Thread: Oh, Ladies?
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:00 PM   #37
AMA Supersport
Join Date: Nov 2008
Moto: '04 Kawasaki ZX6RR
Posts: 3,392

I started on a 250 Ninja and feel it was the best for me (looking back hubby said he would have started me on something other than the 250). I feel it allowed me to build the necessary skills that come more naturally for me now on the 600. I think if I would have started on something larger (physically) I wouldn't be as good of a rider. I would have too many things to try and work on - riding, balancing, touching (or not), etc..

I also think having my 600 for 6 weeks then going to the track really helped my confidence and skills. It allowed me to learn that bike right from the start in a controlled environment.

I get nervous at poker runs, because most of them around here are 99% Harley/cruiser riders, so any sport bike that shows up gets looked at... Kawi green doesn't help nor does a girl riding one. I really feel the stares. But I've gotten to the point that I don't care any more, I'm riding.

I think the best thing I learned or maybe hubby shared with me is paying attention to situations you are getting into. Example, I rode his ZX9 one time to get my hair done. The parking lot is on a hill and I thought I'd be better off parking to the down hill. When I went to leave I quickly learned that trying to back up a 440lb bike UP HILL wasn't as easy as if I would have parked that way to start (and backed down hill). Thank God for those gay grab handles on that bike. I remember this each time I ride the bike to get my hair done, park on the up hill. Any where I go I scan the area and quickly run through situations; if I do this, such and such will happen or if I do that, something else will happen. Some times I guess right and some times I guess wrong, but the wrongs I learn two things from 1.) not doing again and 2.) how to get myself out of the situation.
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