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Old 11-14-2012, 01:41 PM   #4
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Just to play devils advocate (sorry....but he fell first AMJ!)

Originally Posted by askmrjesus View Post
OK Texas

Step One: All Federal financial support ends now. Goodbye SS, Medicare, Highway funding, corporate subsidies (including agriculture) and everything else.

That's fine, what's paid for STAYS and is maintained by the independent sovereign "state" of TX. Since Texans paid the federal taxes they are entitled to the roads as well as the equipment IN Texas used to maintain them. They will however have to pay TEXANS who want to be there to maintain them with the NEW Texas taxes

Step Two: No more FBI, Disaster relief, or Coast Guard. Fuck you, buy your own boats.

Not said above, what's PAID for by Texans in federal taxes has paid for the boats. However, from this point forward Texas would be required to MAN the boats, and maintain them, however.... Texans paid taxes to HAVE the boats. The FBI can GTFO and STAY out

Step Three: Immediate closure of all US Military bases. All troops will be redeployed to AMERICA.

As stated in both previous statements. The TROOPS need to GTFO of Texas, but the BASE and all of the equipment/weapons were purchased with money TEXANS paid, so it shall remain in Texas

Step Four: The immediate termination of all Federal land grants and Oil Leases. Feel free to drill all you want on private property.

Nothing goes in OR OUT of Texas...Agreed!

I could go on, but at this point Texas would be entirely fucked anyway.

OR they could end up just fine on their own and have more than Mexicans swarming over their walls.

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Viktor Frankl
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