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Old 05-17-2009, 06:06 PM   #53
Frostz28's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Dixon, IL
Moto: 2005 GSXR 750
Posts: 138

yes I have other vehicles but those vehicles are the ones that don't make any sense to have. The bike is purely for recreation. It can hardly carry any cargo. Its not comfortable for any passengers. Ya it goes along way on little gas but what good is that if it rains? The camaro is fun but I haven't driven her in about 2 years. To me having either of those for my everyday driver wouldn't make any sense. The truck is the only one that DOES make sense. It is completely capable of doing everything I need in a daily driver and more. I can drive it in rain, snow, warm weather cold weather what ever comes around my truck is ready to go. The other vehicles are the worthless ones unless conditions are right. They are fun to drive now and then but if I had to pick just one vehicle to drive it would be a truck everytime. And again yes it costs a little more in gas but that is EASILY equaled out by its versatility. I couldn't live with out a truck its just to practical. some people buy trucks that they don't need I agree but who says they aren't fun to drive? To me a tiny little underpowered car is much less fun to drive. It may handle well but unless Im on a race track its not that big of a deal. And if Im going to buy a car that handles well and stuff id rather have a camaro that handles well and hauls ass rather than a little 4 cyl car that handles good only because it weights 1000 pounds and still can't get out of its own way. Everyone has their own idea about whats fun to drive to me its a big ol truck that can have a bed loaded with stuff, can tow just about anything, gets great traction in snow and mud, I don't do it everyday but when I need to I got the vehicle I need. You can't understand why I want to pay a few dollars more per year in gas, and I can't see how anyone would want to drive a car that can do nothing but get me and MAYBE 3 other people from point A to point B. (and if Im feelin really crazy maybe a trailer with one bike on it) I guess it just comes down to the word practical. To me a truck is practical because I have one vehicle that can do everything, if I didn't need a truck then yes gas mileage would come into play. So those people out there with big trucks may feel the same way. Just because a trucks bed is empty or its not pulling a trailer when you see it don't assume that they don't need the truck. They may be on their way to pick up a 20 foot livestock trailer, or headed to home depot to pick up supplies to build a deck etc etc.
"I refuse to tip toe carefully through life, simply to arrive safely at death"

"Guys like me drink to many beers on Friday after work, our best blue jeans have skoal rings, we wear our boots to church"
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