weekend trip I had more than enough room with just the hard bags but this trip is much longer so I will be bringing more clothes etc...


tommymac 04-20-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199975)
Google Maps has me taking 95 to 495 to 66 to 81.

perfect, I guess becasue youre further south. From here it has me taking 78 to 81.


Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 06:38 PM

Yeah I am Gonna TRY to pack my leather jacket...Since we are riding at night my Textile is MUCH warmer and I wanna be as comfortable and warm as possible...But Ill see how that goes.

Phenix_Rider 04-20-2009 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 199976)
tough call, may be able to tell when it gets closer esp since it hasnt been that warm up here recently. I ma figuring on wearing my perfed textile jacket down there and am hoping that a sweatshirt or 2 or the raingear will be adequate. I may bring a pair of heavier gloves jsut in case but some of that may be dictated by last minute weather forecasts. If its only dipping into the 60's at night I think we will be fine. If its cooler I may rethink my gear choices.

I may also have some extra room between the tailbag and the hard bags too in case we need to stow some extra stuff. My last weekend trip I had more than enough room with just the hard bags but this trip is much longer so I will be bringing more clothes etc...


I would definitely bring a heavier pair of gloves. Not just gauntlets either- something insulated. Most gauntlets won't do any better at keeping your hands warm than a street short cuff. Early may will probably still be in the 40s at night. A pair of long underwear or overpants is a good idea too.

Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 07:10 PM

Yeah I meant like Dedicated Windbreaker Type Gloves...Like cold riding gear.

Something like that??

tommymac 04-20-2009 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Phenix_Rider (Post 199997)
I would definitely bring a heavier pair of gloves. Not just gauntlets either- something insulated. Most gauntlets won't do any better at keeping your hands warm than a street short cuff. Early may will probably still be in the 40s at night. A pair of long underwear or overpants is a good idea too.

the gerbings gloves I have are prety warm so I may pack those, plus the textile pants I have are prety good at keeping me warm. For me the big question is which jacket to wear since packing 2 may not be feasible.


Sixxxxer 04-20-2009 07:55 PM

Yeah...Im gonna see how i can manager packing a spare jacket...Lol I dunno how well it will work out.

Phenix_Rider 04-20-2009 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 200016)
the gerbings gloves I have are prety warm so I may pack those, plus the textile pants I have are prety good at keeping me warm. For me the big question is which jacket to wear since packing 2 may not be feasible.


Yeah- packing a leather jacket probably won't work. Even if you pull the armor out, they're bulky. For 40*, about any glove with a liner would work. Below that is when it gets difficult to keep your digits warm. Ask me how I know... If you don't have grip heaters of some kind, you might look at "Hot Hands" packs.

Not sure which boots to wear yet. I have Sidi Typhoons that are perfect for the cold or wet. JR GPX that are decent riding boots, but not really good for walking, and Sidi Vertigos on the way. Of course I'll pack tennis shoes. Shopping for a digital camera now.

derf 04-20-2009 11:33 PM

I may be out for the ride down. I broke my hand over the weekend and depending on how it heals I may be driving down either with or without the bike. I'll know closer to the day we leave what shape I'm in so dont count me out yet.

tommymac 04-21-2009 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 200125)
I may be out for the ride down. I broke my hand over the weekend and depending on how it heals I may be driving down either with or without the bike. I'll know closer to the day we leave what shape I'm in so dont count me out yet.

That sucks, which hand and what bone did you break? Some tuff you could ride with but others def not :(


Riceaholic 04-21-2009 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 200016)
the gerbings gloves I have are prety warm so I may pack those, plus the textile pants I have are prety good at keeping me warm. For me the big question is which jacket to wear since packing 2 may not be feasible.


I have a couple extra jackets. I'll bring them so you can trade out if you want. Any other gear you all want me to bring? I have extras if you don't want to pack so much crap for the ride down. For that matter let me know about anything you guys don't want to carry and I'll grab it. I'm in the Suburban so there's plenty of space...:lol:

I'm about 6'1 200. If that'll work let me know.

tommymac 04-21-2009 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Riceaholic (Post 200179)
I have a couple extra jackets. I'll bring them so you can trade out if you want. Any other gear you all want me to bring? I have extras if you don't want to pack so much crap for the ride down. For that matter let me know about anything you guys don't want to carry and I'll grab it. I'm in the Suburban so there's plenty of space...:lol:

I'm about 6'1 200. If that'll work let me know.

thanx for the offer but I think our main concern now is for the ride down there ;) we will probably make a game time decision as far as what gear to bring/wear.


derf 04-21-2009 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 200176)
That sucks, which hand and what bone did you break? Some tuff you could ride with but others def not :(


My right hand, and i have now strength in my ring or pinky, and it hurts to stretch my other 2 fingers, which means i cant grip the throttle ot the front brake. Again, I'm holding my breath, and hopefully will be able to ride down 3 weeks from now.

marko138 04-21-2009 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 199977)
perfect, I guess becasue youre further south. From here it has me taking 78 to 81.


78 to'll be cruising right by my house.

Sixxxxer 04-21-2009 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 200186)
My right hand, and i have now strength in my ring or pinky, and it hurts to stretch my other 2 fingers, which means i cant grip the throttle ot the front brake. Again, I'm holding my breath, and hopefully will be able to ride down 3 weeks from now.

Well Hopefully It all works out...But if you cant ride down are you still going??

If so are you still gonna leave with us that early in the AM?

And Marko we'll probably be riding by your place at like...3am Lol

derf 04-21-2009 12:38 PM

Ok so I'm in a cast now, worst case is that the cast is on and I just drive my truck down, if the 2 of you want I can just put your bikes in the back and we drive down together

tommymac 04-21-2009 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 200429)
Ok so I'm in a cast now, worst case is that the cast is on and I just drive my truck down, if the 2 of you want I can just put your bikes in the back and we drive down together

We drive down to GA then we have to ride in so it looks like we rode all the way ;)


rogue 04-21-2009 12:51 PM

ChEaTeRs!!!!! redflip


derf 04-21-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 200449)
We drive down to GA then we have to ride in so it looks like we rode all the way ;)


shhh dont tell anyone the plan

tommymac 04-21-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by rogue (Post 200466)
ChEaTeRs!!!!! redflip


its only a crime if you get caught ;)


rogue 04-21-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 200481)
its only a crime if you get caught ;)


If Derf has to drive down, you'll be caught. There's no way you guys would pass up a chance to drive the 800 miles down instead of riding the bike! I know I wouldn't! :lmao:

I have before! I know better now! :lol:

tommymac 04-21-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by rogue (Post 200491)
If Derf has to drive down, you'll be caught. There's no way you guys would pass up a chance to drive the 800 miles down instead of riding the bike! I know I wouldn't! :lmao:

I have before! I know better now! :lol:

I am shocked and truly appaled that you would make such harsh accusations of our character. i am sure sixxer is just as upset about this as i am :lol:


NONE_too_SOFT 04-21-2009 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 199397)
Id love to meet up with you and roll in together I just dont want you to ride out of your way to meet us...Mybe we can try and meet in the middle??


PM me your route. I'll see what we can do.

Mr Lefty 04-21-2009 03:27 PM

Nts... When you going to head out? Ill be in tenn on the 2nd

NONE_too_SOFT 04-21-2009 04:11 PM

i donno really. i just know i have AT LEAST that thursday friday saturday sunday off. and then prolly some more on top of that.

Sixxxxer 04-21-2009 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by tommymac (Post 200636)
I am shocked and truly appaled that you would make such harsh accusations of our character. i am sure sixxer is just as upset about this as i am :lol:


Actually Part of me Really wants to Ride it...I mean If Derf is bringing a Cage than Ill just be able to throw my luggage in his truck...But I REALLY kind of want to ride it...Just to say to myself Hey I did it...BUT...

If the weather forecast looks gloomy for the ride down...Then yeah We can load up our shit and drive down...I just got in from a Rain filled ride home and let me say...Fuck that shit.

But its good to know Derf is going no matter what, that shows his true dedication.

Tommy what do you think?? I mean if you dont want to ride it thats fine with me...I Still have to ride from The Gap to the Outer banks so Ill still get PLENTY of seat time in.

derf 04-21-2009 10:32 PM

I still may be riding, and right now I am gonna bring my helmet and jacket so at worst I can ride bitch foresomeone else, hopefully a chick so its not too gay

Sixxxxer 04-21-2009 10:37 PM

Rouge has an open seat I hear :)

But yeah we got a few weeks still...we'll play it by ear and see how quick you heal up.

rogue 04-21-2009 10:57 PM

Rogue may have an open back seat but Rogue doesn't ride anyone pillion because Rogue can't touch the ground! :rofl: The only way I'd consider riding someone 2up on my bike is if they can touch the ground from the back seat! :lol:

However, I will allow some people to ride my bike, with me riding 2up....with the stipulation, you crash you buy. ;)


derf 04-21-2009 11:00 PM

So my prediction of spooning with tommy might just come true

tommymac 04-22-2009 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by derf (Post 200885)
So my prediction of spooning with tommy might just come true

:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

I am def still game to ride down and kind awant to since its a big challenge.

Now to the this sucks part. This week is my easy week and have a few days off so I can get stuff done (provided the LL doesnt show up and I kill him) so last night I was looking at the bike and see more orange stuff around the chain. So now its gotta go, with me running close to 3k miles of touring and agressive riding comming up I dont want to risk it. My sprockets look prety good so I may just leave them for now.


Sixxxxer 04-22-2009 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by rogue (Post 200884)
Rogue may have an open back seat but Rogue doesn't ride anyone pillion because Rogue can't touch the ground! :rofl: The only way I'd consider riding someone 2up on my bike is if they can touch the ground from the back seat! :lol:

However, I will allow some people to ride my bike, with me riding 2up....with the stipulation, you crash you buy. ;)


Fucking Pillion Propaganda...And Your bike would technically sit lower with Someone on the back...

Tommy...I figure we'll just play it by ear and see how Quickly Derf recovers.

rogue 04-22-2009 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 201086)
Fucking Pillion Propaganda...And Your bike would technically sit lower with Someone on the back...

Tommy...I figure we'll just play it by ear and see how Quickly Derf recovers.

But not low enough for me to touch. Mini-Me gets on the bike and it doesn't move. It wouldn't squat when I rode pillion on my on bike before I lost weight either. :idk:

Sixxxxer 04-22-2009 11:49 AM

If you cant touch how do you Ride??

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