Thread: Hey Boys!!!
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Old 05-05-2009, 08:44 AM   #8
Where to next?
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Unfortunately, most of the time, guys are terrible at taking notes, knowing what their women want, doing what it takes for a good relationship, and here's the kicker....not *expecting* things in return.

At the risk of having *my* man card taken away, I'll offer this for the guys' benefit that may not have gotten this memo yet.

1) Be NICE. You don't always have to be right. There is a way to have a disagreement without it degenerating to fighting. Really.

2) Doing things around the house you *know* need to be done, without being asked to do them, or asking what you get in return for doing it. I'll do the dishes if I see they need done, I'll make the bed, whatever. Like I tell Carolina, she does what she can, I'll do what I can, and whether it's 50/50 or not, it all works itself out in the end, and even if it doesn't, so be it. Our relationship isn't a contest.

3) Whether your girl puts on a *tough* persona or facade, she's still a girl, and likes to be treated as such on occasion. You shouldn't be afraid to randomly put your arm around her while you're walking somewhere, hold her hand, or just tell her *I love you* for no good reason at a random time. You don't have to give up your man card just because you are sappy at times.

I'm not going to sit here and say it works for everyone, or will work for everyone. Hell, anybody who watches my Facebook knows I'm about as sappy as they come sometimes, but, you don't see me complaining about a lack of sex or *not getting any when I want it.* I don't talk about that particularly because quite frankly, it's nobody's business but mine and hers, but we have a great relationship in all aspects.

I know life gets in the way. I get that. There's no reason you can't do the above though, and when life *isn't* in the way, well, that will be remembered, and you will be rewarded.
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