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Old 04-04-2009, 12:24 PM   #3
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
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Originally Posted by was92v View Post
That was a very good ride through there. The rider didn't do anything wrong on that run. I am going to step over the PC line here and say that every yellow cross does not make an asshole on that road. Or if it does, I'm a gaping sphincter.

If you know that road, you know where you can cross and where you can't, just like passing cars. What you can't see on a video is where you can see with your eyes. One of the best places to pass is in the middle of a turn. You can look though the trees to see what is coming and if there is nothing there, you are clear, cars slow to about 10 (or less) MPH, and you can just roll around them.

On many of the turns you can see 2-3 turns ahead if you know where to look. Nothing coming-you are safe. It all has to do with having an intimate knowledge of the road and not riding above your skill and knowledge. I have thousands of miles on that road, all in 9.37 mile increments and it is a very demanding road to ride at a quick pace. The biggest problem with it now is that it is too busy and too well known and most of the people that go up there to challenge "The Dragon" (I hate that name...) do not have the skill or knowledge to ride fast safely.

I guess my point is that on that road, just because you cross the center line does not necessarily mean you are a careless asshole, if you know when, where and how, you can do that safely. If you don't and just blindly bust thru, you are a careless asshole and I hope when you auger into a rock bank you don't take anyone with you.

I used to ride thru there and try to not touch the brakes. Never made it through without ever touching them, I think 4 lever pulls is the best I ever did, but I learned a
lot about the road in the process. I have ridden through there one time in the last 8 years and that was after not being there for 7 years and I still remembered 90% of the turns and setups. I probably passed 300 cruisers and tourist in one pass through and everyone of them called me an asshole. I didn't put anyone in a risky situation and risked no ones safety. Some photo shooter caught me and a cruiser in a frame that I saw that summed it up pretty well. I'm rolling in behind him coming through a right setting up for an immediate left. He is looking straight ahead and I'm looking through the trees to the straight before and the other end of the turn from the opposite direction. The road was empty, but I'm sure that when I rolled past in the middle of the turn in the oncoming lane he called me an asshole. Oh well..

Hey you all kick ass in my book BUT I take two well known exceptions to your proposal that you don't endanger anyone by crossing the double yellow;

1. What if someone was coming full bore the other direction? I can't see how shaving a split second off your "lap" time could be worth my life. I don't care how fast everyone rides but I still think you should keep it in your own lane.

2. How everyone is quick to pat guys on the back dragging knee and crossing double yellows on a public road but immediately call "squid" whenever they see someone doing wheelies on the freeway.
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