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Old 11-11-2008, 04:19 PM   #14
Amber Lamps
Moto GP Star
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 14,556

I loved the V-Max! Lots of character and a great place to learn throttle control and how to recover from a tank slapper!!!

To anyone else,I have long fought this "You HAVE to start on a 250 or you're a stupid,vain,ignorant squid" battle for decades and I will be glad to fight it with you all (if Trip will let me that is....). The problem I have with these posts is not the advice given. It is great advice. I HATE the sanctimonious fucking,"I know better than you" way you jackasses deliver it!

When I came back from the gulf and after spending a couple months in the hospital. My ass went out and spent my combat pay on the bike I wanted! So I'm with Dave on this one.

If a guy comes up to me and asks my advice on what is a good starter bike and has zero experience. I ask him what he wants and then try to bring him down a notch or two if necessary/possible. I encourage him to take classes and if I know him,I offer to help him learn the ropes. What I don't do is stand over him and tell him that all his "EXCUSES" for wanting that bike are STUPID AND WRONG!!! Who the fuck am I to tell a GROWN MAN/WOMAN what they can spend their hard earned money on? Or what they can or can't handle?

BTW Last I checked (and I could be wrong),everyone on this board is an experienced rider and we really didn't need you to come over here and counsel us on what bikes we should buy. You can go ahead and take that shit back to where ever you came from. Thanks anyway!
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