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Old 06-16-2010, 04:39 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by pauldun170 View Post
In the United States, as clearly stated in the 14th amendment all are gauranteed due process. In you post you say "proven guilty".

Therefore every individual in your example (based on the assumption that being in the country without proper status is a criminal act) would be entitled to a jury trial and legal representation.

Can you please give an example specifically citing a case (since it would be public record...federal court cases are pretty easy to look up and find shit) where a state resident was charged with the crime of "Being in the United States with an Expired Visa\ or invalid paperwork" and cite the penal code violated?
There must be tons of em. Figure a lot of people in the federal penetentiary system, lots of court cases.

They can't fast track em since to do so would raise contitutional issues.

Would seem to be a big pain in the ass since it would be a lot easier to just leave it a code violation.
I wonder how many people are locked up for EPA violations?
You didn't understand my post.

It was laid out the same as your post that I quoted. The first example (guilty, jail, deportation) was for someone being deported over a crime, not an immigration infraction. My second example (ruling, deportation) deals with those who have only violated immigration law. My post was meant to demonstrate that, unlike your OJ example, with immigration ultimately criminal and civil = GTFO.
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