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Mr Lefty 06-01-2008 07:10 AM

HDR photography
Hope'n Marko can chime in with a bit of info... but wondering if any of you guys have fucked around with HDR or High Dynamic Range photography...

pretty cool effects...

here are some examples...

a couple I tried today






they aren't the greatest... but can really capture the details both near and far... pretty fuck'n cool

basicly you take 3 shots... one +2 exposure, one normal or 0 exposure, and one -2 exposure (you can adjust those as you see fit) and merge them.

Mr Lefty 06-01-2008 11:28 AM

here's an example... not the greatest but decent



JK 06-01-2008 03:10 PM

hdr is pretty cool. what do you use? I dont have PS and all the freeware ones ive tried are tricky.

DLIT 06-01-2008 03:21 PM

We have the same DVD system, proly bought from the same place. I could recognize those shitty dorms anywhere.

marko138 06-01-2008 04:33 PM

HDR is really cool. I've never done it myself...but the end result looks pretty damn awesome.

At sunset or sunrise it allows for some really intense looking pics b/c you can expose for every different lighting situation within the frame.

Mr Lefty 06-01-2008 05:12 PM

I'm using Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2... cheaper than Photo Shop... and still probably 100x more powerful than I need right now :idk: still work'n it out

I was gonna try and get the sunset lastnight... but the local Terriaki place was call'n me... and by the time I got back... my stomach was full and the sun was down...

good Chicken though... I... think it was chicken

Cutty72 06-03-2008 01:12 AM

damn ebbs, you got enough food in your room for months, why you gotta go out to eat! :lol:

Mr Lefty 06-03-2008 01:35 AM

1. chow hall sucks
2. everything on base closes durring exercises
3. chow hall sucks

Cutty72 06-03-2008 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 47837)
1. chow hall sucks
2. everything on base closes durring exercises
3. chow hall sucks

Don't they have a McDonalds? :lol:

Mr Lefty 06-03-2008 08:03 PM

yeah but that's off base... they have fast food on base... but when I say everything closes for exercises... I mean EVERYTHING... BX, Post office, Food Court, Commessary. and the base is locked down you can't go off base unless you LIVE off base.

rider76 06-03-2008 08:59 PM

He isn't shittin ya. I used to stock up on food from the commissary, when I was there. the chow hall sucks balls and eating fast food everyday gets old

Cutty72 06-04-2008 12:59 AM

I guess I'm a cheap ass and looking at it from the guard side.
chow hall is free, and only gotta deal with it for 2 weeks tops... :lol:

Mr Lefty 06-04-2008 01:06 AM

fuck the chow hall...

Bassplayer 06-04-2008 01:49 PM

i do b/w film, so it reminds me of when i throw a red filter on there for a extensive contrast effect. pretty cool. :dthumb:

rider76 06-04-2008 05:38 PM

Two weeks at the chow hall is one thing but a year, Fuck that

ceo012384 06-06-2008 05:44 PM

Amblyopic would have some good info on HDR... that shit is pretty cool.

Mr Lefty 10-18-2008 11:40 PM

Here's Cutty's Bike photo... the one he sent me

and two different levels of adjustments...


and second

marko138 10-18-2008 11:41 PM

That looks good. Especially since it wasnt' raw.

Mr Lefty 10-18-2008 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 81256)
That looks good. Especially since it wasnt' raw.

yeah I was really surprised though I noticed that the adjustments to the exposure weren't realistic... when i went -4 it was still light enough to see the entire bike. but I did -4 though +4 in steps of 1...

marko138 10-18-2008 11:58 PM

Ebbs, an email has been dispatched to you.

Cutty72 10-19-2008 12:01 AM

fuckin awesome! love it ebbs. Thanks

edit: nevermind, I reread the thread.

Mr Lefty 10-19-2008 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 81261)
Ebbs, an email has been dispatched to you.

yeah I tried but ended up with A LOT of noise cause your original was so dark... i think if the photo was a raw file I could do more but it'd still have a lot of noise...


Originally Posted by Cutty72 (Post 81262)
fuckin awesome! love it ebbs. Thanks

edit: nevermind, I reread the thread.

yeah turned out pretty cool actually... I've been screw'n around with a lot of my old photos

marko138 10-19-2008 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81270)
yeah I tried but ended up with A LOT of noise cause your original was so dark... i think if the photo was a raw file I could do more but it'd still have a lot of noise...

yeah turned out pretty cool actually... I've been screw'n around with a lot of my old photos

No problem...I didn't take that...a guy emailed it to me.

Amber Lamps 10-19-2008 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 48175)
fuck the chow hall...

Really? :idk: I loved the Mess Hall but then again ANYTHING was better than the crap I ate at home. Pigs feet,ears,tails,collard greens,chitterlings,neck bones,chicken gizzards,etc. YUCK! You know,I understand that as slaves we were forced to live on the parts of animals that the masters threw out but why continue to eat that crap when you don't have to?
Eating at mess was free and I always thought the food was decent,altho' a little bland but my Dad smothered EVERYTHING in black pepper,salt,hot sauce, etc. Sometimes,I still put hot sauce on french fries and cheese curls.

Mr Lefty 10-19-2008 07:13 AM

I set up a folder for my HDR shots...

Marko... this came out cool

Lamnidae 10-19-2008 07:58 AM

i'm gonna have ot try this out mang!

Mr Lefty 10-19-2008 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Amblyopic (Post 81295)
i'm gonna have ot try this out mang!

you'll need Photomatrix Pro 3.0

you can get it here

Lamnidae 10-19-2008 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81296)
you'll need Photomatrix Pro 3.0

you can get it here

simple enough, sir. TY.

marko138 10-19-2008 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81294)

That looks awesome...and thats just a shitty cell phone pic.

Mr Lefty 10-19-2008 05:21 PM

yeah that's whats cool about the program... you can turn some of the most mundane photos into really intresting ones... (not that your helmet was mundane :lol:) it all depends on how the light and details play

marko138 10-19-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81389)
yeah that's whats cool about the program... you can turn some of the most mundane photos into really intresting ones... (not that your helmet was mundane :lol:) it all depends on how the light and details play

Yeah I put that sucker on the hood of my jeep when I got to work and snapped a few pics. Our work phones take decent pictures.

Mr Lefty 10-19-2008 05:57 PM

I have two on the front page :rockout:

marko138 10-19-2008 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81413)

I have two on the front page :rockout:

Nice. I like the dragon fly on there.

Mr Lefty 10-19-2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 81414)
Nice. I like the dragon fly on there.

yeah there are some INSANE photos on there... search the most rated... there's a couple that blow my mind

marko138 10-19-2008 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81415)
yeah there are some INSANE photos on there... search the most rated... there's a couple that blow my mind

Unbelievable. Damn.

jeeps84 10-19-2008 08:12 PM

pretty cool! I never tried any of that stuff.

Cutty72 10-19-2008 11:07 PM

i love how it makes the pics look painted, but yet real.

Mr Lefty 10-19-2008 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cutty72 (Post 81536)
i love how it makes the pics look painted, but yet real.

yeah looks Rockwellian...

but that's only one faccet of HDR... check out you'll see that some look extreemly realistic just with much more detail than possible with normal photos.

Amber Lamps 10-20-2008 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81543)
yeah looks Samwellian...

but that's only one faccet of HDR... check out you'll see that some look extreemly realistic just with much more detail than possible with normal photos.


marko138 10-20-2008 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81543)
yeah looks Rockwellian...

but that's only one faccet of HDR... check out you'll see that some look extreemly realistic just with much more detail than possible with normal photos.

I love the ones that look super realistic...thats what HDR should look like in my opinion. They are fuckng awesome.

I'm gonna fuck around with photoshop today.

Amber Lamps 10-20-2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 81654)
I love the ones that look super realistic...thats what HDR should look like in my opinion. They are fuckng awesome.

I'm gonna fuck around with photoshop today.

Well,hopefully you have an easier time with C3 than I do. I have problems finding the pics I want and everything.:idk:

marko138 10-20-2008 03:15 PM

Here's one I did of my back yard real quick. I wanted to test this program. Besides the shitty watermark it's super easy to use. But I used my Digital Rebel to knock out 3 bracketted shots in the RAW.

I think it looks pretty fucking cool.

the chi 10-20-2008 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 81797)
Here's one I did of my back yard real quick. I wanted to test this program. Besides the shitty watermark it's super easy to use. But I used my Digital Rebel to knock out 3 bracketted shots in the RAW.

I think it looks pretty fucking cool.

Im officially in love with your backyard!! Good shot btw! Its got me itchin to go out and play with mine tonite!

marko138 10-20-2008 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 81802)
Im officially in love with your backyard!! Good shot btw! Its got me itchin to go out and play with mine tonite!


marko138 10-20-2008 03:38 PM

Here's another I ripped off real quick from my couch. It's not as good...but it's also shot handheld and not on a tripod.

the chi 10-20-2008 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 81809)
Here's another I ripped off real quick from my couch. It's not as good...but it's also shot handheld and not on a tripod.

Are you using that program Ebbs recommended or doing something else?

marko138 10-20-2008 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 81819)
Are you using that program Ebbs recommended or doing something else?

I'm using the one ebbs linked earlier in this thread....I get water marks. I dont know if he actually paid for it or what. But the free version is watermark jones. And insanely easy.

However, I have not figured out how to do the psuedo-HDR with one image.

Mr Lefty 10-20-2008 05:13 PM

yeah I bought it... though ya might check out some torrent sites to maybe get an unlocked verson.

the single photo version is alot easier IMO... as you can turn off the align images option cause well... it's the same image :lol: and with Raw... it really does come out well.

oh and to do that you just open up Lightroom or a similar program where you can adjust the exposure value... save the origional, then adjust the exposure to - save it as another name, then do the same for + exposures... (I usually do several -'s and several +'s to get a better blending result)

those both look good Marko. though your last shot shows the drawback of doing a TRUE HDR photo as you got a bit of ghosting. were you just taking it by hand?

marko138 10-20-2008 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81857)
yeah I bought it... though ya might check out some torrent sites to maybe get an unlocked verson.

the single photo version is alot easier IMO... as you can turn off the align images option cause well... it's the same image :lol: and with Raw... it really does come out well.

oh and to do that you just open up Lightroom or a similar program where you can adjust the exposure value... save the origional, then adjust the exposure to - save it as another name, then do the same for + exposures... (I usually do several -'s and several +'s to get a better blending result)

those both look good Marko. though your last shot shows the drawback of doing a TRUE HDR photo as you got a bit of ghosting. were you just taking it by hand?

Yeah I was sitting on the couch...just hand held and snapped three shots.

The outside one I had the camera resting on the railing of my porch. The outside one looks really cool to me.

Mr Lefty 10-20-2008 05:24 PM

yeah they're both really nice... I like the inside ones...

marko138 10-20-2008 05:36 PM

I need to find this program w/o the watermark so I can do some legit photo's.

Mr Lefty 10-20-2008 05:39 PM

marko138 10-20-2008 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81872)

You are the ruler of all things HDR.

Mr Lefty 10-20-2008 06:06 PM

:lol: I can't wait for my fuck'n camera to get here to start fuck'n around more with it...

I wanna climb up on one of the mountains at dusk and get some sunset shots as well as some night shots of Seoul...

Antwanny 10-20-2008 11:30 PM

definately thought the title was HDR Pornography
Alaska Dispensary
Lovely Wendie99

Mr Lefty 10-20-2008 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Antwanny (Post 81993)
definately thought the title was HDR Pornography

uh... not so much... :leaving:

Lamnidae 10-21-2008 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81997)
uh... not so much... :leaving:

possibly would give a whole new depth to the Money Shot. Just something to think about.

Mr Lefty 10-21-2008 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Amblyopic (Post 82032)
possibly would give a whole new depth to the Money Shot. Just something to think about.

they said that about HD porn...

marko138 10-21-2008 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 81884)
:lol: I can't wait for my fuck'n camera to get here to start fuck'n around more with it...

I wanna climb up on one of the mountains at dusk and get some sunset shots as well as some night shots of Seoul...

I'm gonna mess around some more today. I love this shit.

the chi 10-21-2008 10:22 AM

I got my books!! :rockwoot: Just to help me learn how to do this photography with my "new" (read:Ebbs old) camera. SO MUCH!! I havent even started playing with the HDR stuff yet...trying to get some decent action shots at the track this weekend...

Marko, i've got lightroom 1.4, but I havent found it to be any more user friendly than any others so far, but I found out about some killer presets I can DL to out for trying to DL the programs tho, most of them I've found carry viruses like mad!

marko138 10-21-2008 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 82055)
I got my books!! :rockwoot: Just to help me learn how to do this photography with my "new" (read:Ebbs old) camera. SO MUCH!! I havent even started playing with the HDR stuff yet...trying to get some decent action shots at the track this weekend...

Marko, i've got lightroom 1.4, but I havent found it to be any more user friendly than any others so far, but I found out about some killer presets I can DL to out for trying to DL the programs tho, most of them I've found carry viruses like mad!

Thanks for the advice. I dont know...mabye I won't d/l this shit.

the chi 10-21-2008 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 82058)
Thanks for the advice. I dont know...mabye I won't d/l this shit.

hmmm, you can get LR 1.4 straight from Adobe's website virus free...and I think you can find codes and such from bittorrent...not sayin, just sayin...

marko138 10-21-2008 04:05 PM

Here's a little action from my front porch.

Mr Lefty 10-21-2008 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 82055)
I got my books!! :rockwoot: Just to help me learn how to do this photography with my "new" (read:Ebbs old) camera. SO MUCH!! I havent even started playing with the HDR stuff yet...trying to get some decent action shots at the track this weekend...

Marko, i've got lightroom 1.4, but I havent found it to be any more user friendly than any others so far, but I found out about some killer presets I can DL to out for trying to DL the programs tho, most of them I've found carry viruses like mad!


Originally Posted by marko138 (Post 82058)
Thanks for the advice. I dont know...mabye I won't d/l this shit.

check out the comments with those torrents... most people will respond back if there's a virus... and go with the most heavily downloaded first... :2cents:

but I back up my computer 3 times a week so, I'm a little less cautious about viruses...

ceo012384 10-22-2008 01:37 AM

So without reading too much of this thread... is there an easy way to achieve an HDR effect on a photo you already have just using some filters and such in photoshop?

And anyone care to tell me? lol

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 02:30 AM

well it's a fake HDR... but if you make at least 3 files of the same pic all at diffrent exposures... one - one 0 and one + then you murge them with Photoshops HDR option.

it's easier in Photomax Pro... at least for me... I'm not great with photoshop... I really need to learn though... I'd like to understand layering and tone mapping better

ceo012384 10-22-2008 02:32 AM

Hmm sounds easy enough. I was thinking of giving the HDR treatment to a couple of the track photos I just posted to see how they'd come out

edit: especially the fisheyed one with the sky background... that would probably be best suited for HDR treatment.

ceo012384 10-22-2008 03:24 AM

Where can I find the HDR option... and how do I 'fakely' change the exposure to make several photos from the one I have... just vary the brightness/contrast/etc?

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 03:29 AM

I don't remember it's been a long ass time since I've tried in PS...

if ya want you can send me a copy of the photo via e-mail... and I'll see what I can do...

ceo012384 10-22-2008 03:31 AM

I've made the three files just by changing the brightness but I can't find the HDR thing. PM me your email I'll send you the file

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 03:33 AM

you using CS2 or CS3? it's just my username at yahoo

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 03:34 AM

HDR in CS2

and in CS3

ceo012384 10-22-2008 03:39 AM

I think I just have normal CS?

I found the merge thing to make the HDR image but it didn't come out that great... just a few shadowy areas brightened up.

ceo012384 10-22-2008 03:46 AM

I emailed it... big file though.

I got a better result in my most recent try... played with both lightening/darkening as well as shadowing/highlighting

ceo012384 10-22-2008 03:49 AM

oops think I messed up one of my originals... glad I have the CD :lol:

emailed you a resized one

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 03:59 AM

:lol: alright I'll take a look when I get off work in an hour

ceo012384 10-22-2008 04:03 AM

Here is my best attempt so far :idk:



edit: I think I like it, the problem is that I don't really remember the steps I took to get there :lol: any way to recover that?

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 04:27 AM

if you did it in PS doesn't it show the history? :idk: I haven't used ps in a long time... and I sucked at it then.

here's what I got.... came out quite noisy... but if you don't show it in the original size... it's hard(er) to tell

Amber Lamps 10-22-2008 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 82321)
if you did it in PS doesn't it show the history? :idk: I haven't used ps in a long time... and I sucked at it then.

here's what I got.... came out quite noisy... but if you don't show it in the original size... it's hard(er) to tell

Hmmm... well,I think it looks pretty kickass,myself!

marko138 10-22-2008 09:43 AM

Looks bad ass.

ceo012384 10-22-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ebbs15 (Post 82321)
if you did it in PS doesn't it show the history? :idk: I haven't used ps in a long time... and I sucked at it then.

here's what I got.... came out quite noisy... but if you don't show it in the original size... it's hard(er) to tell

Oh snap... that's pretty friggin cool!

I appreciate it Ebbs :cheers:

what program did you use and how hard is it to do?

dReWpY 10-22-2008 02:26 PM
any chance of hdr this one?

Rider 10-22-2008 02:31 PM

Hey Drewpy, have you already done the flapper mod the the RC yet? If not, I ran across a "how to" the other day if you are interested in the article. I also think there was a write up about removing the soft rev limiter too. Let me know if you want them. I'll PM you the links.

ceo012384 10-22-2008 02:33 PM

Nice shot drewp. It's a little dark so I bet the HDR will do wonders on upping the contrast all over

dReWpY 10-22-2008 02:43 PM

the flapper was the first thing to go, its easy to do and made the bike 100% more rideable, the soft rev was done about 6 months ago and again makes a world of difference.

the flapper really makes rideing around town alot smoother and safer, imagine 40% OF YOUR INTAKE being taken away at a moments notice, talk about falling on your face

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by ceo012384 (Post 82421)
Oh snap... that's pretty friggin cool!

I appreciate it Ebbs :cheers:

what program did you use and how hard is it to do?

I used Photomax Pro... I bought it... it's easier to use than photoshop... I tried using PS last night... frustrating...


Originally Posted by drewpy (Post 82440)

Yeah here ya go


Originally Posted by ceo012384 (Post 82446)
Nice shot drewp. It's a little dark so I bet the HDR will do wonders on upping the contrast all over

yeah though ya it's better they're on the dark side... as you can always go to white if ya need... but if the original is over exposed... it creates a lot of noise... yours just had a lot of highlights that were tough to get right

the chi 10-22-2008 06:04 PM

Thats a sick looking pic, I love how it brought out his face so well!! I did a double take and had to go look at the older shot!

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 06:11 PM

yeah just wished I could get some of these in Raw...

Captain Morgan 10-22-2008 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by The Chi (Post 82531)
Thats a sick looking pic, I love how it brought out his face so well!! I did a double take and had to go look at the older shot!


dReWpY 10-22-2008 10:08 PM


ignore my pm... thanks ebbs

Mr Lefty 10-22-2008 10:14 PM

:lol: I was like... wtf... have you looked at the fuck'n thread? :lol:

dReWpY 10-22-2008 11:12 PM

no some how i missed it when i signed to pm trip real quick, then signed on when i got home and it was in the new posts list... for the good work, i am removing your quote from my sig... thanks for the pic

Amber Lamps 10-22-2008 11:46 PM

Hey Ebbs you keep mentioning RAW,my camera will take pics in RAW format. Do you want me to take some and send them to you to play with? Bike pics or scenery or whatever...

Amber Lamps 10-23-2008 12:09 AM

BTW Ebbs I HATE YOU!!! I've spent the last 2 hours trying to get PS C3 to help me make a HDR! I thought I had it and woosh it was gone! grrrr

Mr Lefty 10-23-2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 82644)
Hey Ebbs you keep mentioning RAW,my camera will take pics in RAW format. Do you want me to take some and send them to you to play with? Bike pics or scenery or whatever...

yeah go ahead shoot me some...


Originally Posted by TIGGER (Post 82652)
BTW Ebbs I HATE YOU!!! I've spent the last 2 hours trying to get PS C3 to help me make a HDR! I thought I had it and woosh it was gone! grrrr

:lol: yeah I was fuck'n around with PS CS3 last night... way more complecated... but much more realistic results... but I lost a few and was like... fuck it.. :lol:

DLIT 10-23-2008 01:25 AM

What can you do with this, Ebbs?

Mr Lefty 10-23-2008 01:27 AM

I'll check it out when I get home D... I can't see it here and well.. can't do anything here anyways...

Sixxxxer 10-23-2008 02:38 AM

Drewpys is Way to Grainy and Blurry...The HDR Effect messed up the wuality of the Photo...RAW makes it Way easier to make an HDR Photo Happen.

Mr Lefty 10-23-2008 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Sixxxxer (Post 82726)
Drewpys is Way to Grainy and Blurry...The HDR Effect messed up the wuality of the Photo...RAW makes it Way easier to make an HDR Photo Happen.

yeah not much I could do... I even put his in Light Room and tried noise reduction... didn't work out as the noise was SO prominant.

Sixxxxer 10-23-2008 03:01 AM

Yeah It happens...I wasnt kocking the effort...Shit I cant even figure out HDR yet...Although I havent used the program your using...

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