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Old 11-17-2008, 07:55 PM   #8
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 14,556

Originally Posted by Rider View Post
Michigan is a no fault state. So the claim goes against my policy anyway no matter who is at fault.
Whoa buckaroo! Last I knew,Mi's no fault laws do not apply to motorcycles. When I was rear ended,the other guy's bike insurance paid for my bike and my medical because he was at fault.

Now as far as gear goes,some companies include a preset amount of gear coverage and some don't. If I were you,I'd look at my bike policy very closely... do not just trust the adjuster's word for it! Also,look into your auto policy and your home owner's policy. A lot of times,homeowner's insurance covers losses not covered by auto policies,like stolen and damaged personal items. Also,since another vehicle was involved,you may be able to claim your medical bills,lost work and your gear against his policy regardless of fault. Make sure you at least call them and check. Trust me,his truck ran over your leg,they would be MORE than happy to pay a couple medical bills,work days and for some gear than the cost of a lawsuit,win or lose! Besides,if they owe anything based on ins. law,your ins will subrogate the money from his company after the fact. Quite frankly,that guy probably called his ins company and they may be just waiting for you to call them.

Last edited by Amber Lamps; 11-17-2008 at 08:04 PM..
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