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Old 06-12-2008, 02:41 PM   #3
Street Stunter
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Long Beach CA
Moto: 07 R1
Posts: 89

Originally Posted by rider76 View Post
There are some deserted backroads about 30 minutes from my house.. I see a car every 45 minutes or so, these are the roads I wheelie on.. Nobody around, no crowds, just me and my bike. I dont do it to impress anyone or to show farmer Brown that I am a badass. I wear my gear and maybe go 5mph over the speedlimit.. harmless...I do it cause its fun. Isnt that the reason we ride, cause its fun?
I have no problem with what you’re doing. Seems to be a pretty safe place for you and I am glad you’re doing it for your enjoyment. I have no problems with backroad fun. Hell, if I could find a good, deserted road, I’d probably stunt too.

This is the problem I have:

I leave work, hop on my bike get on the free way and get into the carpool lane. Cool two bikes in front of me. Suzuki’s , helmet, tshirt pants and tennis shoes, whatever your skin not mine. In front of them maybe a cars length away is a moving truck. Now here is where it starts 1. I feel they are following too close. 2 its medium to high traffic at this time of day. 3. They are not staggered and 4. (my fav) they start trying to pull wheelies.

As soon as I see the first one try, I let up on the throttle, tap the rear brakes. And keep way way back.

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