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Old 01-19-2010, 12:33 PM   #8
Guys... where *are* we?
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: South Carolina
Moto: SV650 Interstate, CX500 rat-bobber, whatever else runs.
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“But, I think for me, it comes down to compatibility,” Ms. McFadden said. “Can you grow with me? Or as my genius friend the textile designer says, she asks on first dates or meeting men in bars, ‘Do you have a passport and a library card?’ ”
If a woman I was interested in asked right off the bat if I had a passport, I would take that to mean that she was looking for someone to take her on exotic and expensive vacations all the time. After getting over my initial shock, I'd just say no and walk away (although I do have both).

Ms. Zielinski, the fashion stylist, said her best friend, a man, told her once: ‘You are confident, have good credit, own your own business, travel around the world and are self-sufficient. What man is going to want you?’ He laughed, but I found that pretty depressing.”
That's a pretty flip line, but the truth is that a lot of people want to be the top priority for their spouse. A jet-setting executive is likely to be putting their work before their relationship.

My wife has a lot more education than I do (2 Masters degrees, and a list of professional certifications as long as my arm), but makes less money I'm not insecure at all... I want her to make MORE money! I'd be a lot happier as a househusband than a working schmuck.
Considering Verizon Business service? Perhaps you'd like to consider a nice drain cleaner enema instead?
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