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Old 12-15-2009, 02:09 PM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: PDX
Posts: 170

Originally Posted by OTB View Post
Yes, grabbing brakes will stand the bike up; but we're not talking about braking; we're talking about decreasing or increasing throttle (speed) mid-turn. You don't believe me? Next time you go for a ride find a nice, long constant radius turn, pick a constant speed, and then roll off the throttle without changing anything else; the bike will tighten up it's turning radius; and the converse is also true.

Don't take my word for it...go try it out.....
Your theory is speed dependent. If you are going to call people out for making posts that are relevent to the track, then you need to clarify wtf you are talking about. Me, I don't do much street riding and don't care to. But I can assure you as I approach T1 at my home track from a terminal velocity of over 170mph and intiate turn in at over 100 if I roll off the throttle and leave it off the last thing that is gonna happen is that my turn will magically tighten. The bike won't like that at all.
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