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Old 01-04-2011, 06:40 PM   #2
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Location: Lancaster, PA
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I'm into wood working. Wish I had more tools but I do ok with what I have.

I've built night stands, lamps, entertainment centers and all sorts of things.

I got into display building a few years ago. I make 1/64th (matchbox size) scale farm displays. I build all my own buildings.

My father-in-law is a contractor. Every time they renovate a building, I get all the good materials. I got 2" thick oak doors once. They are now the top of my shop bench.

If you can find a saw mill anywhere around you, rough cut lumber is MUCH cheaper and a planer will pay for it's self very quickly.

Good luck and show some pictures of the build.
Lean till you see sparks. If they are coming from your pegs you are doing good. If they are coming from you tank, you've just gained wisdom... Wisdom usually hurts.
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