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Old 10-09-2013, 08:28 PM   #1
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I'm not sure their accounting is particularly accurate considering large portions of the contracts they are counting were only awarded in the last few months. Often IT purchases by the government will include delivering the product, in this case the website, then years of support and services around updating and maintaining the product. It may also include in this case the hardware required to run the website along with maintenance and support for that.

Regardless, even if the real number is an order of magnitude (or two) less the government still managed to massively overpay for an inferior product. Isn't that pretty much expected at this point?

Maybe the shutdown isn't such a bad thing. The government has to slow the pace of their fuckups for a few weeks, it'll likely save taxpayers a few billion by accident. It just sucks that the government seems to select the wrong shit to shut down, again to be expected.
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