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Porkchop 12-20-2008 03:12 AM

Drunk ass....
So I'm leaving my friends house an hour back (1:15am), and I pull thru his neighborhood and get to the main road... no cars coming so i pull out right. I get up to speed and immediatly pull up to some railroad tracks, so I tap the brakes to save my alignment... when all of the sudden I hear a loud screech. I look back and a car doing about twice of my speed is careening out of control. The driver, (almost rear ending me) dives illegaly across a double line to pass me and goes two wide crossing the railroad tracks. As we cross the tracks a truck nealy smashes head on into him, as he dives back into the correct lane... cutting me off. Said driver goes speeding away, swirving the whole time. So i catch up to this douche-fuck at a light and he has his right turn blinker on. Light turns green, the driver starts to turn right onto side street and then darts back to cut me off again. Blinker light still on. Driver then makes efforts to act like he's pulling into 2 neighboring gas stations, decides not to, almost his curbs, and then cuts back right infront of me. So when driver gets past second station in a row... he decides he finally wants to turn right on second side street past gas stations. Now I am thuroughly pissed. So as driver FINALLY turns, I decide to be stupid, and blow horn at him. I look back and driver pulls a U-ie in the middle of the side street, blows a red light, and comes flying back at me. FUCK ME! Driver then flashes high beems and blinker telling me to get over. Me knowing that there are multiple individuals in said car, I am smart enough to keep driving. Driver increases rate of speed, with high beems on, and begins to tail me for 2 miles... I continue to flick him off. When he knows I am not stopping, he backs off but continues to follow me. FUCK I realize I am leading him home... so I quickly turn off. Still following me. My plan is to now head for town, with other ppl and potentially cops. 10 minutes into chase, still being followed. I am finally getting into town, driver realizes what I am doing and slows. I make two quick turns, speed up, make another turn, and get to gas station. Go in and buy some Dew. Covertly take back roads home... :panic:

Can I say interesting?

MikeSP1 12-20-2008 03:55 AM

Mayhaps honking was a bad idea? Could've gotten his plate at the light and called the cops to report a drunk driver.

t-homo 12-20-2008 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by MikeSP1 (Post 131080)
Mayhaps honking was a bad idea? Could've gotten his plate at the light and called the cops to report a drunk driver.

That was my first thought. It wouldn't be my first time.

Dnyce 12-20-2008 06:30 AM

pull out your assault rifle....theyre drunk, coulda died anyway........

Dragonpaco 12-20-2008 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Dnyce (Post 131089)
pull out your assault rifle....theyre drunk, coulda died anyway........


bmblebee 12-20-2008 12:13 PM

Pull your cell, call 911 and tell them where you are leading the azzhat to...

Porkchop 12-20-2008 02:40 PM

Yea.. I did mention in the post that in retrospect, it was way stupid to honk at a drunk person. But he nearly rear ended me at near double my speed, then cut me off multiple times, and was generally driving like a fucktard. I was pissed....

I mean when it happened I wasnt thinking like that, but when I made it home I definatly was like "damn, I should have gotten his plates!" He was only infront of me for like a total of 45 seconds though, but he was behind me forever. I was trying to lead him to a cop... but he was smart not to go into town....

Oh, and im only 20.... no handgun....

VatorMan 12-20-2008 03:42 PM

It's amazing how clear you think after it is all over, Woulda,shoulda coulda. Next time you'll know what to do.

Hondahugger 12-20-2008 04:19 PM

Be thankful you didn't get hurt or worse in that.

And congrats on the level headed thinking to NOT lead him to your house and head back into town. I hope that if my son is ever in a situation like that when he is 20, that he will make the right decisions to ensure his safety and it sounds like you've learned a good lesson if ever in a similar situation again.

Lamnidae 12-20-2008 04:29 PM

shoulda just dialed 911 got the plates and kinda stalked/followed the guy till the cops showed up. Woulda been the smart thing to do.

however, the cool thing to do would be to flip him off, get him to chase you at high speeds, get him to loose control, flip, crash. Go back to him, hoppin' outta your vehicle. pop the trunk pulling out a nice assault rifle with either A) a couple nice size mags or B) a nice 74rd drum mag and then filled the car full of holes, saving us jail cells..... so instead only you get to goto jail for slaughtering the asshats who would have probably wrecked into a small family of 4 driving home from a long night out with family, killing the children and ruining the lives of the parents forever.

That would have sucked.

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