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Old 02-28-2010, 12:47 PM   #5
I give Squids a bad name
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Originally Posted by Particle Man View Post

Between curriculum development, preparation for incoming special needs kids, meeting with the next grade to brief them on each kid coming into their classes, etc it's rare when my wife (who is an elementary school teacher) gets to take a break even in the summer and goes to bed after 1am every night.
How much preparation does it really take? If you teach let's say general math, do you really need to think of new ways to teach kids 25x2=50? Even in my college level Anatomy and Physiology class, the students who took it before say it is taught the exact same way as it was last year.

Now you said your wife deals with retarded kids. I can understand having to be prepped on each student and working hard to adjust to each student. I also believe those teachers do get paid more to compensate. But the majority of the students in our school systems are not retarded (lazy but not retarded).

These teachers in RI believed they worked for the teachers union and not the school. Now they are out of a job because of it and that is how it should be. If you are sucking in the private sector you can do two things. You can stay after and work hard (without extra pay) to get what needs to be done done, or you can get fired.
lifts - R.I.P.
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