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Old 05-14-2010, 09:16 AM   #1
the chi
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Originally Posted by Kaneman View Post
You mean like Tylenol, Asprin and Aderall?

It is so funny to me how many people assume everyone that uses a drug is an idiot who's going to take themselves out of the gene pool. You realize that is actually a very small percentage of illegal drug users right?
Umm, yes I do think those who use illegal drugs are idiots, for a variety of reasons.

1) Its friggin illegal, is it okay to break the law because we dont like it? (Not saying I dont break the law, like speeding for example but putting it out there.)

2) Illegal drug users are idiots, who in their right mind wants to destroy their body for a temporary fix? Especially when those of us who dont use have to foot the bill, like Tommy said when they are in the hospital with no insurance because they have destroyed themselves. Want to use drugs, go ahead, but go ahead and do it and off yourself quick so my tax dollars arent paying for your idiot ass with no job and no insurance cuz you decided to coke and now you cant breath because you've destroyed your breathing passages, or gone crazy from too much meth, etc etc.

3) I am aware it is a small percentage compared to the rest of the pop., that still doesnt mean they arent idiots.

FTR, if you think Im harsh, consider my background. My father, 2 of my uncles and an aunt from both sides of the family (not including the extended family) were cracked out coke heads and alcoholics who were more interested in getting high and making a mess of their lives than taking care of themselves and their families and children. Then they had to live off the state with their food stamps (that they spent on smokes and beer) and try and guilt money out of the family members that werent destroying their lives with bad habits. I've seen both sides and will firmly stand by my statement that illegal drug users are idiots.

Originally Posted by dubbs View Post
Thats exactly right... but in order to buy those drugs you have to go to the black market.. Why not legalize all drugs?

Everyone has the arguement that in order to buy drugs you are supporting terrorists or criminals, but the fact that it's not legal is what's causing it. So prohibition is the only source causing the crime. If drugs were more readily available, cheaper, and regulated like Alcohol & Tobacco.. We'd have a lot less kids doing drugs, there would be less crime because prices would be cheaper, and there wouldn't be any drug cartels, thus even less crime & corruption.

Seems like a win - win for the government and the people.
This was kinda where I was going with my thought. If its legal, wheres the excitement and interest factor?
Originally Posted by Cutty72 View Post
The Chi hath spoken...
and let it be known that what The Chi hath spoketh, will henceforth be done.
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