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Old 03-30-2009, 07:28 AM   #12
Community Curmudgeon
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Tallahassee
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GM is approaching a ventilator type life support. The problem at GM is that people are not buying their cars, and they are not building the cars the market has determined, and people are buying.

How many models of cars does GM sell for under 20K? Try to find a new car for under 17K on a GM lot. I have found most prices well in excess of 25K, and many more north of 30K. The price of GM cars is the biggest reason I don't visit their lots. Even Saturn, who began as a moderately priced car has moved into the high end range where they now have very few models you can drive off the lot under 20K.

When you factor in the extremely poor investment any automobile purchase is, along with the government's green initiatives to make operating an automobile very expensive, this creates even more hardship on the family as the economy shrinks, and families have to be radically careful with their money...people aren't buying cars

Until GM or any manufacturer can convince consumers back to the lots, it is just a fail waiting to happen
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