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Old 11-29-2008, 10:54 AM   #55
Nowhere Man
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 558

Originally Posted by pickle.of.doom View Post
I think being comfortable in your position, and having one less thing on your mind while going through a corner, will help you more than your body position being off 1 degree more or less either way will hurt you. Thats a reason why so many riders have so many different styles.
I agree. The more comfortable you are will show up in lap times. Everyone has their own comfort position. Body position for me changes depending on the conditions such as turn radius & camber (ie;speed), how soon the next turn will arrive and the type of bike I'm on or how much leverage is needed to make it turn. But everyone is different and what works for one may not be what works for someone else. Having raced old Vintage bikes you really get a style show thru a turn. Some guys sit in line with the bike, some sit up high (ex flat trackers) and some
hang off. You may see all three styles, in line through the same turn, at the same speed. Being comfortable is faster regardless of how fast I LOOK, or not. A stopwatch is the judge.
This pic is on a 1969 BSA Rocket 3. 985cc, 460lb's and 19" wheels, It did not like to turn.

Last edited by was92v; 05-14-2010 at 07:24 PM..
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