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Old 04-01-2010, 03:58 PM   #1
Digifox's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Moto: Your mom.
Posts: 734

What the hell...

1. Your age, location and profession. 17, Ohio, Pro-gamer

2. Your current bike's make and model. Describe how it looks, sounds, feels.
1993 Kawasaki EX"ninja"250R
Looks...The biggest POS you'll ever seen thats actually ride-able
Sounds? Think a pissed off garden tiller.
Feels...No answer

3. Your first bike and how you got it.
Ninja 250R, I sold $500 worth of RC cars to buy it

4. Your ideal bike.
Idea bike.... 2002-2004 Kawasaki ZX-6r

5. Do you fit the personality most often associated with whichever category of bike you have? Do the personalities of others you know fit their bikes' categories?
Per-say yes.
Young, Scrawny, dumbass... Wait am i under Crotch rockets or Crotch scooters? Anywho I guess you could say i fit the Careless, Stupid, Whippersnapper that rides Sports Bikes

The personality's of others fit their bikes Yes/No.

6. What does a bike say about its owner?
The bike can say nothings or everything about the owner.
Mine says....Dumbshit
Firm as cherries.
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