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Old 07-28-2010, 10:47 PM   #1
Trailer Queen
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 21

Something else to consider is the mentality of the trackday rider at the event.

The reason our rules and our look back policy work is because of the type of riders we cater to.

Basically, we stress safety, courtesy, and respect.

We have no inside passing because we want riders comfortable entering the corners, without fear of someone standing them up. Also, if you crash, you won't take out the passee.

Because of our stricter passing rules, we tell riders to take a look back once in a while when coming onto the straight (IF YOU CAN DO IT WITHOUT ALTERING LINE OR SPEED).

Or, if you are not comfortable doing a quick look behind... just don't go WFO on every lap when you hit the straight. If anything, chilling out for a straight will actually help you improve because it gives you a couple of extra seconds to re group.

Again, this all works at our days because of our average riders mentality. At our days, if you show someone a wheel, they are more than happy to let you by. The goal is to learn to ride better... and go home in one piece!

And just to be clear... I am NOT saying our type of days are better/worse. I am saying that there are options out there. If you don't like the way a trackday is run (be it too loose or too restricted), find another organization - don't give up on trackdays or try to fit in a mold that isn't meant for you.
Trackdays in NY, NJ, and NH

Last edited by TTD; 07-28-2010 at 10:52 PM..
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