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Old 02-03-2011, 05:29 PM   #10
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Originally Posted by Tmall View Post
Condensation, fuel, carbon, emulsification.

But, I agree a month is nothing.
So without the engine even running all those things happen to the oil in your bike? How? Where does this moisture come from? The fuel? Any of it? Aren't those things conditional on the engine running and if so, once the engine is stopped the contamination process stops as well? My thought was that you should change your oil BEFORE storing your bike to prevent the moisture, etc from doing potential damage but since he(and I) didn't the "damage" is already done and changing it now won't help anything imho. At any rate, isn't this just another one of those old tech tips that applied to bikes with cast iron blocks, heads, rings, etc and don't really apply to modern bikes made out of chromed cylinders, aluminum blocks, Ti valves, etc?

You ol' ninja editor!!! I know what emulsion is and it can't happen without the engine running, if it could then new old won't fair any better. BTW if you have that much water in your oil, there's something else going on there chief!!!

Last edited by Amber Lamps; 02-03-2011 at 05:32 PM..
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