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Old 02-18-2010, 09:59 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by TIGGER View Post
Obviously you all are completely glossing over a few things here...the black guy wasn't some "young thug" but a man of 50. The old white guy is a nut and known for his violent out bursts-could this mean that a white man actually started this fight? No it must have been the black guy who done it...we're always starting shit with random white people on the bus for no reason. You all assumed that the evil black people stole the man's bag-nice...You all assumed that the other black people were with this guy, because you know, we all travel in gangs, even though I saw zero evidence of "ganging up" on the white guy, you all went on about what a "pussy" this black guy was for being in a gang... I'm like what fucking gang? This guy was probably on his way home from work or something.... you all sure made a bunch of assumptions that, in my mind, really tell what kind of people you are and what your attitudes about black people are.

How's this for a possibility, black guy riding the bus after working 10 hours, nut job white guy gets on the bus and starts harassing him to "shine his shoes", black guy puts up with it for a while and finally tells the dude to go away. White guy keeps yelling shit back to the black guy. Black guy gets fed up and go to the front to confront the white guy but is still hesitant to hurt the older man. Crazy white guy strikes first and kicks the black guy's ass. Black guy gets a ride to the hospital and another bill that he can hardly pay. It seems that he quit school to help his mother when his father was killed in Vietnam during the Tet offensive...
Tig, you could argue with a stop sign and still believe that you are right.

Let's ASSume that your dreamy scenario was the case:

Bad day or not, Blackie could have gotten off the bus or stayed in his seat. When he approached the BIG white dude and extended his arm in anger he deserved exactly what he got.

Originally Posted by TIGGER View Post
According to witnesses, the black guy is 50. The rest is conjecture, much like everyone else's negative assumptions. Seriously, everyone else assumed that the black guy started the whole thing...I wonder why? They all assumed he is in a gang and would come back and shoot the white guy. They assumed that the black people stole the white guy's stuff. They're making fun of the man's substandard education level and inability to effectively articulate himself.

Paul posted the story about the older white guy being crazy-may be bs, I'm just running with it. I'm just having fun with this. I doubt that they would react the same of I posted a video of a white man getting the shit beat out of him by a black man, even if the white man mouthed off to the black man first...
Did you watch the video or were you too busy looking for your race card?

Nobody ASSumed that the black people stole whitey's stuff, they SAID IT ON VIDEO.

Nobody ASSumed 50 year-old Pac was going to come back with a gun, he SAID IT ON VIDEO.

Enough debating, bring on more chops!
Racing For Smiles
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