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Old 03-25-2011, 06:41 PM   #14
Semi-reformed Squid
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 531

If you had earbuds cranked-up loudly, I agree it could drown-out a siren - but I bet an onboard stereo blaring loudly on top of wind-noise would be just as likely to if not more so.

Don't know that to be a fact, but I do know that with regular earplugs (and a full-face vs. half-helmet) you'll generally hear outside sounds *better* since plugs filter out so much of the wind-noise. I bet it's the same deal w/ buds (as long as it's not cranked way up).

It would fun to roll around rocking ABBA or something totally ridiculous & unlikely just to see all the expressions though!

edit: In fairness, my perspective is pretty skewed towards quick riding out in the country on a sportbike, not cruising behind a full-fairing where I'm sure onboard tunes work better & make more sense. One of these days.... As far as earbuds being breaking the law - that would be the least of my law-enforcement worries if/when I eventually hit the trooper jackpot at a more.... spirited point in my typical rides.

Last edited by Kerry_129; 03-25-2011 at 06:49 PM..
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