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Old 11-05-2009, 05:33 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Flexin View Post
But why do you make it about SUV's and trucks? There are some people that will buy a Prius that might have needed/wanted a truck just because of peer pressure.

Some people will look at someone in an econo box and think that they are great people for not buying a big gas guzzling truck. But some of this people (because of location and so on) could have took the bus everyday.

Its not just Suv/truck owners that buy more then they really need.

But we're talking degrees here. Sure, an econobox owner could have taken the bus. But so could the truck owner. So in that situation the truck owner bought even more than he needed than the econobox owner did.

The funny thing is that a lot of these SUVs actually have LESS room inside than a good car.

People say what if I have to go to Costco, well there are plenty of 5-door cars with foldable rear seats that have TONS of room to put stuff, and they get better milieage, are lighter weight, and have lower center of gravity for better handling.
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