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Old 03-11-2008, 10:36 AM   #1
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There is an exception to every rule. As a general rule of thumb and in a perfect world, every rider would start on a small bike and work their way up.

Now does that always happen? No. I do know of some riders who have started out on 600cc or 1000cc sportbikes and became great riders. Of course being a MSF instructor, I also deal with at least two or three students every weekend who come to the class with a brand new "GSXR1000ZX10RR" as their first bike and have already wrecked it. Sometimes more then once.

I always tell students, would you buy your 16 year old child a twin turbo Dodge Viper for a first car? No? Then why would you want a "GSXR1000ZX10RR" for your first bike?

I really wish we had a stacked riding system like they do overseas. Where you have to have a 250cc for a year before you can move to a 500cc. Then you have to have that for a year before you can move up. I think that would prevent alot of accidents.

Sure the riders maturity level has alot to do with how well they learn on a sportbike. But if a rider gets into a panic situation and accidently rolls on the throttle in a corner on a 500cc bike, the bike is going to react alot differently then a 1000cc bike in that same situation.

Someonce once told me a 600cc sportbike wants to kill you. A 1000cc sportbike will try to kill you.
MSF Rider Coach
Motorcycle Training Institue Inc

"Riding a motorcycle is like playing chess. Anyone can learn the moves, but it takes a lifetime to master the game."
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