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Old 05-07-2008, 07:49 AM   #1
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Default The most important breakthrough in motorcycle safety this decade


Do your boots have fluorescent night vision? Didn't think so, time to upgrade.
I thought I've seen everything... but nooooo.

Bata , one of world's leading shoe manufacturers, have released a special, wait for it... biker sandal!

That's correct, in Bangladesh, they've released the MotoSandal (made in Indonesia)

The MotoSandal is a sandal that has been released with bikers in mind. Now, I've got to ask... why is the sandal special?

According to the manufacturer, it offers protection! The sandal is a real sandal, i.e., it is open on all sides, so where's the protection?

The press data states that it's "exhaust heat resistant". But most of the sandal is open, so maybe the strap is protected from the exhaust heat, but 90% of the foot isn't.

They show the right sandal, and then say that the top is "gear shaft protected".... what kind of motorcycles do they ride..??

And what happens when a car rides over the foot when you're stopped at the lights... boots protect, sandals don't... even in Bangladesh...

Last edited by PiZdETS; 05-07-2008 at 01:45 PM..
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