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Old 11-04-2009, 06:16 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Homeslice View Post
Well of course it isn't. But if I buy a liter bike instead of a 50cc, at least I will get the benefit of having better acceleration at every single stoplight or on-ramp. On the other hand, if I live in a snow-free state and never go offroad, how often will I benefit from having 4WD/AWD? What's the point of wanting something unless you get benefits from it?

My guess is, a lot of soccer moms assume they need 4WD or AWD just to make it home on a rainy night (going 35 mph). Especially here in Cali......People freak out when it sprinkles.
The scooter and the liter bike can do the same thing if you get basic with it. Some love the power of the biker bike. The power brings speed and thrill. There are some people that like to have the little scooter to zip around on. They like being able to fill it up with change found on the ground and being able to put their helmet under the seat.

People buy a vehicle for transportation, what type they buy will depend on what they can afford/want to spend and/or what they enjoy. Some people enjoy driving a truck. They like being in a high up or having the bed to haul. They might enjoy being able to tow heavier trailers and so on.

The reason why someone buys a vehicle only really matters to the guys making the tv ads.

Why by a Corrolla if you only have one friend? A Smart car will do the job.

People buy for their enjoyment, not yours. Thats one thing you forget.

"Bust a nut inside your eye, to show you where I come from"
"f youre horny, lets do it, Ride it, my pony, My saddles waitin, Come and jump on it, If youre horny, lets do it"
"I'm not a playa I just fuck a lot"
"Round two, I'm down to Do, what it takes to make you
Understand I'm the Candyman And I melt in your mouth, not in your hands Hard as rock, yes I'm no sucka The boots I knock make me one bad mutha"
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