Thread: Crossed up!
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Old 10-14-2009, 07:49 PM   #9
Nowhere Man
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 558

I'm no expert, but hanging off with your spine in a straight line parallel to the bike is great form and it also allows you to achieve a neutral balanced feel with your outside arm resting on the tank and/or your thigh. It also means you have a lot less leverage to move the bike in a hurry, especially it you are on a heavy bike that requires some force. Or if you are riding something with an explosive power band that may require some immediate correction in multiple directions at once to stay off the ground. But I guess most bikes don't behave that way anymore. When it feels serene, it is right for you, regardless of how it looks in a picture and when you are comfortable with the ride, you will go faster without seeming to.
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