Thread: Tyres?
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Old 05-26-2008, 12:05 AM   #1
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Default Tyres?

Get over the euro title, it was just to get your attention...

Well I plum wore the tread off my street pilot powers. I had my suspension reworked today and wheeler took it for a test spin and he said it handled like a dump truck. I agreed, the front is just gone on it. Surprisingly the rear had some life left in it. Too many miles riding to work on super slab. So here is what I am looking. Which way would you go out of my choices, I will list my pro/cons?

1. A new set of pilot powers (pro: Good tire, I like it in all conditions, con: wear wasn't the greatest for my riding not at the gap)

2. Run my track corsa IIIs that have a couple track days and not worn too much and try out 2CTs for my next track day (pro: great tire for gap trips, con: hate it in the cold/rain and unknown wear on the super slab for around town, will miss track days it still has left in it)

3. Try something else (roads, road^2s, the replacement for the corsa, or other, would really like to find something similar to the road^2s without the cost) (pro: unknown, con: cost)
Originally Posted by ebbs15 View Post
according to the article tell him to drink ginger tea...
Originally Posted by Tigger
Whatever,Stoner is a bitch! O.J. Simpson has TWO fucked knees and a severe hang nail on his left index finger but he still managed to kill two younger adults,sprint 200 feet to his car (wearing very expensive,yet uncomfortable Italian shoes) and make his get a way!!!
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